Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 2/27/24

 Good Morning,

It's a fairly mild (36 degrees) morning here in Eastern Pennsylvania.  Luckily I did not have a repeat of yesterday morning...no cat puke was seen or felt!  Mabel seems fine and is enjoying being out in the milder weather.  She talks to the birds (trying to lure them closer I'm sure) and tries to be friends with the deer.  The squirrels run fast when they spy Mabel in the yard!  More and more daffodils are up and budded.  No blooms yet, but Spring is definitely on the way.

The days I have spent practicing for retirement have paid off with many more minutes to stitch.  I managed to get a lot stitched on The Hunt Sampler this past week.

I had thought I would finish the bird on the right yesterday, but I ended up missing a row and having to frog back.  Unpicking silk thread is not easy and the thread itself does not hold up.  I may be able to finish that "block" today, but time will tell.  This is an engaging piece to stitch and I am thoroughly enjoying it.  I did reach out to the dyer of the silk thread as I wasn't sure I would have sufficient to finish (what with having to frog rows and then trashing that thread).  Luckily she is still dying and I was able to find the exact color on her web site.  Two more spools have been ordered and will be on their way to me to ensure I have sufficient plus some for a rainy day!  LOL

Yesterday's trip to the office was even faster than normal!  I discovered that my chair was gone...and there were no chairs to be found!  I printed (in color) the one pattern I wanted to print and copied the stuff I wanted/needed to copy for tax purposes and then hightailed it out of there.  I did not see a single other person in the office!  I made a quick stop at Trader Joe's and the liquor store and was home in plenty of time for lunch with Fletch.

Today's plan is to do grocery shopping this morning and then I want to bake some cookies this afternoon (Fletch finally finished the last of the Christmas cookies the other day!).  Colin & Mailing are coming for dinner and IF the rain holds off, it might be a nice evening for a fire in the pit.

Whatever your plans are, I hope your Tuesday has some fun in it.  Enjoy!


  1. No chairs at all? I guess they didn't want anyone sitting around! The stitching is lovely -- I do like the little touch of doing your initials in a lighter thread! Glad to hear Mabel is feeling better, too.

  2. I did a double take on reading there were no chairs at work... wait, what? LOL I am glad Mabel is back to normal! And always, your stitching is so beautiful!

  3. That sounds like the perfect trip to work, and they clearly didn't want you sitting down to do anything extra! All the beautiful stitching that you've done is evidence that practicing for retirement is going quite well. Just a few more days!

  4. The Hunt Sampler is looking great!
    I had no cat puke this morning which is odd but Pup has thrown up three times already. Argh....it's going to be one of those days.

  5. I think you're going to settle right into retirement . . . with no problems at all! XOXO

  6. Sounds like they weren't expecting anyone to be in the office today. Certainly not you!

    Your sampler is coming right along; sorry you had to pick stitches out, but at least you had the foresight to order plenty more thread. (Now watch; you won't need it at all!)

  7. LOL at the loss of yur chair--when I worked in the 'real' world (as in not in academia) the afternoon of someone's last day was 'open season' on that person's office stuff.

  8. Oh, I love that sampler!! I am very happy to have the days of stepping in (or otherwise dealing with... in any way) cat puke well behind me! That's not to say they won't ever return, but that's a story for another day. ;)

  9. I've never stitched a project with silk. My velcro-sticky fingers snag and grab making it impossible. Saves me money!

  10. I do love the way this is working up. Nice stitching!

  11. I wonder who stole the chairs.... glad you can get more thread! the project looks lovely.
