Friday, March 24, 2023

Friday Felines

 Good Morning!

Today's post is about chasing birds.  Yup - that's what Mabel loves to do.

Yesterday was mostly a rainy day, but by late afternoon the skies cleared and Fletch hauled out the grill to cook us some dinner (lamb chops - yum!).  At one point he opened the back door and called me out to see Mabel.

We often see her racing up the apple tree, but this time she was going up the tree my clothesline is tied to.  It is covered in a tangle of trumpet vines (so many!), poison ivy (so much) and Seven Sisters Roses (not enough).

Please click to enlarge - she is just too cute.  As she climbed higher and higher (higher than the apple tree allows), we could hear her talking (chittering) away at all the birds.  Too cute.

Higher still she went until she finally turned to the other side and was out of our sight.  By the time we were sitting down to dinner, she was whining at the back door to come in.  Quite the little adventuress!  And, quite the climber!

I'm looking forward to a nice day - my one conference call was cancelled, so I feel as though my day is free.  The weather is not lovely, but I have plenty to keep me occupied inside.  Wishing you all a fabulous weekend - have some fun!


  1. Mabel is an adventurous climber and is also camouflaged pretty well in the vines. Wishing you a lovely (if rainy) weekend, Vera!

  2. Oh, that Mabel! I used to get so worried when my cat climbed trees but he always managed to get down. Fred & George are strictly indoor kitties so the only climbing they do is on me, hahaha!

  3. Oh Mabel! That looks so precarious, you wild woman you!

  4. Crazy cat! We are still happily pet-free at the moment, but was just remembering how pitiful my tomato harvest was last year because the squirrels & chippies would get there first -- no felines patrolling the area anymore and what a difference! That was a nuisance (and sometimes a mess) but I'm enjoying seeing so many more birds.

  5. Love to see Mabel, Vera! JoJo loves to chase rabbits and squirrels in our yard. Sometimes she will chase down a robin or mourning dove, but mostly it's the rabbits that drive her mad! XO (She never catches anything, by the way. But the chase does give her some good exercise!)

  6. Mabel sure is a force to be reckoned with!! Love her adventures.

  7. You must be getting the weather we've had the past several days. Cloudy, cool and sometimes a little water from the sky, either a mist or a light rain. Today however, we woke to beautiful blue skies and a promised high of 53F. That sounds wonderful. A long wak may be in our afternoon plans if it actually happens.
    Mabel is part acrobat. She's something else isn't she. Such a beautiful baby.

  8. Mabel looks like she just lets her back legs dangle. What a personality! Lamb chops sound so good right now. I can't remember the last time we had lamb.

  9. I used to love to climb trees when I was little so I can get how much fun that was for Mabel. Every time I walk past a tree I size it up for it's

  10. I remember how much Mabel liked climbing when you first got her. I bet you’re happy she now does her climbing outside.

  11. It sounds like she has some great chats with all the birds! And I'm glad she's able to get down on her own so you don't have to climb up the tree after her. A Friday with a canceled conference call is a gift, so enjoy the early start to your weekend.

  12. I'm always so happy when we get a Mable report!

  13. What a funny girl - Lemmy is showing signs of being a climber - he'd probably get into all kinds of trouble if I let him out of the catio, lol

  14. Mabel is quite the climber. I was hoping you would write that she climbed down without incident. Whew. I am glad your weekend is off to a good start. Fun - now there is a great idea.

  15. What a sight! She sure is an adventurous cat!
