Monday, January 8, 2024

Weekending 1/8/24

 Hello and Good Morning!

How was your weekend?  Mine was one for staying inside.  Plans to meet up with Dee were cancelled ahead of time due to still fighting a cold and the weather predictions.  We hunkered down and spent the entire weekend at home (perfection in my book!).

It did start to snow as promised right around Noon on Saturday, but though pretty it didn't amount to much after all was said and done.

And then it changed to rain and was just very cold and damp.  Comfort food was on order so I had put on a pot of split pea soup early in the day.

It was a warming meal and I made biscuits to go with it.  Mabel was in and out only about a hundred times!!  She'd go out for a little bit and then paw at the back door to come in, have a bite to eat and get warm.

Sunday was still pretty chilly.  I made macaroni and cheese for dinner along with stewed tomatoes.  Comfort food again!  Later we watched the first episode of the new season of All Creatures Great and Small.

Has anyone else watched the new season of Shetland?  We still have one more episode to watch, but my gosh what a bunch of wacky characters!

My Mom always bought candles around Christmas time that dripped different colors.  They were some of my favorite and the other year I found some on Amazon and bought them.  Then I forgot about them and didn't use them.  They were re-discovered this year just last week, so I brought them out.

 These are a bit of a disappointment.  They look a bit anemic to me.  My memory tells me that the drips from the candles my Mom always bought were much larger and more dramatic.  These drips are more like toothpick trails.  Luckily I have some other tapers we can use when these are finished.  We do enjoy having dinner by candlelight at this time of year.  Cozy and pretty!

It was a great weekend for getting in some knitting and stitching as well as a couple of naps. My kind of weekend.  Now it is back to reality.  I have a conference call at 10 and some other work-related projects I need to do.  Whatever is on your plate or agenda today, I hope it brings a positive start to your week!


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed a cozy weekend resting indoors, Vera. It sounds like you are feeling better now, too. We used to have drip-candles at the holidays, too -- and I do remember being mesmerized by them. What a fun memory . . . Sorry yours didn't quite live up to expectations - but they're still awfully fun!

  2. PS . . . We did watch the new season of Shetland. It was . . . something to watch; entertaining but not great. It was just . . . ALL OVER THE PLACE.

  3. This sounds like my kind of weekend for sure! I'm glad you got to stay home and I hope you're feeling better, too. We haven't started the new season of All Creatures Great & Small, we just started the final season of The Crown.

  4. It sounds like your snow was much like ours -- came down fast, looked pretty, then started melting. And I'm fine with it! It was a good weekend for staying warm inside and for eating soup (we had chicken noodle for dinner last night). Hope today is easy and you're feeling much better!

  5. Hope you are on the mend. We watched the newest season of Shetland and not impressed. Ann Cleeves is not part of the writing team. It was an odd season.

  6. We too, had snow for a hot minute here in Pittsburgh. I remember those drip candles as well! They were so mesmerizing!

  7. Ooooh, there's a bigger look at that tablecloth! Thank you :) Sounds like a perfectly cozy weekend. But, oh, the rain. Our snow turned to rain--and the 'big storm' forecasted for mid-week is likely to be rain here, too. Just too warm. And that's always a mess. Fingers crossed the wind won't be as bad as they say.
    I hope you're feeling better after a weekend of nourishment!

  8. It was a great weekend to stay in and recover. We got about 5 or 6 inches of snow, sleet, and rain that made each shovelful weigh at least 20 lbs. John's shovel handle broke because it was so heavy!
    I hope your Monday is a good one and you can begin counting down the Mondays you have left to work. You're probably off next Monday for MLK Day so that only leaves 6 more!

  9. The weekend was just what you needed to feel better with that cold! The soup/biscuits sounds like wonderful comfort food! The candles remind me of so many trials when I try to relive 'great' memories....

  10. It sounds like the perfect weekend. I remember those candles but I remember ours much "brighter" just like you do. We're in a winter storm warning. All school and lots of workplaces closed down. It was supposed to begin by 4:00 am but we're still waiting. I wonder if it will actually happen? Have a great day Vera.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. I haven't thought about dining by candlelight but that sounds fun (although Scout might totally freak out). I'm thinking that we should start watching ACGAS--we tried to watch the original and it was just too sad for me. Maybe this one isn't as sad? And I love Shetland, and although I dearly adore Jimmy Perez I found that I liked Ruth a lot. And unbelievably I could even follow the plot the vast majority of the time! Have you seen Annika? The actor playing Cal in Shetland is Annika's partner. He's a really good actor. It was also fun seeing the housekeeper from Downton playing a bad person.

  12. What a pretty picture of your apple tree. Hope you are feeling much better today.

  13. I've got a bag of split peas in the bean bin and am waiting for a wintry day to use them but I'm still waiting.
    We had those candles too and I remember them being bright colors as it ran down the sides. I thought they were so cool.

  14. Winter flew by here in a mix of snow and rain. IT's mostly hovering just above or below freezing depending on the time of day. It's definitely grey and blah
    I hope your cold is waning.

  15. I remember those candles! Ours were covered in white wax that was very textured, like frosting, and it hid each candle's colour change. My mom used to put them on decorative bottles or wine bottles and use the same ones for years, so that the dripped wax made a very artsy look.

    Our snow storm is coming this weekend, but we're getting very high winds tomorrow. I'm just coming off a two-day migraine with all the odd weather we had the past several days with the barometer going crazy by the hour. Ugh.

  16. We had some snow today (Monday) and like yours it didn't amount to nearly as much as predicted. I believe it was sleet this afternoon and the sidewalks and streets are slushy. Eating by candlelight is a nice idea for this time of year. Maybe I'll have to get some candles. When I was in graduate school, sticking one of those dripping candles into a wine bottle was all the rage.

  17. From watching reports I expected your area to get hammered with snow. Whew! I completely forgot about those candles. That was a long time ago! Hope you feel better.

  18. We stayed home all weekend, I wasn't feeling well and neither was my husband but I did get a lot of knitting done.

  19. Last weekend was the first of my long weekends due to shifting the schedule around -- 5 days off, and TWO of them were Pajama Days! I didn't plan to do that... it just happened on Saturday, and then we had a bad weather day on Tuesday. (Oops, it happened again!! haha.)
