Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tiny Needle Tuesday 6/8/21

 Good Morning!

Feels like it is going to be another stupid hot day here, though perhaps not quite as bad as yesterday.

Yesterday I managed to get out of the office in under an hour!  Tom from IT looked at my laptop and could not find anything wrong...all in order and no issues.  I'm guessing that the day it got so HOT in my backpack there must have been something running in the background that prevented it from shutting down completely...then I put it in the backpack and zipped it shut...bingo a HOT laptop.  I'll keep my eyes on it, but no issues, so I think we are good.

My eye appointment went well yesterday and my cataract surgeries are now scheduled - one at the beginning of July and one at the beginning of August.  I have a pre-op appointment with my eye dr at the end of June.  Woo-Hoo!

Let's move into TNT - Tiny Needle Tuesday - shall we?

It's been a bit on the warm side for stitching (we do not have central air), but I managed to get a little bit done - red flowers and leaves on the right hand side and the start of the last central motif in brown.  I'm still enjoying this piece so much.  A fun stitch and the silk threads are such a delight to use.

Part of today will hopefully be spent figuring out projects to take on the road!  Yup - we are on vacation next week and heading out of town.  First time in ??? months.  We are not taking our camper, but rather just driving down to Virginia to visit Fletcher's family.  If the above sampler is not finished by the weekend (and I doubt it will be), that will go with us.  I need to pick out yarn and projects to take for knitting time too.

First though, I need to really scrub the kitchen floor.  It's a mess!  Fletch is mowing the yard this a.m. - it will still be overgrown by the time we get back, but not as bad as it could be.  Colin will be coming over daily to feed and play with Tyg.

Tonight we are heading over to Colin & Mailing's for dinner and then music in the park (White's Road Park which is just a short walk from their house).  I think a blues group is playing tonight.  Fingers crossed the rain doesn't put a damper on things (we could get some rain by late morning/early afternoon).

Hope your Tuesday is a fun one!


  1. It sounds like your summer is off to a good start, and you certainly deserve a vacation after all of your hours working recently. Choosing your stitching knitting projects is important with all that time in the car. I hope it will be a lovely vacation!

  2. How nice to plan a trip! Love the new additions to the sampler. We're getting the heat wave and high humidity here, too. It's too early for this hideous weather!

  3. I'm glad to hear that I am not the only person who does not have central air in the house. This weather is the worst.

    I love your stitching - but I have been unable to stitch or knit lately, because it's been so hot, I can't get the yarn/thread to move through my fingers.

    I hope your trip goes well and that you can really enjoy it.

  4. A trip!! That is amazing news! :) YaY!!!!!! Have fun! (and I am so glad you have your surgeries scheduled! AND I am even more in awe of your needlework!)

  5. I'm glad there wasn't anything seriously wrong with the laptop. And...a trip! Car knitting and stitching! There is nothing better is there? I'm just taking mittens with me because they're small for the plane portion of the trip. Then I'll get more yarn in Spokane for the drive back. I should be ahead on my mitten production so I can make a baby blanket or something when I get back to Omaha. I finished the border on Pipers blanket late last night. Whoo-hoo!
    Have fun at the concert with the kids.
    Blessings and love,

  6. The sampler is looking great. You're making great progress.

    We got some rain over night and are supposed to get more this afternoon. It took the heat down, but it's still VERY humid.

  7. Oh, I loved Virginia when al lived there. IT was her first taste of the SOUTH for all ya'll. She made wonderful friends at Childrens hospital of the Kings Daughters. The beach boardwalk was OK, but the ocean was lovely. Your sampler is so beautiful

  8. Summer outdoor concerts are the best! Enjoy. My second surgery is next Tuesday: I’m looking forward to it. My iPad got really HOT once. It was looking for a WiFi connection. I’ve learned to turn off the WiFi setting if the iPad is in its case.

  9. I will keep my fingers crossed that the weather cooperates with your evening plans tonight. I got very sweaty on my walk this morning -- it's not quite as hot, but it's like being in soup outside because the humidity is so high. Ugh. Glad to hear that your surgeries have been scheduled and that you have a fun trip to look forward to!

  10. It is stupid hot isn't it? I am pretty cranky about it and I am sitting here in my central AC'd house feeling like a prisoner again when I shouldn't really be complaining.
    The sampler looks great. I lose interest in everything when it is this hot. It does something to my brain even though I am inside.

  11. Hello,
    The leaves looks pretty on your sampler. It is great to be able to get away and take a vacation. I like road trips. Congrats on having the dates for your eye surgery. Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. It's funny-must be the day for it-I just did my kitchen floor and Bill is outside mowing! I hope you have a good time tonight! The stitching is looking good and will make a good travel project!

  13. It's fun to see that sampler come to life. It's very pretty.

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