Monday, January 15, 2024

Weekending 1/15/24

 Hello and Good Morning!

How was your weekend?  Mine is actually still going on since today is MLK Day and is a holiday for my company (although I've already had to do some work - approving travel and some other stuff).  Our rain and wind Friday night did not match the forecast.  It was not bad at all.  In fact, when I left the house around 8 a.m. Saturday morning it was 60 degrees!!  

I met up with Dee for a delightful morning into the afternoon and when we got up to leave Manhattan Bagel the temp had started to drop.  This morning it is just 23 and by tomorrow or Wednesday it is supposed to be in the teens.  Meanwhile the wind picked up again yesterday and CRAZY - blew the sides and cap off of the cold frame in the garden.  Twice!  I can't tell yet if it held overnight (still dark out), but hopefully the cold frame survived.  Nothing in there right now, but before too long Fletch will be planting lettuce, chard, spinach, etc. for early Spring crops.

Colin & Mailing went to NYC on Friday, so we have been on cat duty - going over twice a day to feed and empty the litter boxes.  I'll go over in a bit for a final feeding this morning - the kids should be back by the afternoon.

Talbot in the office room

Marcel eyeing the toy basket

They will be happy to have C&M home again.  Their lives have been so disrupted lately with moving and then being in PA while C&M were back in TX for a few weeks, then everyone home again and the movers come with furniture and then C&M take off for NYC.  Whew!  The house looks so much better (and lived in) with their furniture back home; paintings on the wall; etc.

The balance of my weekend included some nice making time, a bit of reading and some cooking.  Last night I made Spicy Cuban Beef (which really isn't all that spicy) for dinner with basmati rice and THIS SALAD to go with it.  The salad is a winner!  I did skip the green olives because there were already some in the Spicy Cuban Beef and I used some mandarin oranges instead of cara cara, naval or blood because that's what I had.  I loved the combination of fennel and arugula and the vinaigrette was supurb!  I will definitely make this again.

There is a small possibility of some snow this morning and then we are forecast to get 1-3" on Tuesday.  We are planning to skip grocery shopping and just hunker down.  I am thinking I'll make a pot of soup and bake some bread for dinner on Tuesday.  Good soup weather!

There are a few errands I want/need to run today, but I will try to get them out of the way early - after I feed the cats.  Sending good wishes to all for a great start to the week.  If you are in the path of the storm, stay safe and warm!!


  1. No snow here (we had a dusting over the weekend) but the temperature is 11.... yeah, it was a quick walk for Sherman! (He hates, hates, hates the cold! LOL) Stay warm and I hope those winds die down soon!

  2. yay for an extra day off! So glad you got to see Dee. I'm sure once they are settled back on the East coast the crazy traveling will end and you will reap the benefits of their steady company.

  3. The wind here twice blew the cover off our porch table and chairs, despite the fact that it has straps with buckles on it to hold it in place, and today it's frigid out. Definitely a good day to stay in and make something warm to eat!

  4. The wind was fearfully crazy yesterday! I went to Aldi and had trouble standing up in the parking lot. Then there was the dodging of the tree limbs and downed electric wires on the way home. I'm glad it's calmed down!

  5. We're supposed to get a little snow tomorrow, too, and it's very cold here today. I'm glad to have the day off so that I can stay inside! I've been making Soup on Sunday (it's a trend hahahaha) since the 1st of the month and I'm loving it. So far I've done ham & bean, chicken & rice, and venison stew. I'm working on perfecting dinner rolls to go with it, too.

  6. Such handsome grandcats.
    I awoke to 1.4 degrees this morning. We've been in single digits for a few mornings now, and will be for another week or so. It's been awful, but at least the high winds have settled somewhat. Snow is coming in a couple of days. UGH.

    At least it's sunny, but that's one reason why we're so cold. There is definitely soup and/or chili on the menu here.

  7. Hang on tightly for the winter's ups and downs! The cats are so pretty--yes, it must be hard for them to be separated from their peoples!

  8. The cold got here too last night. We woke up to a dusting of snow with more promised. 1-3 inches. Could it be possible? I'll believe it when I see it.
    I'm staying in and making some matzo ball soup for dinner. No Pup walking today. Brrr...The Mister's on his own for therapy this week.

  9. The dressing for that salad sounds like it would work on a lot of different salads. Might have to bookmark that one.

    It will be interesting to see how much snow we actually get.

  10. We still haven't been above zero since last Wednesday. So cold. It was -42F wind chill a few nights ago. This is getting ridiculous. We leave on Wednesday and I dread it. There are still roads blocked everywhere because of the snow. Some becaue of 12 foot blizzards. In Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma. We'll see how it goes.
    The boys look happier to be in their home but the have sure had some upheaval in their lives haven't the? I'm sure they'll settle back in and it will be like they never left home.

  11. Winter his hard and fast this weekend for us, so it was definitely and indoor one here! The sun is shining today, but it's still COLD!

    Talbot looks so handsome in the window.

  12. You had a lovely weekend. I hope this extra weekend day goes as well. It's bitter cold with lots of snow on the ground. Finally, a winter. We are also making do with the groceries in the pantry.

  13. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend and stay safe and warm!

  14. It's definitely soup weather! I made one of my favorites over the weekend, it's a Julia Childs recipe for French onion soup.
    I'm impressed at how well adjusted Talbot and Marcel are! They've really rolled with some punches, sounds like. I imagine it makes a difference that they have each other. (And you!)
    I'm glad you and Dee got some good hours in together before the weather shifted. Here's hoping your cold frame survived! (It was some wind, wasn't it?!)

  15. Salad is interesting! I use those little mandarin fruit cups, dried cranberries, avocado, mozzarella pearls, and walnuts as the go-to. Will give this one a try. Cuban sandwiches are one of my favorites. We are single digit here, teens this afternoon. WTH?

  16. That salad looks fantastic - thanks for sharing the recipe! and all the smiles that you and Dee had so much good time together on Saturday. How far apart do you live from each other?
