Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Unraveled Wednesday - June 23, 2021

 Hello and Good Morning!

Can someone tell me how it is already June 23rd?  Almost through June and almost half way through 2021.  Whoosh!  It goes by so fast.

Meanwhile, today is Wednesday which means I am linking up with Kat and friends to talk knitting/making and reading.  I do have one finish to share.  This lavender (LOVE this color) dishcloth - just a plain one - was finished before we left on vacation.  It's already been in use and needs to be washed.

The only knitting accomplished during vacation was the ribbing on the cuff of a new sock.  Since then I've managed to knit a bit more on it.

I've named this sock Fuego because it reminds me of fire.  The yarn is Trekking XXL (75% wool and 25% nylon), color 674 - Orange-Yellow (how clever - lol).  I've used this yarn previously and it always knits up nicely and wears well.  I debated doing a "pattern", but decided the self striping of the yarn was enough and that a pattern probably wouldn't show that well.  There are 15 rows of 2x2 ribbing and then plain knitting for the leg (70 rows before the heel flap).  I'm using size 2 needles.

Damon and Peggy, after seeing me knit on this, have both said they would love socks for Christmas.  I promptly got out a tape measure and got their sizes.  (1" difference between Damon's right and left foot!!)  After this pair I will pick out some yarn to make their socks.

My reading has mostly consisted of rather light stuff.  Another book by William Kent Krueger in the Cork O'Connor series (Boundary Waters) which I enjoyed.  Fletch and I finished reading The Good, Good Pig after dinner.  I had read this years ago when it first came out and enjoyed it the second time around.  Not sure what is up next for us.  We tried one of the Maigret books by Georges Simenon, but decided it was better read alone...will need to find something for after dinner tonight!

We are now at two strikes trying to go to a concert in the park with Colin & Mailing.  After a number of very sunny and warm days, it rained most of yesterday (though it cleared by around 5 p.m.) and the concert was cancelled - or rather postponed until a date in August.  We still went over to their house for dinner which was a lovely charcuterie board with meats, olives, tomatoes, pickles, some rosemary almonds and crackers (no cheese as the kids don't do dairy).  We brought over some brownies I had made and they opened some wine.  Talbot pretty much stayed in the sunroom curled up on a chair or on the cat tree.  Marcel was a pest, but finally secluded himself under a chair - lol.

Such a handsome boy.  I wonder how those cats will take to Austin...

It was chilly enough that we put on jackets or sweatshirts and then sat around a fire in the pit after dinner and watched the sky change colors.  Lots of pretty clouds and a couple of bats flying around.  We were home by 9:45 which was good for me as I was tired.  The past two nights my sleep has been broken by foxes barking/screaming in our woods.  An eerie sound and I often have trouble getting back to sleep after hearing them.

Today I am going to the office.  It should be a brief visit (none of my bosses will be in) and I plan to be home before lunch.  Now it's time to dry my hair (my head is getting cold!), pour some more coffee and wake Fletch.  Wishing you all a great day - enjoy!


  1. I love your lavender dishcloth; it makes doing dishes pretty! And Fuego is the perfect name for those socks. That pattern and colors are so pretty and you know you'll be knitting two more pairs of socks after these. Have a good (short) day in the office!

  2. lovely dishcloth and such a soothing knit to have at the ready. Isn't this weather nuts? I'm in a long sleeve t shirt and pants with a sweatshirt...brr.

  3. A bit of cooler weather is welcome after the sweltering weekend we had, but this morning it was darned cold! (and I thought that exact same thing... how on earth is it June 23rd??)

  4. Love the socks and Fuego is a great name! I had thought of Nemo when I saw them of the "Finding Nemo" fame.
    Sorry about the concert. We had a thunderstorm threatened yesterday evening but nothing developed from it.
    Pretty, pretty dishcloth. I love lavender, any purples really, but lavender is my favorite.

  5. Trekking is wonderful sock yarn and sometimes hard to find. I agree that the yarn washes and wears well. Krueger’s books are great reads.

  6. I like the lavender dishcloth. The Fuego yarn and sock is colorful. Cute photo of Marcel under the chair. It is chilly today, June 23rd, the days months are flying by. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Great sock!

    I wish we had yesterday's weather on the weekend. I ended up having a sweater on all day. AND it's suppose to be hot and humid again by the weekend!

  8. Those socks are on fire (hehe)! I think you are wise to stick with a plain sock and let the yarn do the talking, so to speak.

    Sitting around the fire pit in the cooler weather we're also having now sounds really nice. I'm happy for the break from the humidity, but having to wear a sweatshirt or sweater in June is not my idea of fun.

  9. I love your little sheepy project bag!

  10. I've had screaming foxes under my bedroom window for the past two nights also. Darn things.
    That sock is so pretty. I love that stripy pattern. Trekking is a favorite of mine too and that colorway is a real beauty.

  11. The yarn is so pretty for socks--a real pop of colors! Sorry for the interrupted sleep; I finally slept well and it sure goes a long way for a better day! Did I miss something--who is Austin?

  12. What fun socks! We're having firecrackers go off like crazy around here already. I hate that. Can we at least finish June? It's upsetting to the cats and my granddog.

    I've never heard a fox do anything but bark and make a laughing sound, and not in person. I can't imagine screaming! Yikes.

  13. Those socks look like great fun. A new dishcloth is always nice too.
