Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 1/10/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

Whew!  What a storm last night, huh?  A ton of rain fell and the winds were SO strong!  Various things were flying around our patio and banging down.  Poles, containers, a gathering basket that had been hanging on a post, etc.  Fletch was busy sucking up water in the basement and maintaining some kind of order there.  The temperature rose to 60 in the evening!  This morning it is still mild (44 degrees), and it sounds as though the wind is still kicking around.  I have to go to the office a little later and I'll be curious to see what the various rivers and creeks I drive over look like.

It's mid-week which means that it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Despite my weekend focus on finishing my BIG stitched sampler, I did manage some knitting time as well.

My second Treasure Sock is underway and going well.

The heel flap is next and the heel turn - that always seems to go quickly.  Then it will be picking up the gusset stitches and sailing down the foot.

The hot pink lopi yarn was joined to the hat.

After cutting off the black yarn I wound the rest of it into a ball and did not find any more breaks.  Yay!  So, I haven't fully decided what I will do, but maybe a bit of a colorwork design for a few rows or maybe some stripes before I start the decreases.  In either case, it shouldn't take too much longer to finish this hat.

I'm hoping to spend a little time on the Appleseed Mitts later this week.  Today is pretty full, but maybe tomorrow.

I decided to join the Farmer's Daughter Sock Squad 2024 and will be receiving a full skein and a mini skein of yarn EVERY month.  I might be crazy!  I'm not sure I will make a pair of socks each and every month.  I may use some of the yarn for a shawl or a cowl or something else.  But, the first yarn arrived and it will be socks!  I've wound the yarn and it is gorgeous.  I'm comfortable sharing a picture because I'm sure anyone who reads this blog and who subscribed to Sock Squad 2024 has already received their yarn.  Here it is:

I'm thinking of  knitting the Fairy Maiden pattern (free on Rav) using the mini dark blue for the cuffs and toes (maybe heels too).

I was excited about receiving the Sock Squad Journal as well, but mine did not arrive yet.  Instead there was a note in the bag with my yarn explaining that one of the boxes of their journals had gone MIA and instead of holding up my January yarn, they will send the journal with my February yarn.

So many projects - both knitting and stitching - retirement cannot come quickly enough!!

Reading is still slow for me.  I'm listening to The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride.  It is a good story, but I just don't much care for audio books.  However, I will finish this - especially after listening to everyone's comments last night on our Read With Us Zoom call.  I have increased the speed and I may bump that up a notch again and see if that helps.  (I've moved up to #45 in the queue at my library, but at this point I think I will just finish listening to it.)

Fletch and I are still listening to Fox and I (think we have under 3 hours left) and at night I am still reading George: A Magpie Memoir and am still finding it bizarre/wacky.  LOL

It turns out that my job will be split between 2 people.  Today I am heading to the office a little later and will meet with one of the individuals who will be taking over part of my responsibilities.  I'll be meeting with the second person next week.  I have a ton of files (electronic) that I can share that should make their jobs easier.  I also have some work I need to get done.  The financial reports that I had planned on running and distributing yesterday had not been updated, so I need to check and see if they are available now.  Lots to do and very little interest in doing it!  LOL

Be sure in your wanderings today to head over to Kat's and see what everyone is doing.  Inspiration abounds!!


  1. You must be SO excited about transferring your job duties to others! Retirement is so close now that I'll bet you can taste it. :-) I love your Treasure Sock -- the colors, the pattern -- perfection! XO

  2. Surprisingly, we had no water in our basement from all the rain yesterday because the back yard was a lake! I bet those meetings will be THE BEST as you move on towards retirement! :)

    I really like your new yarn! (and that pattern you picked for it!!)

  3. So it will take TWO people to replace you! How flattering. 😉

    Your Treasure socks will be just beautiful. I can't wait to see how the new ones will be in your two yarns.

  4. You've got some nice projects underway.

    It's weird how similar our weather is this winter! We had crazy winds last night too - we did get some snow, but not a lot. Wind was wild though

  5. We had 4+ inches of rain so we were in the cellar until 1:30 pumping it out so the furnace didn't get wet. I'm not looking forward to another inch of rain on Friday especially now that the ground is completely saturated. You've probably known it all along, but it's interesting that it will take two people to replace you! Your sock and hat are looking good, and that Farmer's Daughter sock yarn is beautiful. It's a good thing you're retiring so you can knit all the things!

  6. The new yarn is gorgeous! You will enjoy the monthly subscription! (and so will we!) I don't think the wild and crazy weather is over yet!

  7. The wind has been howling here the last week, and I-80 has been closed to light, high profile vehicles (i.e. empty semi trailers, camper trailers, motor homes,etc.). Yesterday, my car door was whipped out of my hand as I opened it. The new yarn is pretty. I’m glad you’re treating yourself to the monthly Sock Club.

  8. That storm was CRAZY!

    The Treasure socks are looking good. Your new sock yarn is pretty and that pattern is going to look great in that color. This Handmade Life makes pretty patterns. I've done several of hers.

  9. I've spent the morning cleaning up after the big storm. We didn't have much damage but my house and yard is a muddy mess. The town has all the main roads closed due to flooding. Yuck.

  10. The Treasure Sock is such a nice pattern. Did Mabel spend the night inside?

  11. I was so disappointed to miss last night's discussion! Our internet/cell were out due to the storm :(
    Your year-long commitment sounds like a fun one. Getting anything shipped monthly is such a treat, but yarn and projects--esp. with retirement on the horizon! Well. Extra fun.
    I hope Fletch was able to dry up the basement. So glad that's not my department. Troy had to deal with water from the other direction--coming down from the ceiling through light fixtures! Ack.
    Hope the weather's calmed there today. We've moved on to sideways snow and wind gusts at 50 mph. Glad to have snow vs rain though, at this point!

  12. Love the treasure sock and your new yarns too. I haven't heard of that monthly subscription, but the last thing I need is more yarn to guilt me into trying to knit/crochet faster! Ha!
    I wonder if you guys had the wind that we had with our blizzard. 50 mph + is what the weather guys were saying. It's going to be CCCCOLD starting tomorrow. In fact, in addition to 3 day that it's not supposed to be over 0 F, the next 10 days are forecast to not get above 30F. Glad we're leaving next week to head south. :-)
    Enjoy teaching others your job. They went through 6 people in 3 months when I left my job. People just refused to do the things I did and they finally hired two people to fill the job. Full-time people. It makes me feel better to have them finally realize how hard I worked when I was there. Although it didn't do me any good. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. As excited as you are about retiring, I imagine it has to feel good to know that they''ll need two people to replace you! I hope you didn't encounter any major difficulties in your trip in to the office. We had rain as well, and I noticed a lot of small branches on the ground, but thankfully there doesn't seem to be any major damage in our area.

    Love the first shipment of yarn you received! You may not knit up what you get every month, but I'm sure receiving it each month will be a fun surprise.

  14. Congrats on that gorgeous sampler finish. And the end of work life. Like most, in a few months, you will wonder how you had time to work. We had horrendous winds that were/are bitterly cold. Large limbs, smaller branches, a mess through the entire yard and too wet and cold to pick up. Next week, low 20's!! NOOOOOOOO!

  15. Yay for another sock squad participant ... I look forward to seeing what you knit (and this pattern might be a nice break when you get tired of socks).

  16. I sure do like the Treasure Socks. I haven't heard of the Sock Squad but that might be just as well. I have plenty of sock yarn in my stash. Nice to see you last evening.
