Monday, June 21, 2021

Vacationing/Weekending/I'm Back!

 Well Hello There!

How are you?  I've missed you.  I did manage to read a few blogs on my phone, but not a lot and I sort of started to catch up and then didn't.  Oh well, c'est la vie.  We had a wonderful vacation!  It was wonderful to get away.  It was wonderful to see family (some of whom we had not seen for 4 years!!).  And, we crammed a lot into just a few days.  A quick run down of things:

On Monday we took the ferry across the James River and over to Jamestown (a car ferry that is FREE!!!).  This Osprey was nesting right next to where the ferry docked.  She had her wings spread to shade the eggs.

After docking in Jamestown we made our way to the Williamsburg Botanical Gardens which is not a huge place, but certainly gorgeous.  A nice morning walk after the longish ride to the ferry.  Then we had lunch at the Yorktowne Tavern.  Damon (Fletcher's brother) ordered a steamed platter that was shrimp, clams and oysters.  Look what was in with one of his oysters:

A little baby clam crab...supposedly a delicacy...but I don't do oysters anyway.

Tuesday we drove into Norfolk to Fletcher's sister's house and had dinner with a whole bunch of family.  The only shot I got was this one which does not come close to including everyone.

The table was set up in their backyard which goes down to the water.  It was so pretty as it got dark and candles were all along the length of the table.  Food was delicious and there was plenty of wine flowing.

Fletch has 5 brothers and sisters.  Most live in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Chesapeake area, but we stayed with Damon and Peggy out in Suffolk - i.e., out in the country where you have to drive at least 30-45 minutes to get anywhere!!  Suffolk is where Fletch's grandparents had a farm, and, in fact, his uncle still has land there.  It is beautiful country, though there are plenty of snakes (thankfully I saw none) and also bears (again I didn't see any).  For all you spinners, here is a spinning wheel that was Peggy's great grandmother's!!

We missed Tyg while we were gone, but Damon and Peggy have a cat.

Meet Big Guy or Mr. Big.  All 27 pounds of him!!  He is so big, but such a love.  And very handsome.  He would join us on the deck at night and would go after the numerous tree frogs going up the side of the house (and boy are they messy things!!).

I took plenty of reading material, lots of knitting and lots of stitching and did almost nothing - LOL.  And, it was great!!  I managed to start a sock and got the ribbing completed and that was it!  This past weekend has been full of grocery shopping, laundry, etc.  And today is back to work!

An email came through that my office is officially opening July 1st!  That is much sooner than anticipated.  However, we have the option to continue working from home if we like.  I will do a combination I'm sure (I know my bosses will want me in the office at times).

Meanwhile, it is good to be home, though I am missing Virginia and family.  Fletch managed to get a second deer tick bite while mowing the yard on Friday or Saturday!  And Colin pulled a tick off of Tyg one day when he came over to feed him.  We are heading over to Colin & Mailing's for dinner and a concert in the park tomorrow night.  Can't wait to see those kids!


  1. How fun. Mom and I went to Virginia several years back - we loved every minute of it. We stayed in historic Williamsburg, but did a day trip to Jamestown. We didn't make it to Yorktown. I'd love to go back one day!

  2. What a great vacation! Your pictures are lovely, and the fact that you barely had a chance to knit, read, or stitch shows how wonderful your time away was. I hope you have an easy week as you ease back into work and your office. It's nice that you have the option to work from both the office and home.

  3. What a fun getaway full of family and food. Sounds so heartwarming and relaxing. (But it's great to have you back.)

    I have a huge cat, too. Oddly enough, Piper was the one who started out so ill and underweight at 1 pound. We almost lost him. Now he's about as big as Mr. Big.

    Everyone keeps saying it's a big year for ticks. From what you've experienced thus far, it seems so.

  4. What a great trip!
    I love that wheel. What a beauty. I bet it would spin like a dream. The old ones with those big wheels usually do.

  5. Welcome home. Happy to hear you and Fletch had a safe trip and a good time.

  6. Hello,
    Sounds like a wonderful trip and visit with Fletch's family. Mr. Big is a big kitty. The ticks do seem to be bad this year. It sounds great to split the work week some in the office and some from home. Take care, have a happy new week!

  7. I always take projects along on vacation and rarely do anything, but I always think how sad I'd be if there was opportunity and I had nothing. Best to be prepared!!

    It sounds like a lovely vacation with all the best things! I dream of having a big outdoor meal like that someday. Welcome home!!

  8. Sounds like a terrific vacation! I would pick up that cat and squeeze squeeze squeeze him because he looks so smushy!

  9. Your trip sounds wonderful, so glad you had fun.

  10. I love Suffolk. Allison lived in Suffolk and worked at CHKD in Norfolk. We got to know the areas well. I loved Virginia. I loved the history there . I loved The big Navy ship you can tour. The dining areas were great. The boardwalk on the water...was ok in Norfolk. Once we stayed in Smithfield and we loved the little room there on the water where we stayed. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. ! Have fun seeing those two!

  11. It sounds as if you had a lovely time Vera. I've always wanted to visit that part of the world but have rarely had a chance. When Mandy lived in Edgewater, we did get to DC a couple of times but that was it. Piper was pretty small and the weather never cooperated when I visited. I enjoyed all of your photos and it must have been lovely to be with family again.
    I'm sorry to hear about more tick bites. Ticks give me the "willies". I had so many as a young child that I'm paranoid of being outside now that we're back here in the midwest where they are much more prevalent than in WA.
    I always pack way too much yarn too, but it's better to be prepared than run out. I'm glad you had such a great time.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. Sounds like it was a very full week with lots of good time with family -- and the fact that you didn't do much crafting tells me that the company was very good! I hope re-entry is kind to you.

  13. Oh my how nice you had a getaway!!! I'm dreaming of one but it will not happen anytime soon.

  14. What an amazing get away for you! I love that area.. there is just so much history there! (and that great wheel... my goodness, what a treasure!) I am glad you are back! I hope this week eases you back in gently! :)

  15. I'm so glad you had a great vacation! Sounds like a wonderful time.
    My nephew's dog got Lyme's disease from tick bite-I didn't know animals could get sick, too!

  16. Wow - sounds like a great vacation. The spinning wheel looks like a treasure for sure.
