Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday 11/7/23

 Good Morning!

Boy this first week of November has flown by!  And, even though it is November, it is warm - my computer says it is currently 52 degrees.  52 degrees and it is not even yet 6:30 a.m.  Strange and weird weather (again).

My office visit was brief yesterday - just as I wanted it to be.  I was home before 10:30!  I have my new fob and once again I am set up to print.  We are doing away with our print servers at my office.  When I send something to print it goes to the cloud.  Then I can walk to any printer, tap my fob and then print whatever it was I had sent.  I still have a small laser printer on a credenza by my desk, but for "big" jobs or color jobs I use one of our larger printers.  Supposedly I can now print from any printer that is owned by my company - whether it be in Charlotte, Atlanta, New York or wherever.  It all sounds a bit "big-brotherish" to me and I certainly don't understand how it all works (nor do I need to).

Meanwhile, it's Tuesday and time for a TNT update - finally!  I think it's been around 3 or 4 weeks since I last posted on a Tiny Needle Tuesday.  Not that there is a huge update.  There were weeks where I did not stitch at all.  Thankfully that busyness seems to have eased a bit now.

I have not carved out any time to work on the Cacti Triptych, but I will plan to have an update on that next week.  For now, we will just deal with the BIG sampler - "Sampler Aux Bouquets" by Jardin Prive.  Here's a shot of how the entire piece looks right now:

It's Getting Bigger!

And a close up showing what was recently stitched:

More of the flowers at the bottom - still more to add there as well as leaves.  And the letters D, E and F were added yesterday afternoon.  I'm on the last chart for this piece and really am nearing the end, though there is still a lot of stitching to be done.  Luckily I am still enjoying it.

I want you to know that Mabel is back to her old self - racing around the yard, chasing leaves, catching mice and voles and zooming up the apple tree.  Yesterday she and a deer were having sort of a stand off.  LOL  The deer had come up to within about 2 feet of Mabel and was just staring at her.  Mabel stared right back (with eyes like slits and her ears laid back).  After the deer wandered away, Mabel raced up the apple tree.

This girl has NO fear!

Well, time for me to dry my hair and get a bit motivated to do some things.  Perhaps another cup of coffee first.  Have a fabulous Tuesday!


  1. I'm glad to hear you escaped the office quickly! I'm also happy to see that Mabel is up to her old antics and is doing a good job of protecting her domain from interlopers.

    The stitching continues to enchant me. I certainly hope you're planning to frame and display this piece when it's done!

  2. I'm so glad to see that beautiful sampler again! I am always amazed at how much you have managed to get done. It feels like you just started it.

  3. Your sampler is a stunner, Vera! I'm so glad you're finding some time to work on it again. And I LOVE seeing Mabel back to her usual pursuits. I still get warm-happy feelings whenever I remember that she's BACK! XO

  4. That sampler, Vera! Just wow... it is awe-inspiring! But I am so joy-filled at Mabel! Seeing her fearless in that tree... she looks so happy!

  5. I'm so happy that you have time to stitch again! I do like that snail and the bird on the other side of the flowers; the whole thing is just beautiful! I know you're not one to frame and hang your cross-stitch, but this one certainly deserves to be displayed.

    Mabel sure showed that deer that she is the boss!

  6. Your printer story reminded me of the time our school printers were networked across all 3 campuses. The first few weeks I kept finding items on the printer near my office that were meant for the high school printer - mostly English papers that needed to go to literature teachers. It took the students awhile to figure out the system 🤣

  7. That sampler is so gorgeous Vera. I have enjoyed every post you've done, telling us about it. If I were as good a stitcher as you, I would have an entire wall, floor to ceiling with my beautiful works of art. This one is a stunner.
    Oh sweet Mabel. My heart is so happy to hear that she's thrilled to be back home in her old haunts. Staring down deer, flying up the tree. It's obvious that she is a happy girl. And I think all of us readers are just as happy that she's back.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. I'm so glad Mabel is on the job and making sure nothing bad happens to you.

  9. Your samper is coming along nicely! I'm still baffled by Mabel being so far away. Delivery trucks stop every few houses if that's what she climbed into. Local stray cat was caught after a few months at a residence feeding him, they took him to a farm to be a barn cat and felt bad since most are not cared for. Next day, he is back at that house, walked five miles to return! They aren't keeping him even though he obviously wants to live there.

  10. lovely stitching and I so so so glad Mabel is back where she belongs. She is a joy!
