Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/21/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

How are you on this fine Tuesday?  I'll admit to being a bit sleepy still...we got home late from Colin's (after 10:30) last night.  It was so delightful sitting out in his backyard with a small fire blazing away.  Dinner was delicious too - Colin grilled hot and sweet Italian sausage he had picked up at the farmer's market, some fresh bread, a salad of romaine hearts with breakfast radishes and grated carrot, and braised broccolini.  

Talbot and Marcel were there and in fine form.  

We will be on cat feeding duty again this weekend as the kids are going backpacking with some friends.

This past week found me finishing the border motifs of the Vierlande Elisabeth Sampler.  I also added a small amount to the middle.  

Two of the medallions are a bit difficult to see unless you click to enlarge.  I'm still enjoying this piece very much even though it is taking me longer to stitch than I thought it would.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with audiologist.  What??  Yup, that's been me - constantly saying "what?" and having trouble hearing the TV.  My main question is why do I hear things I don't want to with no problem, but can't pick up dialogue on the TV?  Anyway, I'm pretty sure I will need hearing aids, but I will learn more tomorrow.

Today, meanwhile, is for grocery shopping and hopefully a walk (I never did get to that yesterday).  I'm trying a new recipe for dinner - a Sicilian Caponata with eggplant (duh), celery, leek, onions, capers, passata and a bunch of other things.  The leftover bread from Colin will go fabulously with it!

Now, however, it is time to hit "publish" and then pour a second cup of coffee.  Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Seems like all the cool kids are getting hearing aids these days! Best of luck with the audiologist appointment.

    The stitching is continuing to look lovely. I imagine those lighter medallions are a bit tricky to stitch due to the low contrast between the thread and the linen. Hope you work on this in good lighting!

  2. Rick got hearing aids (finally!) over a year ago, and he says it's changed his life for the better in so many ways. He's so grateful. He loves them.
    And I do, too! (And so do his sons.)

  3. Great progress on the sampler! Finishing that fancy border is quite the accomplishment.
    I can't hear the TV anymore either. I use closed captions all the time now. I hear it as garbled noise. Everyone seems to be talking too fast for me to understand.

  4. Your stitching is lovely and all of the food sounds delicious! I will have to suggest breakfast radishes to John. The ones he grows are so hot that I find them unpleasant. I went to the audiologist last week, definitely need hearing aids, but since they start at $5500, I have an appointment at Costco to see what I think about their hearing aids.

  5. That cross stitch piece is beautiful. I love the colors.

    Always good to see Marcel and Talbot.

  6. The stitching is beautiful. I'm 99.9% certain that there isn't a torn up mouse with one of those cats (Marcel?).

  7. What a stunning sampler! And -- again -- your post makes me hungry :). I'll bet your kids are going to have fabulous meals on their camping trip...something just tells me!

  8. It's amazing to people how much they missed before the aids. I thought that sampler was much larger, but I do know I would not have the patience to closely follow the chart pattern. Very nice Vera.

  9. It seems like being retired is suiting you perfectly! What a nice evening with C&M and their two adorable cats! Your stitching is so lovely (as always!) I hope you have a great appointment with the audiologist!

  10. The stitching is so pretty. I hope the appointment with the audiologist goes well.

  11. I'm glad you had a good time at your son's home! The cats are so pretty! And so is your stitching!!!

  12. gorgeous stitching and how exciting to be able to hear soon :)
