Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tiny Needle Tuesday June 1, 2021

 Good Morning and Hello June (already!!)!

How are you and how was your weekend?  The beginning of ours was wet and very chilly - think upper 40's and heavy rain.  Not exactly how you want to welcome in the "unofficial" start of summer.  Colin and Mailing had been planning to spend the weekend backpacking, but given the weather they decided to stay home instead, so we were not on cat duty as we had originally thought.

Saturday morning I met up with Dee for some coffee and knitting.  The coffee shop was extremely noisy though and it got progressively more crowded, so we cut our visit a bit short this time.  I had not slept well the night before, so I promptly fell into a 2 hour nap once I got home.  Delightful - expecially on a rainy afternoon.

Sunday wasn't much better weather-wise.  Fletch and I went grocery shopping and that was about it.  Monday the sun finally made an appearance and it turned into a very pretty day.  Still chilly when the sun hid behind clouds, but it warmed enough that we could sit on the patio with a beverage in the late afternoon.

Thanks for all the anniversary wishes.  Hard to believe it's been 41 years!  We did not do anything special and I did cook...but you all know I enjoy that, so no worries.

I believe I did more reading and knitting this weekend (perhaps making up for lost time last week??), but I also snuck in a little bit of stitching.  Here's where the sampler stands as of this morning.

I finished up the brown design on the left and then stitched a flower underneath that.  I'm now on the bottom third of this sampler and still enjoying it.

The sun is now poking out and it looks like this first day of June will be a pretty one.  Enjoy!!


  1. I love the colors of your sampler! Another beauty, Vera. :-) Happy belated anniversary wishes to you and Fletch. 41 years is a long and lovely time together! Here's to many more wonderful years for you. XO

  2. This sampler seems to be coming together so quickly! Maybe it helps that you share an update only once a week, but it does seem to me that you are a fast stitcher.

    We had a very similar weekend here, and it was only a little disappointing to me. I still got outside for my daily walks, but I was not unhappy about curling up with knitting and a book!

  3. Our weekend was much the same, but it was a good one for reading, knitting, and napping. Also, stitching on samplers; yours is looking wonderful!

  4. It was a lovely weekend here although Sunday morning there were a few sprinkles. It was while we were in church though so not a big deal. The afternoon and yesterday were perfect weather-wise. I'm planning to fly to Spokane next week and drive back with Dennis so I'm hoping the weather stays nice for a few more weeks. So far we've been avoiding the extreme heat a lot of areas have gotten.
    The sampler looks lovely. You are a eally fast stitcher.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Belated anniversary wishes to you and Fletch! Your stitching... amazing! I love that new flower!

  6. Belated anniversary wishes! Forty-one years is impressive.
    Don't you hate when the good weather falls on work days?
    I've been able to work at home in the afternoons since we went to hybrid in March, and I also can't imagine how I ever worked full days at school.

  7. The sampler looks great!!! I can't believe how much you have gotten done already.

  8. The weekend weather was similar to yours. I got quite a bit of sewing accomplished, but no naps. The sampler is beautiful and seems to be progressing rapidly. I really love the floss you’re using - such gorgeous colors.

  9. The weather will warm up for you now--it is June! The sampler is really moving along quickly--it is beautiful!

  10. Hello,
    Our weather was much the same here, the sun did come out yesterday.
    Your sampler is pretty, I like the flower you added. Have a great day!

  11. Glad you are still enjoying the sampler. it is complex. Beautiful ! I wish I had the one my mother made about the STATE FAIR . I don't know where those things went, as my sister did not include us all in the estate . It is not hot enough for my liking yet, but those days are promised by the weekend. I love porch nights but it has been too cold so far and only one or two have been had so far.

  12. We've had the same weather, pretty much, and lots of wind. The high heat moves in this weekend. Ugh.

    The sampler is really coming along beautifully and with such deep, rich colours. You'll be done before you know it and on to the next one.

  13. We had a very cold and rainy Friday too, but the weekend weather was actually quite nice. Your stitching is looking wonderful - as always

  14. You are cooking on that sampler! Happy Anniversary! Wow 41 years!

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