Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 2/14/24

 Hello and Happy Valentine's Day!!  

Here's to a day filled with love (every day should be filled with love) and, perhaps, some chocolate and some vino.  And some flowers!

We stayed put yesterday.  It snowed all morning and we ended up with about 6" overall.

Wet, heavy snow.  Fletch did go out later in the day to clean off the cars and walk down the driveway to get our mail.  It was so pretty and Miss Mabel loved being outside in it.  She was out most of the morning and then napped most of the afternoon.

Well, as mentioned, it's Valentine's Day and also Ash Wednesday and Unraveled Wednesday.  Let's link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers and see what everyone is making and reading this week.  I have both a finish and a start to share!  First up, my Route 66 sock (first one) is finished and...not wanting to have second sock syndrome, the second one has been cast on.

I'm not sure who will end up getting these.  They will be the right size for both Fletch and Colin.

I'm happy to have (finally) started my Hitch on the Move.  Only the start up rows have been knit, but it's a start...actually the second one...the first time I somehow dropped a stitch and messed everything up.  But now I'm on a roll (I hope).

The yarn is Ema's Yarn.  On the left is "Wish You Were Beer" and on the right is "Weathervane."  I bought these two skeins a few years ago on an outing with Dee thinking that they would be nice together in a shawl.  I had no specific pattern in mind, but then Hitch on the Move came out and I thought it would be perfect.

Reading has been mostly slow.  I'm still reading This Book and still finding the text somewhat tedious and boring...the recipes look good though.  And, I'm listening to "The Poisonwood Bible" which has more humor in it than I recall.  Not that it's a comedy or funny book by any means, but there are times I laugh out loud while listening.  I still have about 8 hours to go.  I'm in queue for a couple of books at my library, so hopefully one or more will come to me soon.

Fletch and I are still enjoying The Ride of Her Life - this would go much faster if we read more than 10 pages or so after dinner.  Still, it is very enjoyable.  The kindness of strangers is such a nice thing to read about.  And, it reminds me of when my Mom and her friend Jennie took off from Vermont in 1940 and road their bikes all the way to California.  They too experienced the kindness of strangers in so many ways.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Fletch and I are running out late morning to a candy store about 30-45 minutes away.  They sell the most wonderful dark chocolate pretzels and Fletch has had a hankering for them for months now!  And then we will go out to lunch somewhere.  I'll catch up with work emails when I get back.  I'm practicing for retirement (in just a few weeks!!).


  1. Sounds like a perfectly lovely Valentine's Day plan! And I especially love Mabel's idea of a snowy day: play, explore, nap! ('Snack' certainly falls in there, somewhere.)
    You make socks sound easy, Vera! They still intimidate me -- I think it's due to One Bad Experience, which I must put behind me. I enjoy watching yours fly off the needles. This colorway is especially attractive.
    Enjoy the day!

  2. Your Route 66 socks look good and you'll soon have a pair. And your HotM is off to a great start! It's almost like magic to watch those triangles forming and reminds me that I wanted to knit a bigger one. Retirement does take some practice to get it right so you should make sure you practice often. Just a couple more weeks!

  3. Your Route 66 socks remind me how much I really love knitting with Zauberball yarns... (and how great they wear!) I love your Valentine's Day plan as well! Chocolate makes every day better! :)

  4. We ended up with a few flurries here yesterday and that was it -- I think all of you out east got all the snow! I hope the roads are cleared for you today for your trip for chocolate. I hope the shawl is on track now and your one false start was all the difficulties you'll have with it. The socks are a lot of fun; I suppose Fletch and Colin can decide among themselves who gets them when they're done!

  5. I really had fun knitting my Hitch on the Move . . . once I got started. (I had to start mine twice, too!) It's so much easier than it looks -- but a bit of a mind-bender at first. I love the yarn you've chosen! It's going to look like a foamy, just-poured beer. :-) Love the socks, too. (The plain ones are always my favorites.)

  6. Thank you for keeping the snow out your way. We had bursts of wet flurries and nothing stuck. Hooray! Your current projects are off to a good start. And you're doing great at preparing for Retirement, especially making special trips for chocolate cravings. LOL

  7. Gosh that's a lot of snow. Hope you got out for a Good day today. Love your sock yarn

  8. I LOVE a snowy Valentine's Day. I got married on one almost 50 years ago to my First Mister. The union didn't stick the landing but I got two great boys out of the deal.

  9. That shawl will be gorgeous! Glad you got to cast on and it went well. Have fun today!

  10. Happy Valentine's Day to you, Fletch, and (of course) Miss Mabel. Hope she gets a little EXTRA love and treats today.

  11. Your yard and trees will love the moisture from the heavy snow. Enjoy the drive for chocolate pretzels and lunch.

  12. Funny that Mabel likes playing in the snow - these guys mostly hibernate. When I was a kid, we had a cat named Biscuit that loved being out in the snow. She'd follow my brother and I to the toboggan hills behind our house.

  13. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone at your house but especially Mabel. Those pretzels sound amazing!

  14. love the yarns and the sock, you are working on some lovely projects. I love dark chocolate covered pretzels.

  15. It's in the 50's again here. The movers move Mom's furniture Friday morning and snow flurries are predicted. Of course. Then back to the 50's. I spent the morning at Mom's packing up some things and taking the photos off the wall. Dennis woke up with a gout flare and can barely walk. We signed all of the papers at the new facility before I went to Moms. I'm doing her laundry now and then will go back to her apartment for awhile. I haven't knit a stitch in two days. It's crazy are here.

  16. Well practice (for retirement) makes perfect. I did not know that cats would like to be out in snow or is that just a Mabel preference? The sock looks great - such nice colors. I love the beginning part of a shawl. It's fun that the yarn has memories of an outing with Dee.

  17. I love Jane's comment about practicing for retirement. I quit my corporate job 14 years ago and my yarnshop job 8 years ago ... I always considered the yarnshop job my "retirement practice" :-)

  18. I checked the Hitch link and it's really cool! And now I need chocolate covered pretzels. We melt the dark chocolate and dip the rods or butter twists. Hot fries dipped in chocolate milkshake is another salt/chocolate craving. Cross country on a bike? What an adventure!

  19. Those pretzels sound, delicious! I really like sweet and salty flavours together too

  20. Oops that we me ….sweet and salty liker!
