Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 5/15/24

 Good Morning!

It's a very drippy and grey morning here in Eastern PA.  I feel as though I may soon sprout webbing between my toes and fingers.  

The weather may be a bit on the uninspiring side of things, but it is Unraveled Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravels to talk making and reading.  Trust me, you will find inspiration there!

My knitting is moving along.  I completed a couple more pattern sections on my Fairy Maiden socks.  They are not fast to knit (on the cable rows anyway), but progress is being made.

I also did a little more on the shortie socks for my friend Merelyn.  Next up will be another color!

Miracle of miracles, I actually knit a number of rows on my Shakerag Skirt!!  I didn't take a picture because it's not that exciting, but soon it will be at the point where I just knit round and round and round!

The real miracle though is the sock I knit way back in January with my first Farmer Daughter's yarns.  The sock where I knit tiny crescent moons just under the cuff...and then couldn't get the sock over my (very high) instep.

Well, the miracle is that it fits my friend Carol!!  Woo-Hoo!  Now I need to knit a second one so that she can have a pair.  Of course, I threw out my pattern when it did not fit me, but it will be easy enough to re-create.

Onto the reading side of things.  I did finish "This Other Eden" by Paul Harding and enjoyed it a lot.  Now, once again, I am about 45 pages away from finishing a book.  This time it is Cane River by Lalita Tademy.  I found my copy of this book at a thrift store for 25 cents!  What a story.  Though a novel, it is based on the author's family history from pre-Civil War through the mid 1900's.  There are a lot of pictures in the book - both of the author's family members, but also letters, bills of sale (slaves), etc.  I would have finished it last night, but my eyes kept closing!  Up next I have a copy of "Table for Two" on my nightstand (thanks for the loan Dee!) and I'm looking forward to starting that, perhaps even today!

Fletch and I have a little under two hours left of listening to "West With Giraffes."  Not sure what will be next for us to listen to or read together...I've been thinking of Confederacy of Dunces which I loved when I read it decades ago...and Fletch has never read it.  But, we may go with something completely different.

Well, it is still grey and drizzling here.  I hope your Wednesday is a good one!


  1. I know several people that knit hats, trusting that the recipient will turn up and the same thing seems to be true for socks! That one is beautiful and it's wonderful that it fits Carol. Your other socks are progressing nicely and I look forward to seeing your Shakerag skirt someday!

  2. I hear you with this rain. We're trying to paint and Mother Nature is not playing fair.
    Your socks are lovely. You and Dee are certainly the Queens of Socks. Every pair is a work of art.

  3. I love the colors and pattern of your new socks. I'm glad you found a sock wearer for the other sock. It's a shame to get one done and not be able to wear it.

  4. what a lucky sock recipient!! we were supposed to have cloudy weather and the sun is out...weird!

  5. I am delighted to hear that your sock has found a foot to fit! And I'm betting you're glad now that you didn't rip out the sock when it didn't fit you.

  6. Love the socks! I hope the weather clears up.

  7. I'm so glad you found someone who fits your January socks! And I loved Cane River, I'm happy you're enjoying it, too.

  8. Lucky Carol! It's nice when you can find the most (ahem) "fitting" recipient! Once you get past the lace portion of the Shakerag skirt, the knitting goes so much faster!

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing that Shakerag skirt - even the WIP - so glad you've picked it back up! and love how you've settled in a bit with the "free" time ... looks like you're filling your days with good stuff. and isn't that just the best?!

  10. How nice you found a recipient for that sock. I do like that pink and brown (chocolate) color combination in your current sock.

  11. Well, it's not a glass slipper but it fits! And a hand knit sock is much more comfortable than that glass. Just got over another deluge. I do remember the two previous years had our furnace running a few days in June. But this June, may start building a boat.

  12. Each of the socks are such good knits! I'm glad you are sticking with the skirt knitting!
