Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/7/24


Good Morning!

Our lilac is AMAZING this year.  I do't think we've ever had so many blooms on it (and now our front step looks like it has purple snow on it).  This lilac is one that we brought back from Vermont years and years ago.  It struggled for some years and only had a few blooms, but now it looks very comfortable in Pennsylvania.

In other garden news, the 3 figs that have already appeared continue to grow!  Leaves are also finally appearing.  The first bean shoot has come up and the first dahlia shoots are appearing!  Later this week Fletch and I plan to go to our favorite nursery to pick up a few plants (yellow squash, rosemary, basil, catnip, eggplants and whatever else captures our fancy).  It's a wonderful Spring this year.

Since it's Tuesday, it is time for a Tiny Needle update.  My Vierlande Sampler has grown a bit over the past week.  The Quaker style medallions are symmetrical, but I found one that was not!  So I adjusted it.  The purple motif on the right has two colors in it, and some of the symbols were messed up (my opinion).  After fixing that, I decided to move to some of the inside motifs and take a break from the medallions.

There are also random letters sprinkled throughout the center part, but I may just ignore them.  I'll see what it looks like after I complete everything else.  This continues to be a fun stitch!

I've been tempted to begin the second Vierlande Sampler I picked out, but it's probably best if I finish this one first.

Looks like our temps are warming up again - it should hit 80 today and 85 or more tomorrow!  Then back to some rain and cooler temps.  The roller coaster continues.  Hope your Tuesday is a good one!


  1. Your lilacs look lovely, and I'm sure they smell good, too! We have some bushes along one side of our driveway that we didn't realize until just a few years ago were lilacs because they didn't have any flowers until then, and we definitely had more blooms this year than ever before (though they're not holding up to the rain we've had lately, sadly).

    The stitching is beautiful as usual!

  2. Spring is always such a roller coaster ride! Your lilac is lovely, Vera! "My" lilac (which is actually my neighbors, but it hangs into my yard and performs it's blooming show best for me, so I consider it "mine") is also having a great year. I love it! And like Sarah said . . . your stitching is beautiful as usual! XO

  3. The spring roller coaster is on here too.... we are slated for those warm temps this week and then Friday back to chilly weather! Ahh spring! (I just hope my allium stay for a bit! Your stitching is just so fun, Vera! I love those motifs!

  4. Your stitching is beautiful.

    This has been a good spring for the plants. Our lilac is just busting with blooms. No fragrance yet, but soon.

  5. Your lilac is beautiful! I have one but it doesn't get enough sun so it only has a few blossoms (but they do smell wonderful). Your stitching is lovely, as always. You've inspired me to look at cross-stitch patterns, especially the single color ones. Maybe someday I'll actually do some stitching, too!

  6. I love lilacs! I don't think they grow here though. I continue to enjoy the new stitching!

  7. That lilac is spectacular! It's going back to 90 here tomorrow. I don't know which is worse, the rain or the heat.
    The sampler is looking good. It seems to be one that would really hold your interest since it has so many distinct motifs.

  8. What a beautiful sampler this one is going to be (all of them are!); I bet you are enjoying the colors in this one for a change. The lilac tree is beautiful! I am going to visit my parents in Syracuse, NY, next week and hoping I will get to smell their lilacs by then!!!!

  9. that is one massive show off of a lilac bush!! I am envious. I always enjoy seeing your stitching.

  10. Love the lilac - two of mine are a few days from blooming. But they will soon. They are still young but pretty covered in buds. I have a third, but it was a sad specimen when I bought it and it does seem to be struggling. I think I need to give it a better spot.

  11. As always, what pretty stitching. It's nice to have enough experience to be able to modify projects as you go along. The lilac is beautiful and I bet the fragrance is also very nice.
