Friday, February 9, 2024

Finally Friday! 2/9/24

 Good Morning!

I will admit to being a tad groggy this morning.  Last night was another one of those nights where sleep was a bit elusive.  One thing I noticed was that I was hungry!  Yes, hungry at 2 a.m.  My stomach was actually growling.  (No, I did not get up and have a snack.  I told my stomach to shut up and I rolled over.)  And, now at 7:15 a.m. I do not feel as hungry as I did at 2 a.m.  I am sipping coffee and trying to clear the cobwebs from my brain and eyes.

Yesterday wasn't quite as sunny as the day before, but it was a little bit warmer and I did get out for a walk on the trail by the canal.  Such a pretty place - water on both sides of the trail.  The canal on one side and the Schuylkill River on the other.  No sign of a blue heron (much to my disappointment) and only a couple of ducks and maybe 3-4 geese.  Usually there are lots of ducks and geese.  Not sure where everyone was.  

Happily I did see one lone turtle.

I was happy to see him/her as it was unexpected.  The air is still pretty chilly and my guess is that all this guy's relatives and friends didn't think it was warm enough to come up and bask for a bit.  A little later in the year there will be a lot of turtles to be seen in the canal.

My plan today is to get out and walk in a couple of hours.  I have a conference call at 1:30 which would interfere with walking after lunch.  Not sure yet where I will walk.  Yesterday's trail was wetter than I expected, so I'm guessing the River Trail wold be fairly muddy.  I may go back to the paved trail along the Perkiomen Creek in Oaks.

I found something new to try at Trader Joe's!

I love carrot juice.  There used to be a health food restaurant near my office (30 years ago or more) and they served the best carrot juice.  I've shied away from buying it at the grocery store because it is usually fairly high in sugar.  But this one isn't too bad, plus it has turmeric in it which I love.  Anyway, highly recommend if you are in to this kind of thing.

The weekend is ahead and I'm looking forward to seeing Dee in the morning and C&M have invited us to dinner tomorrow night.  Here's hoping that your weekend is equally enjoyable~!


  1. I know you love having plans with C & M again. How nice to have them back home with you.

    We're enjoying a last day or two of unseasonably warm February days. I was able to take my walk in 60 degrees yesterday! What joy. No ducks or geese in the neighbourhood, but several robins. Have a great weekend full of fun and spending time with people you love being with.

  2. I've never tried carrot juice! I bet I'd like it, though. Maybe I'll look for some next time I visit my TJs. Enjoy your weekend, Vera. It's so wonderful that you and Dee can get together regularly -- and, of course, that you can see C&M again. XO

  3. Hope your day goes smoothly! What an unexpected sighting of the turtle!

  4. Yum! I have 'straight' carrot juice in my fridge at the moment. Bet I could blend some turmeric right in there with it. (Trader Joe's is about an hour away, but I'll keep that on my radar next time I go. I also like to pick up fresh flowers and cards when I'm there. Goodies.)
    Sounds like you have a lovely weekend-in-the-making there! Enjoy every bit.

  5. Well I must have received your sleep! I slept well and that is unusual for me. I hope this weekend you get your zzz's

  6. I was up a good chunk of the night as well.... damned insomnia! Grrr! May we both find some restful sleep tonight! Enjoy your walk and your knit time with Dee!

  7. I think all the geese were in my neighborhood. I saw a gigantic flock when I was walking and there were even people walking their dogs, but that didn't seem to bother the geese at all. I am glad you saw that renegade turtle and hope you have a lovely weekend!

  8. We've had some great weather for February too! That makes it nice for getting outside more with Zoey. I'm glad you're having family time with Colin too. I know how much you missed having him close. Just ask me how I know that fact. :-)
    Enjoy your weekend with Dee and whatever else you come up to do.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. I just love the turtles! It's supposed to be a warm one here today - up to 59. But the wind is really high - there's a big cold front moving in and we're back to cold and icy tomorrow (so they say)

  10. About the only juice I like is tomato,probably because it was the only one I knew as a child. My mom canned quarts of it every year, and it was a winter treat. Love the photo of the sun-loving turtle.

  11. Have no idea what turmeric is like. I think years ago I attempted a smoothie with it and gagged. Lots of bottled healthy drinks at a local market but prices are very high. If I don't care for the taste, that's a $7 gag.

  12. I will never understand why our bodies, which clearly need sleep, keep us from getting it! I hope you have an easier time tonight. That carrot/turmeric juice sounds interesting. I've never actually tried carrot juice, but I do love carrots!

    Have a great weekend!

  13. If a turtle is out, then spring must be on its way!

  14. Turtle butt!!!🐢 See you tomorrow!

  15. Sounds like you have a nice weekend ahead. How nice that you have nearby trails to choose for walking. I hope you and Dee have a great time together tomorrow a.m.

  16. It certainly feels more like March out there than February. I love a snowy Valentine's Day but that's not going to happen.
