Friday, February 2, 2024

Well That Didn't Work Out! 2/2/24

 Well Hello and Happy Friday!

Happy Groundhog's Day too.  I wonder what Phil will predict.  And I wonder if our own Steve the Beav will make an appearance.  My guess is not.  It is cloudy and I heard gentle rain during the night.  At least it's warmer - 40 degrees this morning.

On to the title of this post.  Last night I finished the first Crescent Moon Sock:

I love it.  I love the crescent moons.  I love the two little stripes that I added before the toe decreases.  But my friends...this is the first and last Crescent Moon Sock.  I can't get it over my foot!  Yes, it goes onto the foot ok (and that toe and the stripes look so cute!), but where the crescent moons are I apparently knit extremely tightly and I cannot stretch it to go over my heel!

So...I will not be ripping it back (I do cuff down socks and there is no way I'm ripping back that entire sock.)  My guess is that I will eventually just throw it out (but I can't bring myself to do that right now).  There is not enough yarn left to make two socks, so the yarn will sit for awhile too.  I suppose I could make shortie socks, but I really don't like them and wouldn't wear them.

It's ok in the long run.  It's only yarn and it's not a life or death situation.  Am I disappointed?  Yes.  Am I angry?  No.  What would be the point?

There are still no ideas that popped into my head for the February Sock Squad yarn, so today I will find yarn in my stash and cast on for a simple pair of socks...or a shawl...or something.  I'm meeting up with Dee tomorrow and I MUST have something to knit!  LOL  And casting on while chatting with a friend is not a good idea for me...I need to have something new started today.  I have no idea what that will be, but I'll let you know another time.

Meanwhile, I do wish you all a wonderful weekend.  Here's hoping you find some fun and some joy!


  1. Oh ugh, Vera... one huge UGH. That is a LOT of knitting to not work. Sigh. (on a bright note... a yarny vendor emailed with some "new yarn" with neon stripes. It was just what I needed to WAKE UP! lol)

  2. Oh dear! Please don't throw that sock out, though. You can snip off the top of the leg and reknit it in the other direction. I recommend going up in needle size for the colorwork. Or just knit it plain and then duplicate stitch the moons.

  3. I'm so sorry about the sock, Vera. It happens . . . I think colorwork is tricky in socks or mittens. It really does mess up one's gauge . . . XO

  4. Well, damn. I'm sorry that didn't work! That has happened to me and I give the socks to Hannah because she has very narrow feet. I hope you find something wonderful to cast on.

  5. That is a knitting tragedy, Vera! It's such nice yarn and a lovely design it seems awful to throw out. Maybe Sarah's solution would work. But I do hope you get something new cast on before tomorrow and enjoy carefree knitting with Dee!

  6. I would try Sarah’s idea because if it doesn’t work, you haven’t lost anything more. I have avoided color work in socks because I have been worried about this happening.

  7. Oh, darn. Darn, darn, darn. (And that's not a Sock Pun.)

  8. Oy vie. I know me...I'd have to hide that sock. And the remaining yarn. And at some later point when I'd throw it away, I'd feel such relief!
    You have a remarkable attitude about it. Happy casting on...for even happier knitting with Dee tomorrow!

  9. That would devastate me totally. Commiserations.

  10. What a bummer. I think it happens to all of us at one time or another. With me it was not long after I began knitting socks. I don't know what I did, but I could not get the instep over my heel. I must have missed several decrease rounds on the heel turn or something. I tossed them in despair. But I think Sarah really has a great idea. I'm going to try to remember that if, (or when), I need it. Have fun with Dee as I know you will.

  11. Bring that sock tomorrow. I will rip it back for you. Don't waste that beautiful, beautiful yarn -----------------------well, unless you really just can't look at it. LOL

    Hopefully, the next project will be one to love. See you at Manhattan Bagel tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

  12. That's the hardest part about doing colourwork socks! I have been there too - and it's so disappointing!

  13. Pretty sock and such a shame it doesn’t fit. Gloomy in Laramie this morning with a storm on the horizon - winter is not finished with us yet.

  14. I'm so sorry about the sock. I knit colowork way too tightly too. Do you think if you soak it and stretch it things might change?

  15. The last time that happened to me I ripped back the foot and heel and made mitts out of them.

  16. If you can't remove and remedy, decorate it will wool bits or buttons or cross stitch, insert seasonal sprigs, and hang it!

  17. Vera I am so sorry to hear about your sock. I agree with Sarah, don’t throw it out, just redo the top. Casting in something new always helps … enjoy!

  18. Bummer!!!! You only have to snip the yarn near that top colorwork part and pick up stitches and work the cuff again--you don't have to waste that beauty of a sock!

  19. Well darn it anyway. However you have a good attitude about it all. You are right it is only yarn. It's a pretty sock and you were able to knit with the yarn.

  20. how disappointing but sometimes knitting goes that way. I knit an entire sweater once that didn't fit...I have no idea how that happened but I'll blame the cotton yarn.
