Thursday, February 15, 2024

Practicing 2/15/24

 Good morning!

Gosh it is cold this morning (22) and winds are forecast.  I dislike wind SO MUCH (even in the hot summer, I do not like wind).

I had a successful time yesterday practicing at retirement.  LOL  Fletch and I drove out to Oley mid-morning to Repperts where we loaded up with 2 lbs of dark chocolate covered pretzels, some candied fruit slices, some all sorts (I can be a licorice fiend) and even a Bonomo Turkish Taffy - remember those?  I loved the banana flavor and got one.  Not sure it will be as good as my memory, but whatever.  There were tons of chocolate bunnies and crosses for the upcoming Easter season, but we didn't get any of those.

The drive out to Oley was nice - country roads and snow along the roadsides.  Pretty.  But geeze traffic was heavy.  I think we were spoiled by the pandemic with no one being on the EVERYONE seems to be out and about.

Pre-pandemic Fletch and I used to go to the Limerick Diner for breakfast once in awhile.  But they closed during the pandemic.  Now they are open again, so that is where we stopped for lunch.  It was ok - not great, but a warm cup of coffee tasted good.  There is now a tavern attached to the back of the diner.  The Flying Pig Tavern.

Make that a Flying Purple Pig!!

Fletch bought me a book of poetry:

These are too funny.  The author is the same one who came out with a book of poems by cats titled "I Could Pee on This" which Colin had given me some years ago.  LOL

Fletch also found gifts for Mabel, Marcel and Talbot.  They haven't seen them yet...but they will.  

These are spring loaded (I think rubber band?) butterflies that you are supposed to place in a book and then get someone to open it and SURPRISE - a butterfly springs out.  He thought we could just launch them into the air.  I think we will wait and try that with Mabel OUTSIDE.  She gets crazy enough inside at times.

We had a quiet evening - I stitched and Fletch watched TV.  Even though I really, really want a cream puff (did you see Carole's Blog?) I'm thinking of making some Korean veggie pancakes for lunch.  Hoping your Thursday is going well!


  1. Your practice sounds wonderful! That might have been a dangerous trip for me as I would probably have eaten most of those chocolate-covered pretzels on the way home. (And those cream puffs looked pretty good to me, too!)

  2. "Practicing" for retirement sounds like a terrific plan, Vera. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. (And you'll have to let us know how those butterflies work out!!!) XO

  3. I can't wait to hear how the butterflies are enjoyed.

  4. All Sorts? I haven't seen those in years. My grandmother always had a tin of them and I LOVED them. It would take me ages to decide which one to eat. They were all so pretty.

  5. We are getting the snow now... I was supposed to head to Mom's tonight, but I've put it off until tomorrow. You're right about everyone being back on the roads, and I don't want to be out there with them in a snow storm!
    I hope you can get some photos/videos of the cats and the butterflies!

  6. Now I want dark chocolate-covered pretzels in addition to cream puffs! Sounds like it was an enjoyable day with the exception of the traffic. (I'm equally puzzled when I go out on a weekday and there are tons of people out. Where is everyone going?)

  7. What a wonderful day you enjoyed!!! I think your candy/sweets choices sound great! What fun with the butterflies!

  8. Sounds like your practicing is going very well and I hope you get to do more of it as you get closer to your official retirement date. I bet those butterflies will be a big hit!

  9. It sounds like a great day! Good practice. I packed some at Mom's and was back this morning for awhile. I need to go back this afternoon for awhile and fnish up her kitchenette.
    Those toys are going to be lots of fun for the cats. Wish I could see their reaction. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. I need to check that book. I bought my sister the entire cat series by Lilian Braun and she passed them around the facility, everyone loved them.

  11. You wouldn’t like Laramie very much because the wind howls here nearly seven to eight months out of the year. Lots of wind farms in the area. I love the flying pig statue!

  12. retirement will be the best thing ever! we try to go out once a week but it ends up being once or twice a month depending on our schedules.

  13. Practicing! Perfection Vera! (and that Valentine poem book! Purrfect! LOL)

  14. LOL on the cat book. I remember "I Could Pee on This".
    Rick loves the candied fruit slices. I would even eat them if they were chocolate-covered. What a wonderful trip, and Fletch is so thoughtful with his gifts for the kitties.

  15. Sounds like you will know just how to live a good retirement life! I am hearing about so many restaurants closing. Around here we have so many drive through coffee shops and fewer with with place to sit and sip.

  16. What a nice outing. The butterflies look fun. I hope they perform as advertised.

  17. Sounds lovely. and I think you're about ready to be done with the practicing!
