Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday Felines

 Someone says TURN UP THE HEAT!!

This sweetie was out ALL last night.  I've been fighting a nasty cold and went to bed early.  This morning Fletch told me she never came in and that he had heard a fox last night.  Thankfully she was waiting by the back door when I came downstairs.  Now she is curled up tightly trying to catch up on her missed sleep.

Also, she does NOT clean up her toys!  Just like a toddler!

It's a wonder we don't trip when we come downstairs!  (Dee - please note that she IS playing with the two toys you brought to her!!)

I'm planning to take it easy today.  I've been excused from my one conference call which is wonderful.  I did test myself for Covid yesterday and thankfully that came back negative.  It's just a full blown nasty cold that I am fighting.

And word is out about my upcoming retirement!  I had an email in my inbox this morning from someone who is thinking of applying for my job and wants to talk about what I do.  I'll try to set that up for sometime next week.

Meanwhile, it is 20 degrees outside (brrrr) and we are expecting a snowy weekend (or a wintry mix of some kind).  Stay warm and well my friends!


  1. Silly Mabel, staying out all night might be fun in June but it's brutal in January! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well and I hope you can rest and recuperate this weekend. That storm is heading our way on Sunday but no one can decide if we're getting rain, snow or a mix of both where I live. It's sometimes tricky as we're halfway between Boston and Plymouth so the whole ocean effect thing can go either way.

  2. Sorry you are unwell. Take care. Maybe your sock squad yarn will arrive this weekend.

  3. I hope you are feeling better soon! And Mabel... good grief girl! It's cold out!

  4. I suppose it was inevitable that you caught Fletch's cold. Feel better soon. We were greeted by an actual sunrise this morning, the first in weeks. Unfortunately, that lack of cloud cover meant frigid temps in the teens. Brrrr. Still, I'll take the sun at this point!

  5. I hope you feel better soon, and I'm glad that Mabel is back home and curled up staying warm. I still worry about her! I hope you both stay indoors this weekend and rest up.

  6. I'm sorry you're sick and hope you're soon feeling better. I've had a sore throat for three days. It's not getting any worse or any better. Mandy suggested I test for covid yesterday and it was negative. I think it may just be a sinus thing.
    I'm glad Mabel is home safe and sound. I would worry about her every night. I wish cats didn't like to be noctural outside as much as they do.

  7. Our cats used to sleep on top of the floor vents (for heat) when we had cats (and vents). Hopefully Mabel will start sleeping inside again!

  8. Our foxes were raising a ruckus out front the other night. I had to go make sure all my kitties were in the house. I am so glad Mommy cat has decided to be a house cat from now on. I used to worry about the old thing so much.
    I envy your snow. We are just going to get rain-and lots of it, again. It's been cold here, in the 20's but every time we have precipitation it warms up. The Weather Channel says we are in a "snow hole". Phooey.

  9. Oh Mabel -- she really has not learned her lesson, has she? I hope she realizes that it's no fun being out all night in January and stays in the heat. I mean, I willingly went out in the cold to run this morning, but you can bet I'm staying inside the rest of the day! I hope you can get some extra rest and get rid of that cold so you feel better. Happy weekend!

  10. Oh, thank goodness that fox had nothing to do with your sweet girl! For many years, I slept with one eye open b/c foxes, coyotes, skunks, raccoons... we had chickens for 14 years. I cursed the predators! Now that we don't have outside animals, I'm captivated by those foxes. BUT.)
    I'm sorry you're under the weather. It really got me, and I'm still not sure what it was but also tested neg for COVID. Seems like it's rampant, though. Here's to REST over your weekend.

  11. I am happy your kitty came home safe and sound! Two of ours were, we think, poisoned by our neighbor with whom we had a nasty boundary dispute. (He lost, hence the suspicion.) Retirement is great -- take it from one who knows! Just don't get too involved in volunteer activities. Just because you are not working doesn't mean you suddenly have unlimited time and energy.

  12. Do take it easy with that cold. There are so many nasty viruses around. Rest up this weekend and stay warm and toasty. I'm glad Mabel came home safe and sound this morning. We have snow predicted for Monday but the last few days have been damp and chilly.

  13. The bad cold and not Covid is going on here, too! Hope you feel better in a few days! I hope Mable caught up on her sleep! Funny about her toys! I'm always tripping on mousies!

  14. Sending you all the healing juju, Vera. Be gentle with yourself and get plenty of rest! XO

  15. We bought heated houses for our cat family and they loved them. I don't want to put them outside again since Tootsie is bringing friends home. They probably would never go back home. All packed away since we lost the boys, not sure where I put them.
