Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 1/16/24

 Hello and Good Morning!

How are you?  We did get a small amount of snow overnight - maybe 1+ inches.  It's still dark, so really hard to tell, but cold enough that it is on the street, on the ground, all over the cars, the picnic table, the fire pit.  And my computer is telling me 1" of snow soon.  I'm not sure how much more we will get today, but I don't plan to go anywhere, so I'm fine with more.  I just need to be able to get out and to the office early tomorrow morning (a catering order from Panera will arrive between 7:30 and 7:45 and I need to be there to open the door and show them where to set up the food).

There is a bit of work I need to do today - planning another meeting in Atlanta for the end of February - lining up the hotel, meeting space, dinners out, etc., etc.  Other than that, I'd like to get the bathrooms clean, wash the towels and then bake some bread and make some soup (a new-to-me recipe for mushroom soup).  That and a salad will comprise dinner.

Before I get into the meat of the day, let's talk stitching.  After all, it is Tiny Needle Tuesday (TNT).  I finally pulled out the cactus triptych and put a few stitches in it this past week.

I love the way this is looking, but whew is it fiddly!!  Here's a close up of the part I stitched.

The section in the center had already been stitched - though I discovered some blank squares and realized I never did the thorns (my least favorite part).  I stitched the green to the right of the flower and will try to finish that section this week (and add the thorns).  There are still a number of Claret Cups to be stitched, so this will take a little bit of time to do.

Meanwhile I did thumb through some of my stash last week and came up with two small pieces I will work on next.  That might be the incentive I need to finish this last cactus!

Wherever you are, I hope you are staying warm and safe.  It is cold here, but nothing compared to what they are experiencing further West.


  1. We've got snow here, too, and unfortunately no 2-hour delay for school, so I'll be out in it soon and hope the roads aren't too bad.

    The cactus does look fiddly, but I'm sure it'll be worth it. Can't wait to see what you have coming up next!

  2. Snow here as well... Steve said the trek into the city was horrendous (but he thinks a centimeter of snow is horrendous to drive in... lol) It was crunchy on my walk with Sherman... I love the hushed feeling that falling snow gives! Stay warm today... (and I love those cacti!)

  3. I hope your snow doesn't cause too many problems. We got about . . . 15" . . . over the weekend, and we're still getting occasional lake effect snow (that's not amounting to much). But none of it is going ANYWHERE until the temperatures get A WHOLE LOT higher! I love your cactus piece, Vera. It is absolutely charming! XO

  4. Your cacti are helping me to think warm thoughts, and they are welcome on this cold and snowy day. We got a couple of inches last night but it's still snowing. It's enough that we have to clear it off the sidewalk and driveway, but not enough to be too bad (she said hopefully). Hope it's a good Tuesday for you!

  5. Cold is cold - no comparisons needed. Love your stitching and looking forward to seeing you sock squad yarn in action 😉

  6. Snow here, too, just a bit. But it's so frigid that the sound it made when Rick pulled his car out this morning was horrid. We're under a wind chill advisory, and the Real Feel temps are sub-zero. I'm not leaving this house again today.

    I really like the modern look of your cactus triptych. It would make a nice gift for someone who has a Southwestern decor.

  7. We will have freezing temps this weekend but right now we are dealing with T-storms!!! This is supposed to be our dry season-ha! The cacti will sure make a very pretty framed pic when you are done with the prickles!

  8. Hello Cactus! Good to see them again especially in the frozen tundra the world turned into over night. I do love the snow but being locked in with you know who and 6 whiny critters is testing my last nerve. I'm no fan of warm weather but I'd love to kick them all outside right about now.

  9. The cactus is looking good.

    Looking forward to seeing what you stitch next.

  10. It's still waaay below zero this morning and I refuse to look and see how much. When I went to bed it was -13F and I know it got colder. We leave tomorrow and were hoping to drive out of it by the time we got to Kansas/Oklahoma, but apparently it will be with us all the way to the cruise terminal and beyond! Just not THAT cold, thankfully. We're praying for good roads at least as we drive. Ours are still pretty bad after our two big snowstorms last week.
    I like that cactus but it does look a bit fiddly. It will be fun to see the new projects that you've chosen. There's nothing like living vicariously through others beautiful work. :-)
    I'm guess you're on a "days left" countdown for work. I know you will be greatly missed.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Those little cacti look so cute! My real cacti never bloom, though one of my other aloes has a bloom spike coming up!

  12. This will probably be the last meeting you need to arrange, yes? YAY! Stay warm!

  13. Those little cacti are charming. It's nice to see some green during all of this snow and cold. I wonder what your next pieces will be?
