Friday, May 31, 2024

44! 5/31/80 - 5/31/24


Good Morning My Friends,

Yup - 44 years ago today Fletch and I got married.  Whew!  What a long, strange trip it has been.  LOL. Not really - it's overall been wonderful and I would certainly do it again in a heartbeat.  They say thunderstorms are lucky and I suppose it's true.  There were quite a few storms that day.  Our first night we stayed at The Black Bass Inn and as we had dinner in the dining room, we watched a thunderstorm come down the Delaware River.  It was beautiful!

In other nice news, I finished the Vierlande Elisabeth Sampler last night.  And yes, there is yet again another error in the last motif, but it works and it's staying that way.  I'm calling it a design element.  

I stitched a tiny "L" in the middle of the last motif, but I left all the other letters off the sampler.  They didn't mean anything to me and, quite frankly, I'm ready to move on to something new!  Today I will be putting away the threads I used on this one and gathering some fabric and other threads for a new project.

A moment ago I got up to let Mabel outside and spotted a doe and her little fawn munching away in our boggy area.  I wasn't able to get a picture before they bounded away, but it made me smile to see them.

No real plans for the day.  We are not doing anything special to celebrate our anniversary.  I may get a walk in later - it is gorgeous out right now (actually a little chilly - in the 40's!).  We will just be easing into the weekend and I hope you do the same.  Hard to believe June will be here tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 5/29/24

 Hello, Hello,

I am (obviously) posting later than usual today.  I slept in and then went out to meet up with Dee again this morning, so no computer time until now.  But, it has been a good day.  And it is Wednesday which means time to link up with Kat for an Unraveled post.  Let's talk finishes!!  The shortie socks for my friend in Florida were just finished within the last hour!

This second sock is what I worked on this morning while Dee and I chatted up a storm.  I got down to the last 5 rows of the toe decrease when it was time to leave Manhattan Bagel, so you know I just HAD to finish it when I got home.  The yarn is all leftovers from other projects.  The purple (toe & cuffs) is Crazy Zauberball in the Route 66 color way, the gold is from a skein called "Hidden Forest" (this is the skein I used for my Odyssey shawl) and the blue is called "Hera's Peacock" and I have socks made with most of that yarn.  Fun to use up leftovers.

I also have made progress on my Shakerag Skirt!

Not the best picture - sorry!  But, if you click to enlarge you may be able to see that the lace portion is finished and I've done roughly 5 rows on the plain stockinette.  Kat and Kym, how many plain rows did you knit before you started the decreases?  Just curious.  

Yesterday's mail delivery included my June Sock Squad yarn from The Farmer's Daughter.  So pretty.  The color way for the large skein is " Fox in the Yarn Den."  Appropriate since our fox is still around....  The mini skein reminds me of gingerbread and I love the two yarns together.

Reading has been a little on the slow side.  I am almost finished (10 pages or so left) in the 6th short story in the Amor Towles book "Table for Two."  After that I have the novella to read.  I will say I'm a bit underwhelmed with this book.  Yes, Towles' writing is magnificent, but I have not really cared for the stories or the characters (remember short stories are not my favorite).  I loved "Gentleman from Moscow" and liked "Rules of Civility" (though I don't remember much about it which says something) and I thought "The Lincoln Highway" was average.  I'm happy to read it and will be happy to finish it and move on to something else!

And now, if you have stayed with me this long, I have some marvelous news:  Colin & Mailing are pregnant (well, Mailing is the pregnant one, but...).  Woo-Hoo!  They are expecting a baby girl around the first week of December.  Needless to say, we are thrilled!!  And so happy they are local and not in Texas!  You know I will have to get some yarn appropriate for a little one and knit something - anything!!

Now I'm off to try and catch up on what folks have blogged today!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/28/24

 Hello All,

Here's hoping everyone enjoyed a nice, long weekend.  Ours was nice, though a bit soggy yesterday.  The morning was gorgeous, but the afternoon saw heavy rain.  We are not complaining because we need it.  While Fletch and I were sitting on the patio yesterday afternoon I spotted something:

A sweet little heart at the top of one of our trees.  The tree is actually dead and is just being held up by a gigantic trumpet vine that has surrounded it.  The delicate little heart is just so nice.

Well, it's Tuesday and time for a Tiny Needle update.  I had thought/hoped to have a finish for you today, but that is not to be.  On Saturday, when I met up with Dee I mentioned that I had not done any stitching ALL week.  Right then and there I decided I needed to hop to it.  And I did...on Sunday...and then again yesterday.  Yesterday afternoon I had almost finished the final motif in the center.  But, as I was attempting to join it all together I realized that on the left hand side I was off by one single thread of linen.  For the life of me I couldn't see where my mistake was (in my defense, the last motif is stitched in the off-white thread which is difficult to see on a good day...add in clouds and rain...and you get the picture).  Anyway, I spent as much time frogging what I had stitched as I did stitching it.  You can probably see where I pulled out my stitching.

I left it at that and will pick it up again this week and (hopefully) finish it.

Today, however, will be taken up with some cooking.  Colin & Mailing were going to come over yesterday for a cookout, but the rain messed up those plans.  Instead they will be coming tonight.  Fletch is going to grill wings (hot and bbq) and I will make a corn & black bean salad.  Dessert will be strawberry shortcake, so I've got to make the biscuits, pick up heavy cream to whip and cut up some strawberries.

No other plans, which works for me.  Hoping your ease into this new week is a gentle one.  Enjoy!

Friday, May 24, 2024



Good Morning!

Happy Friday and Happy Memorial Day.  Nice to be at the start of a long weekend.  The yellow flag iris in our bog area have really multiplied this year.  I'm happy the deer have not destroyed them.  Colin & Mailing are headed out for a nice backpacking weekend with their friends Rob and Faye, so Fletch and I are on cat duty again this weekend starting with dinner tonight.  Luckily he and I have no real plans for the weekend.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting up with Dee and Bonny!

I'm fortunate that both of these lovely ladies live within a reasonable distance so that we can get together.  I drove to Dee's house and left my car there and she drove us to Peddler's Village where we met up with Bonny at Mama Hawks for some quality time catching up, sipping beverages and doing a little knitting.  We followed that with some lunch at Caleb's American Kitchen (the arugula salad was WONDERFUL!!).  By the way, we all get some brownie points for NOT visiting Twist Knitting and Spinning which is right across the street!  No stash enhancement, just a wonderful time with friends.

Pollen is still nasty around here.  Yesterday Dee and I came upon a cloud of dust...which turned out to be yellow pollen in the air.  It was thick.  Also, I ran into a bit of a traffic jam when I left Dee's yesterday afternoon.

There were another dozen or so (some even younger/smaller) crossing after these.  Everyone (human) was polite and let the geese cross the road.

In other news, my hearing aids have been ordered!  Yup.  I met with an audiologist on Thursday, had extensive testing and I do need some aids (which I had assumed).  Turns out our Medicare Advantage insurance is excellent (yay!) and basically I am getting two aids for the price of one!  They should be in within 2-3 weeks.  

No other news.  I'm just planning to ease into the weekend with a few chores and time with my needles (both kinds).  Sleep last night was not good, so there will most likely be a nap at some point.  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 5/22/24

 Good Morning!

Hoo-Boy was yesterday warm.  Make that HOT (86 by my car's thermometer).  I ended up going to Evansburg State Park to walk after lunch.  I had not walked this particular trail in years (Fletch and I used to walk it a lot).  The access road is now blocked and you have to park at the head of that and walk the sun...over a rough and uneven semi-paved-semi just rocks road.  Not all that pleasant...might be a better spot to walk come the Fall and Winter weather.  I did see some pretty flowers though.

There were not many folks guy walking two small dogs (who had been swimming), one guy fishing and one couple sitting on rocks by the water.  For now (warm weather) I will stick to my other trails, but it was nice to be somewhere different.

Now it's Wednesday and time to meet up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  My knitting has been slow, but steady.  The first shortie sock for my friend Merelyn has been finished and the second one started.

That's a mighty big looking foot!  LOL. The second sock is now at the heel flap.  This is what I will be bringing with me to work on when I meet up with Dee and Bonny tomorrow!

Another 8 rows of pattern have been added to my Fairy Maiden sock.  This is the first one and I sure wish it were going a little faster.  But those cables slow me down.  It is a pretty project though.

And the project that is really exciting me:  my Shakerag Skirt!!!

A bit hard to see the lace pattern here, but it is just so pretty and I absolutely LOVE the color of the yarn (Rowan's Creative Linen in Oasis).  I only have about 5 rows left and then I will be to the point where it will be mindless knitting round and round.  It's hard for me to figure out why I stopped working on this last summer.  The pattern is not all that difficult to memorize.  Yes, the rows are long, but you can get in a rhythm and they just sort of get done.  Anyway, whatever the reason, I'm happy to have picked it up again.

My reading has slowed a little bit.  The books are good, but it is hard to stay awake!  I've read the first three stories in Table for Two by Amor Towles.  Like everyone else, I'm enchanted by Towles' writing.  However, short stories are still not my favorite genre.  

Last night I was so tired (after minimal sleep the prior night and no nap), I went up to bed at 8:30!  Before turning out the light I picked up Musical Tables by Billy Collins.  I picked up this book when we were on vacation with Colin & Mailing and her parents earlier this Spring.  Billy Collins never disappoints.

Fletch and I started listening to Nobody's Fool by Richard Russo.  We've only listened for 3 nights and although I'm enjoying it, Fletch is getting bored.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to find books that are appealing to both of us...

Let me hear/read about what you are making and reading!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/21/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

How are you on this fine Tuesday?  I'll admit to being a bit sleepy still...we got home late from Colin's (after 10:30) last night.  It was so delightful sitting out in his backyard with a small fire blazing away.  Dinner was delicious too - Colin grilled hot and sweet Italian sausage he had picked up at the farmer's market, some fresh bread, a salad of romaine hearts with breakfast radishes and grated carrot, and braised broccolini.  

Talbot and Marcel were there and in fine form.  

We will be on cat feeding duty again this weekend as the kids are going backpacking with some friends.

This past week found me finishing the border motifs of the Vierlande Elisabeth Sampler.  I also added a small amount to the middle.  

Two of the medallions are a bit difficult to see unless you click to enlarge.  I'm still enjoying this piece very much even though it is taking me longer to stitch than I thought it would.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with audiologist.  What??  Yup, that's been me - constantly saying "what?" and having trouble hearing the TV.  My main question is why do I hear things I don't want to with no problem, but can't pick up dialogue on the TV?  Anyway, I'm pretty sure I will need hearing aids, but I will learn more tomorrow.

Today, meanwhile, is for grocery shopping and hopefully a walk (I never did get to that yesterday).  I'm trying a new recipe for dinner - a Sicilian Caponata with eggplant (duh), celery, leek, onions, capers, passata and a bunch of other things.  The leftover bread from Colin will go fabulously with it!

Now, however, it is time to hit "publish" and then pour a second cup of coffee.  Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, May 20, 2024

Weekending 5/20/24

Hello and Happy Monday,

Funny how the word "Monday" doesn't quite have the same meaning for me that it used to have.  LOL. In case you all have not figured it out, I am loving retirement!!  And the days/weeks are zipping by.  Here we are at May 20th already!  And another weekend over...hoping yours was a good one.

Fletch and I watched an interesting "nature moment" Friday afternoon.  As usual, we were sitting on the patio enjoying a beverage before making dinner.  There was a blur to the left and Mr. Fox was racing across our neighbor's back yard and into our woods...then across our woods (we could see him through the trees) and then out of sight.  The interesting thing was that a crow was chasing him!  The crow was very noisy.  Mabel had been on our driveway (off to the right), but she came racing to the back door and wanted in.  Smart cat.  I also tried to tell her that the crows are her friends, but I'm not sure she believes that.

Friday night I made a couple of loaves of lemon-walnut bread, planning to take one to our neighbors Rob & Eva.  Saturday morning Rob texted me that they had made focaccia and had saved some for us!  I was out running errands, but once home, Fletch and I walked over to Rob's to trade bread.  While talking with him outside, we saw Mr. Fox again, cross the street from Rob's property and then run between our house and our neighbor's.  There are so many of them (foxes) around!!  Rob also told us that one a young doe is keeping her little fawn safe in his barn!  Hopefully safe.

A shout out to Carole who a few weeks ago shared the recipe she used for little mini chicken pot pies.  I made little mini turkey pot pies on Saturday!

Boy were they good!  I wasn't sure that one would be sufficient for either of us, but it was!  So, we have two left for another dinner this week.  There was also quite a bit of filling left over which I think would be tasty over biscuits or toast or something...or just heated up in a bowl.

Just as our "regular" iris are beginning to wane, our flag iris are beginning to open up.  We have both purple and yellow in our "boggy area" and more yellow by the patio.

The boggy area is also where we have day lilies, but the deer have pretty much destroyed them.  Hoping they will leave the iris alone.

I've got a few errands to run today and am hoping to get a nice walk in.  Tonight Fletch and I are heading over to Colin's for dinner.  Mailing will be in Austin for work, but it will be good to see Colin again.

Here's hoping your week is off to a nice start!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Little One

 Good Morning All,

The weekend is upon us which is a marvelous thing (even though with retirement just about every day is a weekend!!).

I've no real news to share or pictures of works in progress, but yesterday afternoon a (very young) mother and her newborn fawn came out of our woods.

That cute little fawn was so wobbly on his/her legs!  Yes, we do have a problem with deer eating some of our plants, but when I see a little fawn, I cannot help but be happy.

No specific plans for today...hoping to do a few chores, hoping to get out for a walk, hoping to find time to stitch, knit and read.  All of that to be determined.  

Wishing you all a glorious weekend - enjoy!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 5/15/24

 Good Morning!

It's a very drippy and grey morning here in Eastern PA.  I feel as though I may soon sprout webbing between my toes and fingers.  

The weather may be a bit on the uninspiring side of things, but it is Unraveled Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravels to talk making and reading.  Trust me, you will find inspiration there!

My knitting is moving along.  I completed a couple more pattern sections on my Fairy Maiden socks.  They are not fast to knit (on the cable rows anyway), but progress is being made.

I also did a little more on the shortie socks for my friend Merelyn.  Next up will be another color!

Miracle of miracles, I actually knit a number of rows on my Shakerag Skirt!!  I didn't take a picture because it's not that exciting, but soon it will be at the point where I just knit round and round and round!

The real miracle though is the sock I knit way back in January with my first Farmer Daughter's yarns.  The sock where I knit tiny crescent moons just under the cuff...and then couldn't get the sock over my (very high) instep.

Well, the miracle is that it fits my friend Carol!!  Woo-Hoo!  Now I need to knit a second one so that she can have a pair.  Of course, I threw out my pattern when it did not fit me, but it will be easy enough to re-create.

Onto the reading side of things.  I did finish "This Other Eden" by Paul Harding and enjoyed it a lot.  Now, once again, I am about 45 pages away from finishing a book.  This time it is Cane River by Lalita Tademy.  I found my copy of this book at a thrift store for 25 cents!  What a story.  Though a novel, it is based on the author's family history from pre-Civil War through the mid 1900's.  There are a lot of pictures in the book - both of the author's family members, but also letters, bills of sale (slaves), etc.  I would have finished it last night, but my eyes kept closing!  Up next I have a copy of "Table for Two" on my nightstand (thanks for the loan Dee!) and I'm looking forward to starting that, perhaps even today!

Fletch and I have a little under two hours left of listening to "West With Giraffes."  Not sure what will be next for us to listen to or read together...I've been thinking of Confederacy of Dunces which I loved when I read it decades ago...and Fletch has never read it.  But, we may go with something completely different.

Well, it is still grey and drizzling here.  I hope your Wednesday is a good one!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/14/24

 Hello My Friends,

How are you this fine Tuesday morning?  At the moment (6:30 a.m.), it is sunny outside...but I think we will have rain by the afternoon and then rain all day tomorrow and maybe even Thursday.  Oy!  I will enjoy this nice weather while I can.

Yesterday was such a nice day.  Carol arrived by 10:30.  I had just put a fresh pot of coffee on the stove.  It was still a little on the chilly side - just in the 40's.  But by the afternoon we were able to sit outside.  We laughed so much and exchanged some presents.  Among the (too) many things she brought for both me and Fletch were this pair of scissors.  Are they not gorgeous?

My scissor collection continues to grow!

Carole left by 2:30 to avoid the traffic going home.  So, a short but sweet visit.  We will be getting together again before another year is out.  Now that I am retired, there is no reason we cannot meet somewhere halfway between us for lunch or just wandering around during the week.  Perhaps the Chadds Ford area or Kennett Square.

Well, that brings us to this morning and Tiny Needle Tuesday.  My Vierlande Quaker-like sampler is on the small side, but it continues to grow.  A couple of medallions have been added as well as a few more "things" in the center part.  Here's a shot of where it stands at the moment.

I am hoping to add to this a bit this afternoon.

Someone was very, very relaxed and contented last evening

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Weekending 5/13/24


Good Morning!

I hope you had a great weekend.  Mine was soggy and chilly, but still good.  Saturday was actually a very nice day (at least early on) and Fletch and I wandered out to Miller's Greenhouses in Collegeville - our favorite place to get plants.  We got a lot!  Yellow Squash, eggplants, tomatoes, a bunch of herbs and a bunch of flowers.  Some catnip too, for Mabel.

We were also on cat duty while Colin & Mailing attended a wedding in Boston.  The wedding sounded lovely.  Colin texted that it was held in the courtyard of the Boston Public Library.  Dinner afterwards was in an upstairs room at the library where the tables all had green lamps and the walls were lined with books.  Upon leaving, there was a table with copies of seven or eight different popular books for guests to take.  What a fun idea, huh? 

I found time to stitch, knit and read each day which makes me happy.  I did start a new pair of shortie socks to have something to work on when meeting up with Dee.  Here is the start of the first one.

It's hard to see the colors clearly, but the cuff is a purple color (Zauberball Route 66) and then the heel flap and turn are in a gradient (Hidden Forest I think) - the same yarn I used to make my Odyssey shawl.

Today should be a fun one.  My friend Carol is driving up from Maryland for a visit.  We've been trying to get together for months to celebrate birthdays (her's was in January) and Christmas.  Weather or doctor appointments or something has always delayed our plans.  This week she was going to come up on Wednesday, but once again our forecast is for rain, so we switched her visit to today.  I am so looking forward to seeing her - it has been over a year since we last got together!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Felines...and a Fox...Again! 5/10/24

 Hello All,

It is a cold and wet day in Eastern PA.  I am wearing leggings, a sweatshirt, hand-knit socks and I put a fleece vest on when I drove over to Colin & Mailing's to feed Talbot and Marcel.  I was happy to have my travel mug of coffee with me.

Only a picture of Marcel - Talbot refused to pose nicely.  LOL

I hung around a little bit to supervise the feeding of the cats.  Marcel is on a special diet (for his kidneys, plus he has gained weight).  His food is dry.  Talbot can't eat that because he has had too many teeth extracted.  So, Talbot gets wet food which Marcel loves and will try to eat.  The supervision went well, both cats ate their respective food items, litter boxes were cleaned and then I was able to drive home.

I sure hope the weather is nicer in Boston - C&M are up there for a wedding tomorrow.

It was when I got home that I learned Mr. Fox was around again.  Fletch was in the kitchen fixing his breakfast and had just let Mabel out when he heard a growling.  He ran to the patio door and there was Mr. Fox right at the patio!  He opened the door and Mabel rushed in.  This is getting annoying!  I don't want to harm the fox, but I don't want the fox to harm Mabel.

Anyway, enough excitement for one day.  I have laundry going now, but no other plans for the I can see some knitting and stitching in my future.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.  Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's (and Happy Birthday to my oldest brother on Sunday).

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 5/8/24

 Hello, Hello!

I'm a bit groggy...still waking up.  After letting Mabel out at 5:30, I fell back asleep until 7.  I was also awake in the middle of the night...grrrr...and this time I turned the light on and read for 20 minutes or so.  Not sure if it helped, but it was kind of nice to do.

So, here we are at Unraveled Wednesday and it's time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk all about what we are making and what we are reading.  I don't know about you, but I always find inspiration in others' unraveled posts (my TBR list also grows enormously on Wednesdays!).

If you read my post on Monday, you know that I finished up the Peat and Gold socks.  Not wanting to be without socks on the needles, I promptly started a new pair using my April Sock Squad yarn from The Farmer's Daughter.  I am loving these two colors together.

The pattern I've chosen is Fairy Maiden from This Handmade Life (pattern is free on Ravelry).  A pretty pattern, but one that requires a bit of concentration (some cables, some eyelets), in other words, not a pattern to knit on when I meet up with Dee.  So...I will need to cast on something simple and mindless to work on tomorrow morning when Dee and I gather together.  I may do another pair of shortie socks for a friend who lives in Florida.  A stash dive is in order!

Now for the reading update.  I finished Notes From the Henhouse and returned it to the library.  Just ok, nothing earth-shattering.  There are only about 25 or 35 pages left for me in This Other Eden by Paul Harding.  This is a book my friend Nina recommended.  Wow!  What a powerful story.  It is a novel based on the story (true) of Malaga Island off the coast of Maine.  Intolerance, lack of justice, etc. etc.  Difficult at times to read, but I highly recommend it.  I will be finishing it today.

Fletch and I are still listening to "West With Giraffes" after dinner.  I've gotten used to the narrator and don't find him quite as annoying as I did at the outset.  LOL.  I think we have roughly 4.5 hours left of listening.  The story is a good one.

That's it for me!  I need to check the wash I got going a little bit ago and my stomach is complaining of being empty, so I'd best get some food as well.  Hope your Wednesday is a good one!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/7/24


Good Morning!

Our lilac is AMAZING this year.  I do't think we've ever had so many blooms on it (and now our front step looks like it has purple snow on it).  This lilac is one that we brought back from Vermont years and years ago.  It struggled for some years and only had a few blooms, but now it looks very comfortable in Pennsylvania.

In other garden news, the 3 figs that have already appeared continue to grow!  Leaves are also finally appearing.  The first bean shoot has come up and the first dahlia shoots are appearing!  Later this week Fletch and I plan to go to our favorite nursery to pick up a few plants (yellow squash, rosemary, basil, catnip, eggplants and whatever else captures our fancy).  It's a wonderful Spring this year.

Since it's Tuesday, it is time for a Tiny Needle update.  My Vierlande Sampler has grown a bit over the past week.  The Quaker style medallions are symmetrical, but I found one that was not!  So I adjusted it.  The purple motif on the right has two colors in it, and some of the symbols were messed up (my opinion).  After fixing that, I decided to move to some of the inside motifs and take a break from the medallions.

There are also random letters sprinkled throughout the center part, but I may just ignore them.  I'll see what it looks like after I complete everything else.  This continues to be a fun stitch!

I've been tempted to begin the second Vierlande Sampler I picked out, but it's probably best if I finish this one first.

Looks like our temps are warming up again - it should hit 80 today and 85 or more tomorrow!  Then back to some rain and cooler temps.  The roller coaster continues.  Hope your Tuesday is a good one!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Weekending 5/6/24


Hello There!

How was your weekend?  Ours was a chilly and wet one.  Both days.  Temps were in the 80's last week, but this weekend each day was a struggle to make it to 50 degrees.  The lack of warmth and lack of sun did not stop the iris from blooming!

The dreary weather made for some good days of stitching, knitting and reading.  In between chores on Saturday (scrubbing the kitchen floor, etc.), I managed to finish the second gold and peat sock!

They are pretty and look great (I think), but what a PITA to knit!!  The gold yarn (Wildfoote from Brown Sheep Company in the color way "Goldenrod") is so pretty but also so rustic.  Actually rough to work with and hard on my hands.  The green color (Backyard Fiberworks 100% super wash merino in the color way "Peat") was wonderful to knit.  Even though there is no nylon in that yarn, it is stretchy and just feels so nice.  The bonus for me:  Fletch loves the socks.

There was also stitching done, but I'll wait until tomorrow to show that.

I had a moment of FOMO when I saw Araignee's Post relating to the Maryland Sheep & Wool weekend...but the last time I was there was a rainy day and it was miserable!  Plus it's a long drive and the traffic is horrible to get there.  I did have a dream Friday night that I went, but had a driver take me.  I was able to sit in the back of a comfy car and knit instead of battling the traffic!  LOL. I think that's the only way to go now.

Yesterday was, of course, Cinco de Mayo.  We headed over to Colin & Mailing's in the afternoon.  Anna and Otto were there and Zhongren came too (Bonnie is back in China for several weeks).  When we arrived, all the animals came to the front door to greet us:  Otto (Anna's dog) and Marcel and Talbot.  They all get along so well.

Colin grilled chicken and shrimp for tacos and we had guacamole, and rice and beans to go with it.  Mailing had made a key lime pie for dessert!  If only the weather had been nicer and we could have been outside.  But, it was wonderful to be with family and have good food!

Today is another errand day (drugstore), but I hope to find time to stitch and knit.  I hope your day provides opportunity for whatever you want to do!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday and a FOX 5/1/24


Good Morning All,

Happy May Day!  I remember way back (in the dark ages) when I was in grade school we always had a May Day celebration where we danced around a Maypole - weaving the streamers around and under.  I wonder if anyone still does that?

It is EARLY here in Eastern PA and I have been awake for some time.  Yuck!  I will back up to last night for the story.  It's maybe 8:30 or so and I'm on the phone talking to my friend Carol.  Suddenly I hear noises outside.  I jump up and go out and right at the edge of the patio is Mr. Fox.  Who was showing me his teeth!  Mabel, fortunately, had jumped up onto some shelves on the patio and was uttering a growl like I have never heard come out of her before.  Mr. Fox ran off and Mabel came inside.  And stayed in the rest of the night.

Jump to 3 a.m. this morning and I wake up to a very loud barking from a fox.  Mabel is on the bed and she starts growling and jumps onto the windowsill to survey the back yard.  I never really get back to sleep - just doze on and off for a bit.  At 5:30 Mabel is getting antsy and the birds are singing loudly outside.  So I get up and come down to let Mabel out.  Usually I would go back upstairs to get a shower, but thankfully I decided to make the coffee first.  Mabel goes out and suddenly I hear a ruckus again.  There is Mr. Fox once more at the edge of the patio (again showing his teeth) and Mabel has managed to get back up on the shelf and is growling (again).  Once more Mr. Fox runs off after giving me a nasty glance and Mabel finally comes inside (where she still is).

This is all too much excitement for me so early in the morning!

Meanwhile, some exciting garden news.  We spotted the first figs forming!!  Last year our fig was very late to leaf out and the fruit did not even form until way too late to ripen.  This year figs were showing before the very first leaves sprouted!

And, we discovered that Mabel loves to lie in the raised bed box under the rhubarb leaves.  LOL. I guess it's a cool and shady spot on these warmer-than-they-should-be days.

All of this brings us to today and Unraveled Wednesday.  Usually I would link up with Kat, but she is on vacation and not hosting an Unraveled Wednesday post this week.  I still wanted to talk knitting and books, so here I am.  The second Peat and Gold sock has been started.  I am a little past the halfway mark on the leg.

I'm hoping to finish this up rather quickly and move onto other things (languishing projects and new stash yarn perhaps).

On the reading side of things, I picked up Notes From the Henhouse the other week.  It's ok.  Not great, but ok...just a little boring in places.  So last night I started another library book - one that my friend Nina had recommended:  This Other Eden by Paul Harding.  I read about 40 pages last night and so far am really loving it.

Another book that Nina recommended is West With Giraffes which Fletch and I are listening to after dinner.  I don't care much for the narrator, but it is a fun story.

I should wrap this up now...get my shower and pour another cup of coffee.  Dee and I are gathering together a bit later this morning!  Thanks for sticking with me through this long-winded post.  Happy Hump Day!