Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/28/24

 Hello All,

Here's hoping everyone enjoyed a nice, long weekend.  Ours was nice, though a bit soggy yesterday.  The morning was gorgeous, but the afternoon saw heavy rain.  We are not complaining because we need it.  While Fletch and I were sitting on the patio yesterday afternoon I spotted something:

A sweet little heart at the top of one of our trees.  The tree is actually dead and is just being held up by a gigantic trumpet vine that has surrounded it.  The delicate little heart is just so nice.

Well, it's Tuesday and time for a Tiny Needle update.  I had thought/hoped to have a finish for you today, but that is not to be.  On Saturday, when I met up with Dee I mentioned that I had not done any stitching ALL week.  Right then and there I decided I needed to hop to it.  And I did...on Sunday...and then again yesterday.  Yesterday afternoon I had almost finished the final motif in the center.  But, as I was attempting to join it all together I realized that on the left hand side I was off by one single thread of linen.  For the life of me I couldn't see where my mistake was (in my defense, the last motif is stitched in the off-white thread which is difficult to see on a good day...add in clouds and rain...and you get the picture).  Anyway, I spent as much time frogging what I had stitched as I did stitching it.  You can probably see where I pulled out my stitching.

I left it at that and will pick it up again this week and (hopefully) finish it.

Today, however, will be taken up with some cooking.  Colin & Mailing were going to come over yesterday for a cookout, but the rain messed up those plans.  Instead they will be coming tonight.  Fletch is going to grill wings (hot and bbq) and I will make a corn & black bean salad.  Dessert will be strawberry shortcake, so I've got to make the biscuits, pick up heavy cream to whip and cut up some strawberries.

No other plans, which works for me.  Hoping your ease into this new week is a gentle one.  Enjoy!


  1. I might have left the "one thread off" mistake, but then you would always know about it, and it is a lovely sampler. I'm learning that stitching is not a fast pursuit (especially in off-white thread without bright light). Enjoy your delicious cookout and company tonight!

  2. Strawberry shortcake...yes, please!
    And I winced reading about your frogging. Such delicate stitches! (Makes ripping back a knit look like nothin'.) What a celebratory finish it'll be, though... Enjoy your rescheduled cookout with the kids! (Funny--Troy put wings on the smoker yesterday! 'Tis the season, I guess.)

  3. The sampler is beautiful . . . and I'm sure that (eventually) you'll be glad you ripped out your stitches. But . . . I may have found a way to live with that "one thread off" part. (Maybe.) (But maybe not.) XO

  4. Strawberries seem early this year. We saw them on offer from the Amish this past weekend all over.

    Too bad about your frogging! But best to do it and bear the pain than keep looking at it and be annoyed all over again. (Right?)

  5. Oh ugh, Vera! I am nodding with Kym's thoughts... could I or could I not... You took the right path, I think but ugh, ugh, ugh! We had horrendous storms here as well with buckets of rain and some wild winds!

  6. I guess we ALL have to frog once in awhile. Hopefully it will behave and go right this time.

    Your BBQ dinner sounds delicious. Enjoy time with C&M.

  7. We've had a fair bit of rain for the past three days, but my gardens are loving it. Especially the weeds - I really need to get out there and do some cleaning. I hope the rain backs off tonight after work so I can get a little bit done.

  8. I hope you have a good time with your son and dil.
    We NEED some rain! lol

  9. One thread seems almost cruel! I'm sure no one else would have noticed, but it would have bothered you, so I'm sure ripping it out was the right move. I hope your BBQ do-over is enjoyable!

  10. Sorry about the frogging. I know it's frustrating but it would have bothered you if you had gone onward and left it there.
    Your barbeque sounds delcious. I know you'll have a great time with the kids.
    Dennis is at the trailer in the storage lot, doing some needed maintenance. There is always something that needs done and he likes to be busy. I'm home with the puppies. I'm just catching up and blogs, doing laundry and will do some crocheting later. A quiet day for sure.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Sometimes you stitch, sometimes you rip. It may be naughty buts it's really beautiful.

  12. Your dinner sounds delicious. Marc is away this week and I'm enjoying yesterday's leftovers (I hope our delightful weather is up your way by now) and some welcome peace & quiet. for listening to a book, knitting, and hopefully!! not having to undo anything.

  13. That delicate little heart is so sweet. I hope your weather improves for dinner with your family. I made strawberry shortcake when our son was here - homemade sweet biscuit, real whipped cream, and fresh strawberries. Once a year it's nice to eat the real deal.

  14. Whoops. I would be anonymous above.

  15. love the heart spotting! I do that when I'm out and about noticing shapes or things.

  16. Those one thread off errors are more maddening than a full stitch. But you found it! Sometimes, we never do.
