Friday, March 10, 2023

Friday Things

 Good Morning and Hello My Friends,

It has been quite the noisy morning!  I was rudely woken around 6 a.m. by some rather noisy crows...and more than an hour later, they are still at it!  So, I'm using this mug today:

Cracks me up each time I pull it out of the cabinet.

Then, when I woke up my computer I saw this:

Looking at the weather app on my phone, we should see snow around 8 or 9, then rain, then more snow.  Spring weather!

Yesterday I tried a new-to-us recipe and it was another winner!!  I made Lemon Brown Butter Pasta With Roasted Artichokes and Fennel using this recipe.  I subbed bow tie pasta and added fresh parsley as well as the basil.

The garlicky breadcrumbs were the BEST!!

I also roasted some more nuts:

Very addictive.  I used Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans and almonds.  Mixed them all up with less than a TBS of EVOO, some sea salt, black pepper, a bit of rosemary and some red pepper flakes.  Put them in a 325 oven for about 10 minutes, then turned it up to 350 and roasted for another 5 minutes.  The difficulty is to not eat the entire bowl at once!  LOL

I'm hoping to ease into the weekend this afternoon - fingers crossed that work will cooperate.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I got woken up by jackhammers working on a nearby cross street before 7, so I am a bit grumpy. Our weather looks the same so I'm trying to decide what delicious soup to make. Your pasta looks delicious. John doesn't like artichokes, so I'm saving recipes to make for myself when John goes on a fishing trip in June. Here's hoping your weekend starts early and is a good one!

  2. We were supposed to have the same weather today, but the snow seems to have pushed north of us, so we're just having cold and rain. Gross.

    Love your mug! If I ever have room in my cabinet for another one (I like mugs), that's high on my list!

  3. I slept until 8am today, a most unusual occurrence for me! Those nuts sounds so good, I would want to eat them warm and straight out of the oven!

  4. That recipe looks amazing! Yum!! (and we have similar weather here today... sigh, lol)

    Have a great weekend!

  5. A continuing sadness in my life is that Rick cannot abide garlic. Imagine my suffering.

    Those nuts wouldn't last five minutes in this house. What a great recipe.

    We've got big, fat flakes coming down right now. Not unusual, but it feels cruel anyway. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I ❤️ your coffee/tea mug! Spring Break started today for the university, so very little traffic noise this morning as I ease into my day.

  7. Oh my that pasta looks good. We always have artichoke hearts sitting around. It's hard to get fennel this time of year but maybe I should go ahead and plant some?

  8. Love that mug! It's hilarious, especially with your morning wake up call. Your pasta and the nuts too, look delicious.
    We ended up only getting about an inch of snow yesterday and it was gone before I got up at 7:30. It rained most of the day though and that was very needed by the farmers.
    I hope your weekend starts early and is fun.

  9. We're currently getting a couple inches of snow. Roads aren't too bad though, which is good because Dave wants to go out for pizza tonight

  10. I was just talking to my neighbor yesterday and we were both noticing the noisy noisy crows!! I don't remember last year them being so loud!

  11. The pasta looks great but the roasted nuts are the best!!!!

  12. The pasta looks delicious. I love fennel. Roasted nuts are always a good idea. Perhaps buying them in bulk somewhere - like Costco - and roasting and seasoning them at home would be more economical than buying flavored nuts for snacking? They would be better. Enjoy the weekend.

  13. This weather is crazy. 30's for this week? I do love snow but not in March and especially not in April. It's rain here. Cold, miserable rain...sigh.

  14. SNOW! We woke up to rain (and some thunder) today, but it's in the 40's ... chilly wet seems to be our March mode around here. Those roasted nuts look yummy - we do buy almonds and walnuts from Costco and roast them ... but not with any oil or seasonings. I'm going to try your method with our next batch!
