Friday, November 3, 2023

TGIF 11/3/23

 Good Morning,

We made it to Friday!  There were points during this past week when I didn't think that would happen.  Yes, it's been another long work week.  Just when I thought things would ease up a bit...they did not.  I'm taking deep breaths and attempting to practice patience.  Today I have two conference calls - one at 11 a.m. and another at 1 p.m.

My plan for this morning is to carve out some me time for knitting or stitching.  It's been far too long since I did either of those things.  And, I'd like to make another granny square to keep that project rolling.  First though I need some coffee (it's almost ready).

Last night I made a curry dish:

There is butternut squash, cauliflower, onions, garlic, ginger, carrots and chickpeas in it.  And kale (I subbed kale for the spinach the recipe called for).  All things I love.  But partway through dinner I thought hmmmmm if I eat another bite I'm going to get sick!  No idea why that happened.  Fletch wasn't that keen on it, so the leftovers have been frozen and will wind up in Colin & Mailing's freezer.  I think they will enjoy it.  I have some other things to take over too - trying to stock their frig & freezer with things so that when they come home at Thanksgiving they won't need to run to the store.

Ahhhhh, that first sip of coffee in the morning is always so good!

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to meeting up with both Dee and Bonny!  We will have a grand time I'm sure chatting, knitting, sipping and working on solving the world's problems (there are SO many!).  Whatever your plans are, I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. That looks good and I would love to try it, but John thinks all curry is too spicy. You're very kind to stock C&M's refrigerator and freezer. It will be wonderful to see them at Thanksgiving and having a stocked kitchen will make it easier for them. I can't wait until tomorrow - good coffee, good food, good friends, and maybe even a row or two of knitting!

  2. I think that dish sounds fabulous! No one else in my house will eat a curry dish, though; sometimes it makes me really sad that I live with such unadventurous eaters. I hope the day goes quickly and smoothly and that all three of you have a marvelous time tomorrow!

  3. I wonder what was up with your curry dish? It looks/sounds like it had such wonderful potential! You are so thoughtful in stocking up the pantry/freezer/frig for C&M. I'm sure they will appreciate that so much! And I am so envious of you and Bonny and Dee getting together! I so wish I lived closer and could join you all sometime. XO

  4. That dish looks amazing and what a lovely treat for C&M to find a freezer with good things in it! Happy Friday (and I hope your conference calls are short!)

  5. that looks delicious! I hope that you have a restful weekend and the meetings are short.

  6. I've been in the mood for a curry but I didn't have the spices I need. Yours looks delicious but it's true that a little curry goes a long way in the tummy.

  7. Well, that sounds like a lovely Saturday! Happy stitching & sipping to you all!!

  8. Your curry looks nice and colourful!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. I love curry, but it's not Rick's favourite. I can sneak it in here and there, but not as a main dish, if you know what I mean. Sometimes curry can get overpowering, so I'm not surprised that you got a little "over it."

    Have fun on Saturday. I know the three of you will get a lot of the world figured out.

  10. I'm not big on curry but yours sure looks good. I can imagine your mantra with work, "not much longer, not much longer!"
    How I would enjoy Saturday mornings with you ladies. I've tried to find people in my area to knit/crochet with and had no luck. I had such a great group of ladies in Spokane before Covid and I miss it.
    Enjoy your time together!
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Stocking Colin and Mailing's freezer is so thoughtful. Since their time is limited, it will be nice for them not to have to grocery shop. I hope you and Dee and Bonny had a great time and solved some of the world's problems. This old world needs all the help it can get.

  12. The kale would cause that reaction for me! Have not tried many dishes with curry and would like to. One without kale.

  13. I agree with everyone that your curry looked delicious and you are very kind to stock Colin and Mailing's freezer. I bet your meet up with Bonny and Dee was wonderful and I wish I could have been there, too!
