Friday, November 10, 2023


 Hello Everyone,

I slept in a little bit which feels wonderful!  I'm having my first sip of coffee and the sun must be up because it is not pitch dark outside, but it is awful cloudy and about 50 degrees.  Not bad for a November morning.

Mabel continues to be a delight and is still staying inside at night and not crying to go out.  That is truly amazing.  She is out pretty much all day, but comes in 5-6 times for a bit of refreshment and to just say a few words.  Lately she's been jumping up in my lap while I'm working.  And she just purrs and purrs and purrs.  I'm guessing she is very happy to be back home with us.

She is definitely happy to be back in "her" apple tree!

Mabel surveying her realm!

She's a wild one, our girl.  

This has been a busy week for us.  We've had contractors here re-doing a back upstairs wall (determined it needed to be done when we started bathroom renovations...if you give a mouse a cookie...always more than you expect/want.  BUT, our contractor is awesome as are his workers.  They will be back today and may finish...or may need a little bit of time on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Fletch and I need to run out to pick up new glasses and I really should stop at Colin & Mailing's to water house plants and do a few things.  I managed to line up someone to clean their house next Wednesday!  What an ordeal that was...the first place I called quoted me $265.  The second place quoted me $555!  Yikes!  To clean a mostly empty (very small) house.  There is minimal furniture (much is in TX).  Anyway, I found a more reasonable person, so I am taking next Wednesday off so that I can be on site.  I'll consider it to be found time to knit and read!

I do have one conference call at 10 this morning and after that I will be in weekend mode!!  Happy Friday everyone - have a great one and a wonderful weekend.


  1. I love hearing about Mabel, especially because it sounds like she has learned a valuable lesson. There's no place like home (so don't hop into any FedEx trucks)!

    I'm glad that you only have one conference call today, and Wednesday sounds like it will be well-deserved - watching someone else clean while you knit and read. Enjoy!

  2. I love seeing Mabel high in your tree! (Actually, I just love seeing Mabel back in your LIFE. . . ) XO I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Vera.

  3. I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday while I'm knitting/stitching at the laundromat -- it's time to do all the comforters!

  4. I'm so glad that Mabel is back and enjoying her life. So you have a contractor you like? Do you know if they take jobs in the city? We are looking for a contractor, and having a hard time finding one.

    Have a good weekend!

  5. Like everyone else has said, it seems Mabel has learned right where she belongs, with you and Fletcher. She really needs to stay away from FedEx trucks. I know you'll enjoy your knitting and reading while the house is cleaned. Wishing you a great day today.

  6. Cleaning rates are high here as well, which I don’t understand. Sweet Mabel is showing how much she loves being home.

  7. One of our indoor/outdoor kitties is insisting on going at every morning at 4:30 all of a sudden. I am NOT amused.

  8. Mabel in the tree just kills me!

    Lemmy has taken to starting cat fights in the bed at 6 am. Burton and/or Rupert are usually in the bed with us at that time, and for some reason, Lemmy just has to dive bomb them!

  9. It sounds to me like Mabel has learned from her Grand Adventure to stay close to home, and I'm quite tickled that she now likes to curl up in your lap and purr (if I recall correctly, she wasn't very touchy-feeling before she went missing). Hope you are now enjoying the start of your weekend!

  10. I'm so happy Mabel is happy! I always worry when I see a title of a blog post that is an animal name, but the exclamation point made me think it wasn't bad news.

  11. I still smile at the incredible Mabel story!

  12. When I saw your post title in my feed I panicked. Whew! Not sure how long these palpitations will last!!

  13. Mabel is such a special kitty and I'm so happy she made her way back to you and is home in her own domain where she belongs!

  14. I am so very glad that Mabel is back home with you! I love seeing her fierce and fearless up in that tree! Hope your weekend was a good one!

  15. mabel is a joy to behold and I am so glad she found her way back to you :)

  16. That Mabel is quite the girl. How does she get down from that apple tree perch?
