Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 1/2/24

 Good Morning All,

After too long a hiatus, I am back with a Tiny Needle update.  It is tiny for sure, but it is an update!  I looked back and my last TNT post was November 21st!  I had naturally thought that I would have time for stitching during the holidays but that didn't happen.  However, yesterday afternoon I finally picked up my little needle and this is the result:

A little blue flower in a basket.  Leaves and some more blue are still needed here, but it's a start.  And the overall piece is looking like this:

Please click to enlarge if you like.  As I mentioned back in November, I'm on the last chart.  There is a bit more to the right of the latest blue flower and all the stuff underneath that to stitch.  But I'm definitely on the final leg.  

Next I need to get back to the cactus triptych - hopefully there will be an update on both next Tuesday.

I hope everyone's start to 2024 has been gentle and nice.  Fletch seems to have come down with a nasty cold - I'm hoping he feels better today (he's still asleep as I type this).  Colin was over on Saturday and was sneezing up a storm...and ended up having a fever, so he and Mailing cancelled their plans to have friends over on New Year's Eve.  He is feeling better now though.  My friend Carol in Maryland is very sick and my brother and SIL in Delaware both came down with Covid.  There is lots of nasty stuff going around, so please stay healthy!!

I have a busy day ahead, so I'd best get cracking.  I'll be back tomorrow with an Unraveled Wednesday post.


  1. I'm so glad to see the return of this piece to your blog -- I was just thinking about it yesterday and wondering if you'd added to it! Sorry to hear that Fletch is not feeling well. It is that time of year when lots of nasty germs are going around, which makes me very happy to be working from home and away from people. I hope he's feeling better soon!

  2. That is a sweet little flower in a basket! I'm glad to see your stitching however much you have done. I have a new appreciation for making stitches with tiny needles! I've done a whole 30 or so cross-stitches on my sampler and forgot it was Tuesday so I'll have to try and work on it some more before next week. I hope you can stay healthy, too.

  3. We had all the Grands together and now Baby Grand here in MD is sick with a bad cough. My son who lives in MI told us he has had covid FIVE times now. He was the one that had asthma so I was not happy to hear that. He had a lung collapse this summer from RSV. His two babies keep bringing all the crud home from daycare. I had to bite my tongue all weekend because anyone making the kind of money he makes should NOT have to put their babies in daycare.

  4. I am so glad you have picked up your stitching again! I have missed your updates :) And I think this is a masterpiece... I love the new blue flower!

  5. That piece is so big and varied. When you finish, it'll be a fine showcase of your skills. So sorry to hear of illness in your family. So far, everyone here is escaping it since Sam had covid back in November with none of us catching it (or anything else, knock wood). Here's hoping you remain unscathed!

  6. Tell Fletch I said get well soon. The cross stitch piece is absolutely beautiful.

  7. I think that piece is so pretty with lots of interesting things to look at. Sorry to hear Fletch and Colin are both sick. There is lots of Covid around here and also Influenza A. On top of that is the nasty stomach bug that Alex, Mom and I have all had. I think everyone's immune system is a bit weak since we were isolated for so long. No one built up any resistance to anything during that time. At least that's my take on it. Take care of yourself and I hope the boys are better soon.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. I enlarged the photo of the sampler: it’s gorgeous! I hadn’t noticed the color changes throughout the stitching. Hands down, this piece is a favorite of mine. Well done! Hopefully everyone in your family will feel better soon.

  9. I really love that piece. Lots of COVID and flu around here too. Stay safe!

  10. Oh, think about using this as a table runner when it's done. It's too beautiful to put in a drawer!

  11. It's nice to see this piece again. I think Kim in Oregon has a great idea. You could even add borders if it isn't big enough for a table runner. There is lots of Covid and other nasty bugs around here. I even wore a mask in the grocery store the week before Christmas to avoid getting sick.

  12. Look at how much you've done on this long piece!!!! It is fantastic! I hope you have a good week!

  13. I only have a few local cousins and they all came down with covid (and their extended family) over Christmas, Mark's friends too. Holding my breath!!

  14. seems to be the season to be ill. I hope everyone feels better quickly and you stay healthy. I am now on an antibiotic for a sinus infection, and I'm finally feeling better slowly. Love the design of the stitching project.
