Friday, May 24, 2024



Good Morning!

Happy Friday and Happy Memorial Day.  Nice to be at the start of a long weekend.  The yellow flag iris in our bog area have really multiplied this year.  I'm happy the deer have not destroyed them.  Colin & Mailing are headed out for a nice backpacking weekend with their friends Rob and Faye, so Fletch and I are on cat duty again this weekend starting with dinner tonight.  Luckily he and I have no real plans for the weekend.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting up with Dee and Bonny!

I'm fortunate that both of these lovely ladies live within a reasonable distance so that we can get together.  I drove to Dee's house and left my car there and she drove us to Peddler's Village where we met up with Bonny at Mama Hawks for some quality time catching up, sipping beverages and doing a little knitting.  We followed that with some lunch at Caleb's American Kitchen (the arugula salad was WONDERFUL!!).  By the way, we all get some brownie points for NOT visiting Twist Knitting and Spinning which is right across the street!  No stash enhancement, just a wonderful time with friends.

Pollen is still nasty around here.  Yesterday Dee and I came upon a cloud of dust...which turned out to be yellow pollen in the air.  It was thick.  Also, I ran into a bit of a traffic jam when I left Dee's yesterday afternoon.

There were another dozen or so (some even younger/smaller) crossing after these.  Everyone (human) was polite and let the geese cross the road.

In other news, my hearing aids have been ordered!  Yup.  I met with an audiologist on Thursday, had extensive testing and I do need some aids (which I had assumed).  Turns out our Medicare Advantage insurance is excellent (yay!) and basically I am getting two aids for the price of one!  They should be in within 2-3 weeks.  

No other news.  I'm just planning to ease into the weekend with a few chores and time with my needles (both kinds).  Sleep last night was not good, so there will most likely be a nap at some point.  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


  1. I so enjoyed getting together and was glad to hear about your hearing aids! Thanks for sharing the goose parade and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Sounds like it was a lovely day for the three of you -- and I am impressed at your willpower in not visiting the yarn shop! Love the traffic jam. It reminds me of the book "Make Way for Ducklings" (do you know that one?). Great news about your hearing aids, too.

    Have a lovely and relaxing long weekend!

  3. So glad you had a good visit with Dee and Bonny! The geese crossing is so cute-glad everyone was polite!

  4. I cannot believe three avid knitters successfully avoided/evaded the charms of a nearby yarn shop. Unheard of!

    Congrats on your hearing aids. I know from my husband's experience that they are A Good Thing.

    Mixed feelings about those pedestrians. Geese cause so many problems at our lake property. Sigh. And they're so darn noisy in the early morning.

  5. The Canadian geese have been proudly parading their babies around here too.
    It must be so much fun to have a meet up with bloggy friends. We know so much about each other's lives just from reading about it so the conversation must be lit.

  6. I'm glad the three of you were able to meet up. The geese parade around here too. Yesterday they were crossing the road in front of the condos. Everyone waited patiently for them here too. I'm sorry I haven't commented lately. No internet all week to comment with.
    Love those beautiful socks.

  7. I'm glad we can get together as often as we do. In other words...see you tomorrow.

  8. How wonderful you have friends so close to visit. Pollen is an issue here in Phoenix… allergies have been bad this year.

  9. Bravo to you on that hearing aid news! That is fantastic!! Well done Medicaid Advantage!!

    The pollen is off the charts here... but this soon will pass, especially with these 80+ degree days we are having here!

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  10. Yellow iris! Haven't seen them around here, but spotted apricot and they were gorgeous. I have/had blue with white, which expired this year. Still no figs in sight either.

  11. Have a great weekend! I love seeing my blog friends IRL-ish.

  12. Hooray for friends and friendship. I love to think of the three of you together, chatting and solving the world's problems. I'm glad you have some pretty yellow iris to enjoy. Mine are just about done blooming.

  13. Friendship, flowers, food, felines, fowl… this post is chock full of all things nourishing and nurturing! What a joy to read.

  14. yay for hearing aids and yay for being with friends!!

  15. Happy to be catching up! Love seeing your meetup with Dee & Bonny, and hearing/seeing what you're up to. Retirement is agreeing with you!

  16. That's the only kind of traffic jam I ever want to see!

  17. I love that you, Dee & Bonny can get together!! Such fun.

  18. I think it's awesome that the 3 of you can get together! And hooray for your new hearing aids, I hope they bring you so much joy!
