Friday, January 12, 2024

A Friday Mishmash 1/12/24

Good Morning Friends!

Welcome to a chilly Friday morning.  It is 29 here.  But the really cold weather is forecast for next week along with some snow (which I will welcome - I hope I can get out and take a walk in it!).

Wednesday in the office was a longer affair than I had hoped for.  There were more people than usual in that day and some stopped by to chat and then wouldn't leave.  Annoying.  I did have a long chat with Bobby (our CEO) and that was nice.  I had mentioned that two people would be taking over my responsibilities and that is true.  What I hadn't mentioned is that both of these folks have other job responsibilities that they will not be giving up.  So, it's not really that I do the work of two people (though sometimes it feels as though I do the work of at least five!), it's that no one new is being hired and, therefore, my work needs to be split up a bit.  I did meet with one of those people on Wednesday and started to review some files, etc. with her.  I meet with the other person next week when I am in on Wednesday for Bruce's meeting.

Last night was another night of sleep issues.  I went to bed early - around 10:15 or so.  I had been knitting, but was starting to mess things up a bit.  I fell asleep right away, but then woke up around 12:30 and felt wide awake!  Usually I just lay in bed and toss and turn until I fall back asleep, but last night I actually sat up, turned on the light and read for an hour or so.  And then I heard a fox "barking" pretty loudly.  He/She sounded as though they were across the street in Rob's garden.  Anyway, I turned out the light and fell asleep pretty quickly.  I was happy to know that this girl was inside!

The "rainbow" on the floor is from our Christmas tree lights - yes, our tree is still up - a battle I have decided not to fight with my hubby.  He always wants the tree to stay up for AGES!  I'm ready to clean everything up.

Speaking of cleaning everything up, what month is it?  January?  How can we be having an invasion of ants in our kitchen in January?  It is making me crazy.  They are the tiny ants that I think people call "sugar ants."  I've put out fresh ant traps along windowsills and counters, but still they are EVERYWHERE.  Two mornings ago when I came downstairs there was a steady stream of them walking across the windowsill over the sink.  Roughly 3 dozen were killed immediately.  And still there were more!  They have finally seemed to ease up a bit, but geeze!

Fletch and I are back on cat duty at C&M's starting tonight.  The kids are heading to NYC for a long weekend.  There are two separate Picasso exhibits that they want to see, plus they just really like NYC.  Heavy rains are forecast for today, so hopefully they will have an easy and safe journey up to NYC.

My plan is to meet with Dee tomorrow morning after feeding the cats for some much needed girl time.  It will be good to sip and chat and knit and chat, etc., etc.  Nice to know, too, that Monday is a holiday for me (work-wise).

 There are a couple of errands I should run this morning and then I have a conference call at 11 and another one at 1 p.m.  After that I will be in full weekend mode!  Happy Friday everyone!!


  1. so glad you are meeting Dee and getting together!! Ants? crazy isn't it but we had a ton of rain so maybe that inspired them to move about?

  2. That is crazy about those ants. Have a fun time with Dee. I would love a local knitting buddy to meet for coffee and yarn chat.

  3. I never even got the tree up this year and the rainbow on the floor does look nice. Some battles aren't worth fighting. But ants! I had an invasion last summer and put out lots of traps but they just kept coming. I finally looked outside and I think they had a nest under our trash and recycling bins. I moved the bins, sprayed, and then they were gone. I don't think they would do well outside in below freezing weather, but I guess that's why they're in your kitchen. It does take a while to get rid of them with traps because they have to take the chemical back to their nest, but I will keep my fingers crossed for no more ants - very soon!

  4. Ants! Same thing here! Yesterday, I found that one of our dogs had dropped a piece of kibble outside of her bowl. By the time I found it, there were dozens of ants crawling on it. I couldn't believe it! That underscores our climate issues in a very real-life kind of a way, I'd say...
    Sound like your time with Dee will be welcome and wonderful. Here's to weekend mode!

  5. I still have many "winter" decor things up in my house! I take down all the "Santa" things, and all things green and red. But I leave up a lot of twinkle lights and white/gold/"snowy" kinds of decorations until late into February. It helps in this long, gloomy time of year. Have a great weekend, Vera! XO

  6. You sound ready for a long weekend! I hope you get to enjoy the knitting and chatting with Dee without any weather interference!

  7. You do sound ready for a long weekend! (and I have ant thoughts... I think the rains have some impact on seeing them indoors... we had 4-ish inches of standing water in our backyard and I noted a good number of ants on our back porch.) I hope your traps work quickly! Enjoy your time with Dee tomorrow and have a great LONG weekend!

  8. We took the ornaments off the tree & packed them all away, but the tree itself is still up & adding a warm glow to the living room! Maybe next week...

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Looking forward to tomorrow.

    Mabel looks pretty next to the rainbow on the floor. Of course, she is ALWAYS a pretty girl.

  10. I remember Brad and Mandy having one of those ant infestations in Portland. They tried everything. And when I say Mandy is an immaculate housekeeper, I'm not kidding. Not like her Mama at all. They ended up calling a pest control place and having them out once a month. Apparently the entire neighborhood was like that.
    I'm glad that things are moving along for your retirement. Not much longer!
    Sweet Mabel. Glad she was inside when that fox was outside.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. I've got an invasion of stink bugs going on. They keep popping out of everywhere scaring me to death. I gently toss them out in the cold which I'm sure doesn't make them happy.
    We seem to be on the same sleep schedule. I am up all hours too. I wake up thinking it's morning and it's just after midnight. I hate that.

  12. I haven't seen any ants in our house, thankfully, but we did have a really annoying fly buzzing around earlier in the week! I guess global warming is really confusing the animals and insects as much as all the spring plants that already seem to be coming up!

    Hope you have a lovely time with Dee and enjoy your long weekend!

  13. Have fun with Dee, and hugs to Mabel and the grandkitties.

  14. Mabel looks so petite and kittenish in that photo. What a dear.

    Ants!? Good heavens. I'm a fan of Home Defense, which is a pet-safe product and marvelous at keeping all sorts of bugs at bay. Failing that, I've also had a bit of success by rubbing citrus peels as a barrier, but only inside.

  15. I'm like Kym - I've put away the "true" Christmas stuff (Santas and things that are red) and I've left out the winter stuff - trees without ornaments and twinkle lights, boxwood wreaths in the windows and silver trees with twinkle lights on the mantle. It helps the winter not feel so cheer-less. Good luck with the ant battle!

  16. Well, there is another husband that wants the tree lit longer. Hope it comes down this weekend. Hobby Lobby has a small lighted wire tree (not Christmas) in their entrance and he wants it every time we go.

    Wind here is vicious again, very cold.

  17. Look at that sweet Mabel. I imagine she might have played with the reflection of the lights? I hope you get some snow. Although we are socked in, 8 inches in the last 24 hours and that is on top of the six inches from the beginning of the week. However we can use all the moisture and I was able to stay indoors today and knit.
