Friday, June 11, 2021

Too Much Suburban Excitement!

 Good Morning!

It is rainy and overcast here and the temps are noticeably lowered.  I think today is forecast to not get out of the 70's.  That's a welcome relief.

Meanwhile, there was excitement in our little neighborhood yesterday.  Just after lunch Fletch and I heard some very loud bangs - sort of like a dumpster lid being slammed down or something.  Then there was an even louder noise and suddenly sirens.  Soon enough there were news helicopters flying overhead.  There are some townhomes and apartments not even 5 minutes from our house and that's where the excitement was.  Apparently a code enforcement officer responded to a call and was met at the door by a man with a gun.  The code enforcement officer escaped and called the police...and the guy went back into his home and then there was an explosion (or 2 or 3).  Townhomes went up in flames and several homes were completely destroyed.  The helicopters were still flying around last evening when we were sitting out around a fire in the pit.  According to what I read this morning, the authorities are still searching for the man with the gun - not sure if he died in the fire or if he got out and ran.  Very sad.

Colin was over last night.  After dinner Fletch got a fire going in the pit.  The temps had dropped enough that I actually had a sweatshirt on and Colin had a light jacket on!  We were just sitting around talking when we heard some birds chirping rather loudly.  They will often fuss at Tyg if he is out and about and sure enough he was...inching close to a baby bird that somehow had gotten onto the steps on our patio that lead down to our basement.  The poor little thing was trying to hop up the steps.  Colin managed to get Tyg away (and inside) and then rescued the little one.  He placed it in a bush at the side of the house and we believe it is ok - the adult birds stopped their fussing and it got quiet again.

We are pretty sure it was a little cat bird.  Seems to have very long toes!  LOL

Anyway, that was almost too much excitement for one day.  When Colin left around 10 p.m. I was more than ready to go to bed.

Today will be filled with laundry and some final cleaning before we take off on vacation.  I have my usual 10 a..m conference call, but that should only go for half an hour or so.  I'm hoping for a slow work day so that I can accomplish all the personal stuff I want to.  I'm looking forward to leaving my laptop home while we are away.  I will probably read some blogs on my phone, but I may not comment much and I will not be posting.  

Wishing you all a lovely weekend and a great week next week.  I'll "see" you when we get back!


  1. I saw the "excitement" on the news and wondered how close you were. I hope today is an easy one and hope you and Fletch have a wonderful vacation!

  2. Goodness, that's more excitement than I think you could want for a Thursday! I hope today is much calmer, and I hope you have a wonderful week away!

  3. Oh, wow.....that is some excitement. How scary.

  4. that was on my news! crazy that it was so close to you. I'm glad you are safe and no more excitement occurs in your neighborhood.

  5. Yikes... that is news on the crazy level! But that little bird... too cute! :)

    Have a great weekend and an even better week away!

  6. Good heavens! That's a lot for a Thursday and after all this heat, too. Our respite isn't coming until tomorrow, which isn't a moment too soon for me. I'm sick of this already.

    What a sweet little baby bird. I'm glad you intervened. I hope it's okay and safe now.

    Enjoy your time away. I know you will.

  7. Nature and suburbia both have their adventures! Glad all was okay in your household!!

  8. Wow, that's quite a fire!! I hope you have a fabulous vacation!!!

  9. Hello, Vera
    That is too much excitement. I hope all is calm now. The baby bird is cute. Enjoy your vacation!

  10. Wow! That's crazy! Those poor people who lost their homes.

    Cute little bird. Rupert almost had a fledgling robin the other week, but I noticed in time.

  11. Aww you saved a precious cat bird. The news of Austin having a gun man and mass shooting made my heart sink this this. It is a put my head in the sand kind of day....I really can't . Tomorrow maybe I'll take up a way to make a difference. Have a wonderful time away.

  12. Well my goodness you have lots going on! Glad the bird is safe, so sorry about the explosions, that very scary.

  13. Oh my goodness. That kind of excitement one could do without. I wonder if the little cat bird grows into his toes.

  14. Oh my goodness, that's more excitement than anyone needs in one day. I'm sorry for the people that lost their homes to one man's anger, (or whatever the issue is.)
    I'm also sorry for not commenting last week. Without my laptop I can't comment, although I can post new posts on my blog on my iPad. I'll never understand Blogger!?
    Our house looks like a disaster zone with boxes, bags and furniture everywhere from the POD and the truck but slowly it will come together. I'm taking a rest for my back and trying to catch up with everyone.
    Have a wonderful, restful vacation.
    Blessings and love,

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