Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 5/29/24

 Hello, Hello,

I am (obviously) posting later than usual today.  I slept in and then went out to meet up with Dee again this morning, so no computer time until now.  But, it has been a good day.  And it is Wednesday which means time to link up with Kat for an Unraveled post.  Let's talk finishes!!  The shortie socks for my friend in Florida were just finished within the last hour!

This second sock is what I worked on this morning while Dee and I chatted up a storm.  I got down to the last 5 rows of the toe decrease when it was time to leave Manhattan Bagel, so you know I just HAD to finish it when I got home.  The yarn is all leftovers from other projects.  The purple (toe & cuffs) is Crazy Zauberball in the Route 66 color way, the gold is from a skein called "Hidden Forest" (this is the skein I used for my Odyssey shawl) and the blue is called "Hera's Peacock" and I have socks made with most of that yarn.  Fun to use up leftovers.

I also have made progress on my Shakerag Skirt!

Not the best picture - sorry!  But, if you click to enlarge you may be able to see that the lace portion is finished and I've done roughly 5 rows on the plain stockinette.  Kat and Kym, how many plain rows did you knit before you started the decreases?  Just curious.  

Yesterday's mail delivery included my June Sock Squad yarn from The Farmer's Daughter.  So pretty.  The color way for the large skein is " Fox in the Yarn Den."  Appropriate since our fox is still around....  The mini skein reminds me of gingerbread and I love the two yarns together.

Reading has been a little on the slow side.  I am almost finished (10 pages or so left) in the 6th short story in the Amor Towles book "Table for Two."  After that I have the novella to read.  I will say I'm a bit underwhelmed with this book.  Yes, Towles' writing is magnificent, but I have not really cared for the stories or the characters (remember short stories are not my favorite).  I loved "Gentleman from Moscow" and liked "Rules of Civility" (though I don't remember much about it which says something) and I thought "The Lincoln Highway" was average.  I'm happy to read it and will be happy to finish it and move on to something else!

And now, if you have stayed with me this long, I have some marvelous news:  Colin & Mailing are pregnant (well, Mailing is the pregnant one, but...).  Woo-Hoo!  They are expecting a baby girl around the first week of December.  Needless to say, we are thrilled!!  And so happy they are local and not in Texas!  You know I will have to get some yarn appropriate for a little one and knit something - anything!!

Now I'm off to try and catch up on what folks have blogged today!


  1. Congratulations to all on C&M's wonderful news! I really like the scrappy shortie socks and your Shakerag is beautiful (you've added a lot to it) but now you'll have to think about some baby knitting for that sweet little girl!

  2. Woo hoo for the big news!!! Congrats!!! Think of all the baby things to be made!!!!!

  3. Those purple toes are PERFECT!

    The new yarn from your mystery purchase is so pretty. Can't wait to see what you pick for those.

  4. Love the finished socks Vera, and nice colors for the June Sock Squad. Congratulations on the news, I often wish I had someone to knit baby items for, knitted baby clothes are so adorable.

  5. Oh my goodness! Congratulations on that Big News! You must be over the moon!!!!

    1. and I love the fox colored sock yarn and its complimentary color!

  6. Oh my gosh! Congratulations to all of you!! What an exciting time! It will be fun watching the knits evolve here...
    I, too, love those colors--and as soon as I saw 'Fox,' I thought, *perfect.* (Though I still wish I knew what Mr. or Mrs. Fox is so intrigued by around your patio.)
    Your retirement. Are you wondering how the heck you ever had time to work? You're up to such good stuff...

  7. What exciting news!!!!! So happy for all of you!
    The new yarn is gorgeous--despite the name, lol.
    Great job on the new socks!

  8. Way to bury the lede, Vera! ;-) Congratulations to C&M and to you and Fletch! Looks like you and I will be doing a lot of girly knitting for the rest of the year!

  9. Oh my goodness!! Congratulations to C&M and all you soon-to-be-grandparents! December is a delightful month to have a baby! (Just sayin!)

    As for the skirt... My row gauge was a bit short from Nell's (3/4" shy as I recall) I knit the short rows to lengthen the back and then knit until I had a good bit because I wanted the skirt below my knee. I think I knit a total of 3 inches plain before starting decreases. (Hope this helps!)

  10. Wow! That's some huge and happy news! How wonderful for all of you. And how extra-wonderful that they're now so close to home. Congratulations.

    The skirt looks lovely. Now that you're on Plain Old Knitting, it'll go so fast, I'm sure.

  11. Talk about burying the lede! Congratulations to Colin & Mailing, I am thrilled for them and for you and Fletch, too!

  12. Oh Congratulations to Colin and Mailing and to all of you. Being a grandmother is so wonderful. Enjoy planning some baby knits. The scrappy socks look great. There is something so satisfying about using up odd bits of yarn. The new yarn is beautiful.

  13. Congratulations to you and Grandpa! Your life will NEVER be the same! I'm looking forward to seeing the sweet things you make for her. Also, of course, congratulations to Colin and Mailing. They must be over the moon.
    Your socks turned out great. I have SO MUCH leftover sock yarn. I've made blankets and hats and scarves and so much more and I still have a lot of tiny little bits that I just can't get rid of. I need to find a big, big project to use it all up in. My goal is to use, not buy, as much as possible this year.
    The Shakerag Skirt is looking great. I'm guessing it will go quicker now that the lace part is finished?
    Have a wonderful day, dreaming of holding that little girl. :-)

  14. Finished socks look great! And congrats on the impending grandbaby!

  15. you buried that lede! what fantastic news - congratulations to all!! (grandchildren are the best - and close by is best-est!) ... and now it seems downright silly to say how much I love those shorty socks :-)

  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you and so nice that they live near you :)

  17. Oh, Vera. I'm so excited for you (and Mailing and Colin and the whole family). What exciting news. (My heart bursts for you!) I can't wait to see what flies off your needles now. :-) I'm up north right now, but will look at my skirt when I get home and check my notes about the rows for you. XO
