Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday 3/7/23

 Good Morning Everyone!

Last night before I went upstairs to crawl into bed (and read for a little bit), I looked at the weather app on my phone and it showed that by 2 or 3 a.m. we would be in a snow belt that would last into this morning.  Well, that didn't happen.  In a way I'm a little disappointed.  Other than a dusting or two and some flurries here and there, we have not had any snow this winter.  I was hoping for a pretty scene for a day or so.  Maybe next year!

Here we are at the first Tuesday in March and it is time for a TNT update.  Ellen Harrison continues to interest me (thank goodness...there is still so much to stitch on this piece) and a bit of progress was made this past week.  A few more motifs and a bit of the outside border on the bottom and the right.

The top row of motifs is finished - it goes all the way to the right hand side.  Here's a close up of the items stitched this past week.

The bird on the right with the red breast (a robin?) sits atop a tree.  I may stitch that next...or I may start in on the giant stag to the right of the house.  I've got options, that's for surre!

Of course, even though my interest continues with this piece, I've been thinking about what to stitch next.  I have a lot of old cross stitch magazines - mostly from the 80's and 90's.  Some Fine Lines, some Antique Samplers and Needlework, a few Just Cross Stitch (before that publication became way too "cutie" - just my opinion, don't shoot me).  I looked at some of them the other week, but haven't settled on anything.  Naturally, I have an over abundance of charts too.  Some small (i.e., pincushion size which I love) and some large samplers (like Ellen Harrison).  From the looks of the empty space on my Ellen Harrison piece, I have plenty of time to make up my mind and then change it - many times!  LOL

I'm wishing you all a lovely Tuesday - whatever you do, be sure to enjoy it!


  1. We did get some snow last night but I think it's less than an inch. This may well be the winter that I don't shovel at all. I like that robin and the crown and am looking forward to seeing the giant stag. Have a lovely Tuesday!

    1. I have shoveled exactly once this winter, and it wasn't because there was a lot of snow but rather because there was slush underneath it that I didn't want to turn into a solid sheet of ice!

  2. No snow here, either -- just rain. Guess I'll be wearing my trail shoes for today's run (they are waterproof). I like the fat robin you've just stitched; I've seen a bunch of those around lately, including some who seem to not be afraid of people.

  3. If not stitching, it is always fun to dream about what you could stitch!

  4. No snow here, as Sarah shared... but it is in the forecast for later this week.

    I do like this sampler... I love the school girl samplers they are delightful in their wonky-ness! :)

  5. There's lots going on in your sampler
    We got a dumping on snow Fhursday into Friday (about 6 inches) and it's still melting off. They say we should see a couple more storms like it before winter is done with us. Doesn't look like I'll get an early spring afterall that fuss in February

  6. The best part of stitching is planning what comes next. I have to be so careful if I run out of floss and have to order some because I can't resist buying "the next thing" at the same time. I have way too many "next things" here now. It all pales when I watch Floss Tube. Those folks think nothing of having 30 or 40 projects on the go. I can't imagine.

  7. Your beautiful project is coming along quickly. I don't have any planned cross stitch right now except next Christmas's ornaments for the kids and grands. I'm on the third Christmas stocking for Alex's family.
    We're supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow on Thursday but the last 4 predicted storms haven't happened so I'm waiting to see.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Sorry the expected snow did not arrive--wow the forecasters are not doing well this winter are they!

  9. This sampler does indeed provide some time to contemplate your next project. I have a few old cross stitch magazines and leaflets myself. I just can't bring myself to put them in the recycling.

  10. "Ellen" is going to keep you busy for quite a while yet . . . but it's always fun to dream! :-) We've had quite a bit of snow here this winter -- off and on -- but it never sticks around for long. I'm starting to get itchy for "real" spring . . .

  11. love your stitching :) I've been in simple knitting mode for now and it's just a great place to be :)
