Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Unraveled Wednesday June 9, 2021

 Good Morning!

What a soupy morning it is here.  We did get some storms yesterday afternoon that dropped (thankfully) the temperature into the 70's, but the humidity stayed with us.  We did go to Colin & Mailing's for dinner, but the music in the park concert was cancelled because of the weather.  Dinner was delicious (of course!!).  Everything (except the rolls) was vegan.  We had home-made black bean burgers which were yummy.  Lettuce, tomato, red onion and avocado to go on them.  Potato salad with leeks and scapes with a home made vegan mayonnaise.  And then a big pot of greens (chard, kale, dandelion, etc.) they had picked up at the CSA farm last week.  We took over some rhubarb sorbet I had made, but we were all too full to have any.  The rain stopped by the time we finished dinner and we sat out back for half an hour or so, but by 8:30 we headed home.  It was a very foggy ride back to our house and it's very foggy this a.m.

On this Unraveled Wednesday I'm linking up with Kat and other Unravelers to talk about knitting and reading.  I don't have a lot of knitting to show since finishing the hot pink dishcloth.  The only thing is the beginning of yet another dishcloth (that seems to be all my brain can handle right now - lol):

Just another plain one made with Sugar and Cream yarn - a very pretty and soft lavender color.  I started this at Colin & Mailing's yesterday before dinner.

You can see Marcel next to me.  He was so good for a little bit of time, just laying next to me.  Then suddenly he attacked the yarn and I had to put everything away.  Talbot didn't pay it any attention.

Here is Marcel looking so innocent:

He has got to be the softest cat ever.

On the reading side of things I did finish Oil and Marble and give it a solid 5 stars.  I highly recommend this book.  I discovered the author has another book out Raphael, Painter in Rome which looks equally good and I plan to request this from my library once we are back from vacation.  I also read another mystery in the series I am reading by Linda Castillo and have started another mystery in yet another series I am reading.  I'm enjoying the mysteries - nothing spectacular writing-wise, but quick (1-2 days) and pleasant summer reading.

I need to head back to the office this morning - I have some documents that need to be sent out overnight and also some more printing to do on the "big boy" (ledger size) paper.  I should be able to get in and out of there in an hour.

There is more cleaning I want/need to do before we go away.  So funny, but I always clean a lot before we go on's nice to come home to a clean house.  The kitchen floor has been scrubbed, but bathrooms need to be cleaned (again) and there are multiple loads of laundry.  I guess I know what the balance of my week will be like - lol.  I still need to determine projects (both knitting and stitching) to take with me and... of course...reading material.

Time for another cup of coffee to help me wake up on this sleepy morning.  Be sure to head over to Kat's to see what others are making and reading.


  1. Hello,
    The Kitties are cute! Your dinner sounds delicious! We had some heavy rain and thunder last night. It is steamy out there. I am reading the Charles Lenox mystery series right. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Oil and Marble sounds like my kind of book! Have you read The Agony and the Ecstasy? If not, you might want to check it out (it's all about Michelangelo).

    I think giving the house a good clean before going away is a brilliant idea. Who wants to come home from vacation and have to clean their house?!

  3. Marcel simply wanted ALL of your attention. Sorry the concert was canceled because of weather: that happened frequently the last year I lived in Riverton. It was always beautiful the day before or after the scheduled concert, but nasty the evening of the concert. I also enjoy Linda Castillo’s books.

  4. Nice start on that dish cloth! As I recall... they just fly off the needles! Good summer knit! I am off to find Oil and Marble... :)

  5. love that dish cloth, I might need to follow you with this knit. I wish Holly would sit and be petted but she is a distant cat.

  6. I like the hot pink dishcloth and this lavender one is equally pretty! I knit a bunch of dishcloths and sent them to friends back during the pandemic, and it really is fun and perfect mindless knitting. I hope your time in the office is minimal so you can get home and get ready for your vacation!

  7. I love coming home to a clean and neat home, too, so I do the same thing. It's so nice to Earn that vacation as well.

    I use straight needles for my dishcloths, but I see the wisdom of using the circ.

    I'm trying like crazy to get interested in a book I got, The Mercies, but I can't seem to get into it. Have you read it?

  8. I am like that with cleaning-and-vacations, too! I go into a frenzy of cleaning before we leave, so I can come home to a nice, clean house. (Maybe that's why my house needs a good cleaning these days . . . because we haven't gone ANYWHERE!) ;-)
    Sometimes, it's a good thing to just crank out the dishcloths for awhile. XO

  9. I am also in dishcloth mode. I'm going to request Oil and Marble from the library--thanks for the tip!

  10. Your dinner with Colin and Mailing sounds delicious! And rhubarb sorbet - be still my heart!!!

    I have already started reading some mysteries that I enjoy in summertime. Not that I won't read anything else, but they are enjoyable quick reads, and that's pleasing especially this time of year.

    I always try to clean before we go away. Coming home to an already clean house is the best.

  11. A novel about Leonardo and Michelangelo? I am clicking over to my library's site to request it. I was an art history major for a good part of my college years (before I admitted to myself that I was never going to get a master's degree in it; the only way to get hired in that field is to have an MA.)

  12. Why Oil and Marble 5 stars!!! Thats a big endorsement!!!!
    I am knitting and listening to a podcast Sawbones, a doctor married to a doctor team. They did a very interesting show on people who think they have bugs in their skin! The parasite dilemma. It was really fascinating. Im all about a teddy bear knit. But I fudged a pattern I did not like last night and made it a kitty. Today, A bear I hope. The one seam teddy I've done before and it can be really cute

  13. Have you ever used Dishie from Knit Picks? I am getting ready to knit dishcloths and I am thinking about ordering some yarn from knit picks. I have always knitted dishcloths using Sugar'n Cream. Thank you, Martha

  14. I love to deep clean before vacation, too--for just the same reason.
    Glad the dinner was great--so nice to entertain the cats! lol

  15. It was a soupy day. It's raining right now again so I guess tomorrow will be just as soupy. I like coming home to a clean house too. The Mister thinks I am crazy for making everything spic and span before I leave.

  16. Dish cloths are a nice palate cleanser or auto-pilot knitting. It is nice to have a fresh one at home or save it for a gift. Cleaning house before vacation always sounds like a good idea. I do try to get the bathrooms clean and the kitchen floor scrubbed. I am not so good about dusting but I always have my knitting and an audio book at the ready. Enjoy your time away.

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