Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Tiny Needle Tuesday 8/30/22

Good Morning!

Another kind of grey, overcast day here.  No rain yesterday and probably not today either.

Well, after having no stitching post last Tuesday, I stepped things up and Simply Live is now complete!!

 Gosh I love this little piece.  It is a pattern from The Primitive Needle (unfortunately Lisa Roswell died a number of years ago...her designs are so nice).  I stitched it on 40 count linen using a combination of DMC and Gentle Arts threads going over 2 threads.  The finished piece is 4.5" wide and 8" high.  It is now tucked away in the drawer with the other finishes.

Yesterday I picked linen out of my stash and hemmed the edges (tired of linen fraying) for two new pieces.  Neither have been started, so more on them next week (I've still got time to change my mind and pick something completely different - LOL).  I will tell you that one of them will really be fun in that it incorporates a number of different stitches into the pattern...not just little x marks.  I can't wait!

Our snapdragons just keep on keepin' on.  They bloom and send up new shoots full of buds and then those shoots bloom, and on and on.  Really gorgeous.  Next year we will plant many more - the deer ignore them unlike other flowers we have planted.

Speaking of deer, I spied this guy this morning.  Picture a little blurry as it was taken through our patio door, but look at that tail!

I don't think I've ever seen one showing so much white on the sides.  And, it looks so fluffy!

Each year in the Spring Fletch goes on the hunt for Praying Mantis egg cases on the property.  When he finds any he will often relocate them to the garden.  Praying Mantis are so good for your garden.  When watering my basil and rosemary yesterday I noticed this guy on the Morning Glory vine:

A handsome fellow.  This reminds me of one of my favorite framed things in our downstairs bathroom.  Fletch and I saw this card in a bookstore a number of years ago...bought it, framed it, and it is now on one of the bathroom walls.  I know I've shown this before, but it just cracks me up every time I look at it.

And with that, I'm off to get another cup of coffee, check out a few blogs and do a little work.  Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. Oh that card is funny! I love your snap dragons. Mine don't seem to get tall enough to cut - they always stay compact and bushy.

    And of course, I love a good fluffy dear tail!

    Fantastic finish too!

  2. Your sampler is beautiful! I had imagined it as larger, but being on the smaller side makes it even more special. I'm looking forward to seeing your next piece.
    P.S. That card is great!

  3. I don’t remember ever planting snapdragons. I wonder if they’d grow here. Excellent finish - it’s one of my favorites.

  4. Congrats on the finish! It's a real beauty. I can't wait to see what you do next. You always find the most interesting things.
    I love that card. I did laugh-and I could use some help with some shelves but I don't know how to break the news to The Mister....lol.

  5. Ha, that card is great! We've seen a praying mantis twice this summer (not sure if it's the same one or two) on our sunflowers. I'm glad to hear they're good for the garden!

    I hope some of the rain we're having ALL DAY here makes its way to you.

  6. you have some beautiful shots of the wildlife and insects

  7. I haven't seen a praying mantis for years until this year. I finally saw one just last week. Hilarious card.
    Your finish is beautiful. For some reason I thought it was bigger! I was really surprised. It will be fun to see what you decide to stitch on next. We've already seen two deer at Mom's new apartment. She's thrilled with the place. Thank goodness for that.

  8. Wait--you're supposed to HEM the EDGES?

  9. Really nice sampler, not seen before. And small!

  10. I really like that sampler and look forward to seeing your next stitching project. The snapdragons are so cheerful. I walk by a yard that has quite a few but only in two colors.

  11. That sampler did turn out so beautifully, Vera! I am eager to see what you pick next! Last night Sherman and I noted that there was some "house cleaning" in the bunny nursery and this morning a new load of dried grasses and some freshly plucked fur... so we (Sherman and I, lol) think that soon there will be another set of kits! We usually see lots of deer in our neighborhood, but not so many recently!

  12. Beautiful finish on the sampler!!! I love to find a praying mantis, too.
