Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday 11/1/23

 Good Chilly Morning!

It is bracing out there - just in the mid-30's or so.  Refreshing, but chilly.  Mabel is out doing her thing...fingers crossed she comes back by 7:30 or so as her vet appointment is at 8:00.  Speaking of Mabel, we had sent a gift (Edible Arrangement) to the family who rescued Mabel, fed and cared for her for 4 months.  Monday we had the sweetest note from them.  Thanking us for the gift, but also saying what a joy Mabel was to have with them for that short while.  So nice the way things worked out.

Did you get any trick-or-treaters last night?  We did not get a single one!  Thank goodness we had not bought candy (we had some to hand out if any kids showed up).

Oh!  We never got our RSV shots on Monday.  I received a text from CVS saying they were sorry but our appointments had been cancelled.  Turned out they had no one in the pharmacy that day to administer the shots.  We are re-scheduled for 11:00 today.

Moving along, it is Unraveled Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers.  Usually I talk about knitting (usually socks), but with the flurry of work the past few weeks, I have not picked up my knitting needles in far too long.  However, I have had an itch to get back to making some granny squares.  I started making some at the beginning of the pandemic with leftover sock yarn and then I stopped.  Not sure why - most likely some bright shiny object caught my attention.  It had been so long that (again) I had to watch a video on how to make them!  LOL  Anyway, turns out that granny squares are so easy to pick up and put down when life is busy.  And the result turned out to be quite a few.

I have not counted how many I have in total now...I'm sure it's not enough even for a lap blanket, so I will continue to make these on a regular basis.  My basket full of leftovers from making socks had been over flowing and was really annoying me.  It is becoming much more manageable now.

Reading wasn't much better than knitting!  I did finish one book:  The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell.  Billed as a cross between Clue and the Great British Bake Off, I thought it would be fun.  Add to that the setting was in Grafton, Vermont - a village I know well.  I was put off early in the book when it talked about being in Northern Vermont...Grafton is definitely in Southern Vermont.  And then the book was just ok.  I finished it and enjoyed parts of it, but it just seemed a bit "over" - you know, over-done, over tedious, etc., etc.  And none of the characters were all that appealing.

I've picked up a new book at the library, so hopefully I'll have something different to talk about next week!

And, just so you know, I missed a TNT post simply because, like knitting, stitching has not happened  in a few weeks.  Hopefully that will all change now.

Happy November!  Be sure to head over to Kat's to see what everyone is making and reading.


  1. You are so nice to send a gift to the family who took care of Mabel. I'm sure they are missing having her around.

    Granny squares are such a great thing to make to both use up scraps and when life is busy and you need something that can be picked up and dropped quickly. I'm sure you will end up with a fun blanket one day!

  2. Mabel just better come home! (I still worry about her but hopefully, she's learned her lesson.) Your granny squares are great! I've never made any and am not much of a crocheter, but that's a great way to use up leftovers. I'm glad work has calmed down and am looking forward to seeing you & Dee on Saturday!

  3. Mabel... I hope that you are at the vet right now! LOL I love those little crochet squares! I have a crochet project in a bag somewhere... perhaps I need to dig it out!

  4. Here's hoping that Mabel came home and had a great vet appt. I think I may eventually take you up on crocheting some squares with my leftover sock yarn. I have tons and knit two sock yarn blankets but it didn't even make a dent in the yarn. Crocheting uses more yarn and is faster so I think I'll try that.
    Hoping for a great day for you two and Mabel.

  5. If all has gone to plan, you and Mabel are at the vet as I type! (Oh, Mabel!) Those are such great granny squares, Vera. I have a soft spot for anything granny square! We had the most stalwart Trick-or-Treaters EVER last night. It was below freezing, snowing, and windy -- and yet . . . they came! (Luckily, my neighbor had a warming station with mulled wine in her garage for their parents!) XO

  6. beautiful squares!! I hope the vet appointment goes well and you have a wonderful day today!!

  7. The only trick or treaters we had were our grandsons and they arrived by car, mostly so we could see their amazing costumes - Captain Toad from Mario and a Waste Management truck. Such clever parents

  8. What a terrific gesture, sending a gift to Mabel's foster family. After all, they were a Very Important Part of her life.

    I woke up to SN*W this morning in NEO. UGH. I absolutely did not approve of it in any way.

    Your granny squares are lovely. It must be gratifying to see them stack up.

    Here's hoping you ended up at the vet!

  9. After the outings of the day , you will enjoy taking a seat and reading or crafting!

  10. That reminds me that I have a box of those squares that need to be joined. I said as soon as it was cold I would get to it but although I have the cold, I don't seem to have the will.

  11. Kids here have been gathering candy at various Trunk or Treat events since last Friday.i can’t imagine the sugar high they must have by now.

  12. Hopefully you are back from a successful vet appointment!

  13. I hope Mabel's appointment went perfectly! I'm still in awe that she's back with you. Those granny squares look great. That's the one thing I'd really like to learn to crochet. Maybe someday!

  14. It looks like the change of crafting projects has inspired you. Hopefully Mabel returned and you got to the vet. We had a total of six trick or treaters last night. It was pretty cold here - high 20's and I wonder if families are choosing to do other things to celebrate. I bought small Hershey bars as treats so they are in the freezer. I figure I can chop them up and use them in cookies. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  15. Some weeks are just like this. Love your granny squares.

  16. I had one organic trick-or-treater -- I know that I missed at least two. I spotted them on my way to/fro a chore that I needed to take care of at Ann's. Then, I had three surprises tricksters hollering & banging on the door... they were so rambunctious that I was sure they were people I knew! And I was right: Junah, Ginny & Malina stopped by to add to their loot (and use the bathroom)! haha.

  17. I saw a sweater coat made of granny squares and as much as don't care for them, it looked fabulous! My aunt and mom made vests with them, fringe, tassels, but this coat was sleek and simple, loved it.
