Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 2/7/24

 Good Morning!

Another chilly morning here, but again the sun should be shining later.  Yesterday was chilly but gorgeous and I actually (FINALLY) got out for a walk after lunch.  I decided to walk the paved trail in Oaks along the Perkiomen Creek.  After all the rain we've had, I was thinking the River Trail in Valley Forge might be very muddy.

Water was rushing over the dam!  And there were so many geese around - you really had to watch where you stepped.

There were some folks out and about but I didn't see too many.  Ironically, Colin's office is very close and he told me he also walked on that trail yesterday...but we never saw each other!

Colin did come for dinner and the burgers were great!  After dinner we drove over to my office.  He took the dimensions of a bookcase and will see if it works in his home office.

Now it's Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Progress has been made on my Route 66 sock!  I am now through the heel flap and ready to turn the heel.

Hopefully I can keep the momentum up and get this first sock finished pronto.  But, we all know how easily I am distracted by a different shiny object.  LOL

On the reading side of things more progress!  I finally finished listening to "The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store" yesterday afternoon.  What a powerful book!  My biggest roadblock to listening to books is remembering to do so!  I am so accustomed to knitting or stitching in peace and quiet that I have to make an effort to remember to listen to a book.  Last night I did start listening to "The Poisonwood Bible" - the next Read With Us selection.  I listened for an hour and am enjoying it.  I read this book decades ago and really liked it but didn't remember much.  However, it's coming back to me as I listen.

I am also reading (with my eyes) The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz.  I'm enjoying the recipes (lots of chocolate!!) more than his tale of moving to Paris.  It's not bad, just not great.

Fletch and I are continuing to read and enjoy The Ride of Her Life after dinner.  We only read 10 or so pages (and not every night), but is has been a pleasure.  We are up to the part where she made it to Philadelphia.

Well, time for me to wrap things up.  I need to wake Fletch, pour some more coffee and get ready to head down to Delaware.  Have a great Wednesday!


  1. I hope you successfully avoided all the goose poo! So glad to hear that you finished and enjoyed Heaven & Earth. Does Barbara Kingsolver read the audio of Poisonwood Bible? I've really enjoyed her reading of the books of hers I've listened to, though I'm not sure how her Appalachian accent goes with the Congo.

  2. We've had TWO sunny days in a row, which is a miracle and I was able to get out and walk while absorbing the rays. Lovely sock!!

  3. That sock is coming along fast! What gorgeous color transitions. If you ask me, the best walks are beside water. So glad you hit the pavement!

  4. That sock really does have beautiful color transitions! And I am nodding with Carolyn about walks and water! Have a great time in Delaware! XO

  5. What a lovely walk and I'm glad C&M are back so you can grill together! Your sock looks so nice and colorful. Safe travels to Delaware and I hope you have a great visit!

  6. Love the colours of the sock in progress. The weather here is shaping up beautifully, too, and I had another nice sunny walk. (My landscape was not as varied and noisy as yours!) Have a good drive and a nice visit in Delaware. I hope good weather follows you each way.

  7. It was supposed to be cloudy here this week but so far it's been beautifully sunny. Not super warm, but just seeing the sun makes up for it. It's been a very grey winter so far. The cats are feeling it too - they are all full of beans!

  8. It's too bad you and Colin didn't bump into each other on your walk! Here's hoping he can make use of a bookcase. I love the sock and I hope you enjoy your reading this week.

  9. Love the sock! It's going so fast! Have a great little break.

  10. We've got coastal flooding here from all the runoff coming from up north. The tides are so high they are washing over the roads several times a day.
    I loved The Poisonwood Bible. I had no idea the author was such an accomplished knitter until I started following her on Instagram. She's very inspiring.

  11. What a beautiful sunny day for a walk! It's been a while!

  12. We have had ridiculous wind that blew the furniture all over on the balcony. It's still howling out there tonight. It seems the weather has been weird all over the world.
    The socks are looking great. Have a great time on your getaway.

  13. Geese do make a mess on trails. The sock looks great. Keep on knitting.

  14. Ugh to the geese on your trails . . . they really do make a mess. But I sure love your sock. Those colors are just wonderful -- and perfect for a plain old vanilla sock (my favorite kind of sock). XO

  15. I’ve added the the horse ride novel to my Want to Read shelf on GoodReads, sadly it’s unavailable in the library; both printed and E-book. Might keep an eye on the price and see how many pounds it’s selling for when I’m looking for a new read. I like an adventure story, especially across America, around the UK etc

  16. Love the yarn that you are using for your sock Vera and what beautiful photos. We have a lot of Canadian Geese that winter here in Arizona, I love seeing them and their little ones too.

  17. I hope to be able to walk at some point, seeing ortho next week again. The only safe place here is unfortunately not along woods and water, but a paved trail around offices, very nice though.
