Thursday, November 2, 2023

It's Getting Cold! 11/2/23

 Hello Everyone,

Just a quick pop-in before I dive into my usual Thursday reports for work.  My computer is saying 27 degrees out; my phone says 24.  Either way, it is chilly!

Mabel did, thankfully, show up in time for her appointment with the vet.  She only needed a feline leukemia vaccine which is annual.  I had forgotten that rabies and distemper are 3 year doses and she is good till 2025.  The vet pronounced her to be in good shape!  A nice, clean coat with no traces of fleas or ticks, clear ears and clear eyes.  He probed around a bit and found no lumps or bumps in her (whew!) and her heart and lungs sounded good and her temp was normal.  She weighs 8 lbs, 7.5 oz.  The last time I had taken her (March 2023) she weighed 9 lbs, so really no worse for her little adventure away from home.

After that, Fletch and I got our RSV vaccines and neither of us have had any issues or negative results from it - not even a sore arm!

Late in the afternoon we wandered out to the garden.  There were some things to harvest and things to do in anticipation of the cold temps overnight.  Fletch put the cap on the coldframe to protect the lettuce and chard.  And we harvested some things.  Figs!

Not as many as I had thought and hoped for, BUT a few have started to ripen.  So, they are on a plate on the counter where the sun will hit them and hopefully we will be able to use them.  I had thought of making preserved green figs, but there really are not enough.

And, we picked tomatoes.

Amazingly there are more out there, but it was so cold (major wind chill yesterday afternoon) that I pronounced this haul to be sufficient.  Looks like we will have some fried green tomatoes shortly!

Well, that's a wrap for me.  I've got a lot of reports to run and sort through.  Later this mornoing Fletch and I will head out to one of the local "drop stations" for ballots - we started doing mail in ballots in the first election during the pandemic and decided we would just keep with it.  Easy and no waiting in long lines!

Have a great Thursday!!


  1. So glad to hear Mabel's good report from the vet! I'm sure you were relieved to hear that she had no long-lasting effects from her adventure. Hope those figs ripen so you get to enjoy them!

  2. I am glad Mabel is no worse for the wear! We delivered our ballots last week... it feels so good to vote early!

    Finally, what a great final haul from your "warm weather" garden! I, too, hope those figs ripen up!

  3. I'm glad that Mabel did so well at the vet. I hope your figs ripen and am wondering what you might do with them then? I've also voted by mail ever since the pandemic. I'm always surprised when millions of campaign signs start showing up because I sent my ballot in at least a month ago!

  4. Glad for Mabel's good bill of health! Have a good day!!

  5. I'm so glad to hear that Mabel's appointment went well. The only figs I've ever had are dried, I'd love to try fresh ones.

  6. It's been chilly here, and we had a record snowfall on Halloween! There's a bit of a warming trend happening now... it's not much, but it's something. I don't know what to expect this winter but, however it turns out, I just hope it passes quickly. haha.

  7. After the extended cold snap last week, temperatures have warmed again during the day - no complaints from me. Happy to hear Mabel is well.

  8. Love your fig and tomatoes harvest. How nice to have fresh fruit despite the chilly weather.

  9. I've still got a few raspberries hanging out there, but I suspect the cold and the snow has done them in - I haven't ventured that far in the yard to check.

    Glad to hear all is well with Adventurer Mabel!

  10. Such good news all around about Mabel.

    We had another freeze, so November is definitely for real around here. Sigh. My volunteer cherry tomato plant is sad and done. My herbs are protected, so I'll be harvesting for Thanksgiving!

  11. I'm getting a triple vax cocktail next Tuesday--Covid, flu and RSV. Hopefully I'll live!

  12. We're finally getting a break from the really cold. It was back up in the 50's today with lots of sunshine. I'm glad you got some figs and hopefully you can do something with them.
    We've been debating RSV shots. Still on the fence.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. so glad that Mabel got a clean bill of health and congrats on the shots and no reactions!!

  14. What a nice harvest. Fried green tomatoes always remind me of my Mom. She loved them.
