Friday, May 31, 2024

44! 5/31/80 - 5/31/24


Good Morning My Friends,

Yup - 44 years ago today Fletch and I got married.  Whew!  What a long, strange trip it has been.  LOL. Not really - it's overall been wonderful and I would certainly do it again in a heartbeat.  They say thunderstorms are lucky and I suppose it's true.  There were quite a few storms that day.  Our first night we stayed at The Black Bass Inn and as we had dinner in the dining room, we watched a thunderstorm come down the Delaware River.  It was beautiful!

In other nice news, I finished the Vierlande Elisabeth Sampler last night.  And yes, there is yet again another error in the last motif, but it works and it's staying that way.  I'm calling it a design element.  

I stitched a tiny "L" in the middle of the last motif, but I left all the other letters off the sampler.  They didn't mean anything to me and, quite frankly, I'm ready to move on to something new!  Today I will be putting away the threads I used on this one and gathering some fabric and other threads for a new project.

A moment ago I got up to let Mabel outside and spotted a doe and her little fawn munching away in our boggy area.  I wasn't able to get a picture before they bounded away, but it made me smile to see them.

No real plans for the day.  We are not doing anything special to celebrate our anniversary.  I may get a walk in later - it is gorgeous out right now (actually a little chilly - in the 40's!).  We will just be easing into the weekend and I hope you do the same.  Hard to believe June will be here tomorrow!


  1. Happy anniversary to you two! I know that after the first few, it becomes an occasion that's less exciting, but I hope you do take a moment to recognize that it's not easy to live with another person for that long!

  2. A very happy anniversary! A bit of quiet reflection while you take a walk later is a good way to recognize the milestone of a long marriage!

  3. Wishing you and Fletch a very Happy Anniversary! It is something to look back on all you've done together and hopefully look forward to many more happy years together. I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. happy anniversary to the two cool kids in town!!

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both! What a great picture of you two.
    We don't do a whole lot of 'big' for anniversaries here, not typically. I often say 'the gift of the ordinary day' is one I appreciate most.

    And a beautiful finish!

  6. Happy anniversary! Forty four years is something to be very proud of.

    Your stitching turned out beautiful. The L is a perfect addition. What fabric did you use? It looks tiny!

  7. Happy Anniversary, Vera and Fletch! I hope you have a wonderful day together. (I love that wedding photo of the two of you!) XO

  8. Happy 44th Anniversary to you and Fletch. Your photo is great! I hope your day is wonderful.

  9. Happy Anniversary you crazy kids!!

  10. Congrats on the finish and the anniversary!!! I love that photo. You both look so happy. My youngest sister was married in the rain and she's the only one still married to the same guy.

  11. Happy Anniversary. You both obviously chose well. May there be many more happy years to come.

  12. Design element. I like it. The sampler is wonderful, and I totally get the ready to move on feeling. Congrats on your anniversary!

  13. Happy Anniversary! I don't know that I would be able to find your new design element. The sampler looks very pretty.

  14. Happy Anniversary, Vera and Fletch! (and your little sampler is just so lovely!)

  15. Happy anniversary Vera and I hope you had a lovely weekend celebrating.

  16. I'm late to the party but still want to wish you and Fletch a Very Happy 44th Anniversary! Cheers to a loving and successful marriage!

  17. reading backwards - hope you're feeling better! and happy anniversary! that photo you shared up top is so fun - y'all look happy enough to last for YEARS (way more than 44)! and kudos on the finished stitching. I looked really closely at the photo and didn't find an L or any mistakes :-)
