Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Unraveled Wednesday 8/17/22

 Hello and Good Morning!

The air is cool this morning and it feels so good.  Opened the door to the patio at 2 a.m. (!) to let Mabel out and could feel the chill.  It was still there at 6 a.m. when I opened the door to let her in and give her breakfast.  

Our apple tree looks like Fall.  So many of its leaves have fallen and others have turned yellow.  There are still apples on the tree - more than in the last few years, but they are small.  The deer are coming down to dine on them - so many have fallen you have to be careful walking across the back yard - if you were to step on one of those apples, you could twist or break an ankle!

Tomatoes are still coming in like crazy.  Two days in a row I have picked 7 large tomatoes and a basketful of cherry tomatoes.  So much goodness!  We picked up some good French bread at the store yesterday, so I think home made bruschetta is on the list of things to have.

Meanwhile, once again it is Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and all the Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Such a lovely time we have and there is always so much inspiration.

Of course, I already showed my knitting on Monday with the finished dishcloth and the sock beginning.  There has been a little progress on the sock.

The pattern (Tidal Wave) is a 12 row repeat.  When I showed the sock on Monday only the first 12 rows had been knit.  In the picture above there are a total of 3 repeats, so 36 rows.  I'll knit another 3 repeats (maybe 4 - I will weigh the yarn) and then start the heel flap.

On the reading side of things, only one finish this week...but a good one!  I listened (another audio book!!) to Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan.  This was short (~ 2 hours) - more like a novella - but it packs a punch!  As one reviewer stated, if you don't want to see the Catholic Church in a bad light, don't read this.  The narrator with his lilting Irish voice was perfect.  I gave this 4.5 stars.

I'm in the midst of reading Fellowship Point by Alice Elliott Dark.  It took me a little time to get into this, but I am now enjying it quite a bit.  I'm listening to Fresh Water for Flowers by Valerie Perrin.  I believe Katie brought this to my attention.  I will listen some more this morning on my drive to the office.

Fletch and I are about 75% finished with Northland by Porter Fox.  We listen after dinner for 20 minutes or so.  I've enjoyed this, but I confess to not remembering a lot about it - LOL.  Still, it is nice to be read to and I'm enjoying knitting a little while listening.

Once again I've a busy morning in front of me.  I'm going to the office as I've got to scan some things and send them off (I don't have a scanner at home), check the mail, etc., etc.  There is some busy work I can do as well (if I'm so inclined - hahaha).  Then I will head to Trader Joe's for a few things (including flowers), pick up some wine and head home hopefully before lunch.

Hoping this mid-week post finds everyone having a great week.  Be sure to check out Kat's blog to see what everyone is up to!


  1. Your socks remind me of popsicles! So fun! And look at you . . . listening to books. (That makes me smile.) I read Small Things Like These when it first came out last year around Christmastime. I think I may re-read it every Christmas. (I loved it.) XO

  2. I am confident that I will finish THE STAND today, God willing! Love that color way of the socks!!

  3. I really like the pattern on your sock and the way the yarn is working. I also enjoyed Small Things and am glad you finally got into Fellowship Point. Fresh Water for Flowers sounds interesting and I'm off to check my libraries. I have too many books in my queue at present but never pass up adding another good one! Happy Wednesday!

  4. Your sock is a perfect pairing of color and stitch pattern!

    I'm glad the cool weather finally made its way to you. It's really felt like fall here the past several days. The dogwood in our backyard has been shedding leaves and some sort of berry or nut (I don't know exactly what they are, but the squirrels seem to love them). Bring on fall!

  5. I am also loving that you are listening to audio books, Vera! Well done you! :)

    Happy Wednesday my friend!

  6. That yarn and pattern play well together.

  7. How pretty those sox are! They look like my favourite sherbet, a lemon cherry swirl.

    I'm at the lake today, washing a huge bedspread in the big washing machine here. It's gorgeous out--60s, sunny, and the lake is almost still. I hope these early autumnal days don't mean an early appearance of you-know-what.

  8. Temperatures have tapered off this last week, and the morning air has a hint of Fall. Some trees in town are losing leaves. While I welcome the cooler temperatures, I’m not ready to let goof Summer since it was so late arriving this year. Love the socks!

  9. It is starting to feel like fall. Something is definitely happening with the trees. I know it sounds crazy but they look

  10. Bruschetta sounds like a really good idea. Keep on knitting on those socks. The colorway is so bright and cheerful.

  11. Hi, I'm back! I've sure missed commenting, but I have been reading your posts faithfully on my phone. The socks are wonderful. Love the yarn with that pattern. I've been hearing so many people say that it's going to be an early fall/winter and a severe one too. I hope they're wroing! :-) We have had a bit cooler weather this week which is a nice welcome home.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. That colorway works so well that pattern - lovely! Can't wait to hear what you think about Fresh Water for Flowers - I still haven't started it. So glad to hear that Small Things Like These was lovely on audio - such a wonderful story that packed quite a punch.
