Thursday, March 24, 2022

What's for Dinner? 3/24/22

 Good Morning!

It is a rainy time here.  It rained hard on and off all night and we will have rain throughout the day.  I enjoy a rainy day now and then, and we've had so many nice days recently, that a wet one is ok with me.  Plus, the garden will be so happy.

I'm back to trying a new recipe at least once a week.  On Saturday, I used a recipe from this cookbook:

Whenever my parents would go away they always brought back gifts and sometimes it was a cookbook.  This is one of them.  I flipped to the Polynesian section and found

Curried Shrimp in Pineapple Sauce

First you make a Pineapple Chutney:

  • 1.5 Cups pineapple chunks cut in thirds and drained
  • 1 Cup pineapple juice from the can of chunks
  • 1/2 Cup raisins
  • 1/2 Cup frozen pineapple juice concentrate (I didn't have this, so did not use)
  • 1/2 Cup white vinegar
  • 1/2 Cup sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Simmer all ingredients gently for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Makes enough for 3 batches of shrimp (will freeze well).

NOTE:  I just used one can of pineapple chunks and lessened the other ingredients accordingly.  I used the entire amount in the shrimp.

Next, the Curried Shrimp:

  • 4 TBS butter
  • 1 TBS minced scallion
  • 1.5 tsp curry powder
  • 2/3 - 3/4 Cup pineapple chutney
  • 2 lbs cleaned and deveined shrimp
  • Squeeze of lemon juice

Saute shrimp and scallion in melted butter for one minute.  Add curry powder and chutney and cook, stirring until shrimp are done, about 5 minutes.  Squeeze lemon juice over all for desired tartness.

NOTE:  I used just a pound of shrimp and I forgot the lemon juice at the smelled so good and we were so hungry!  LOL  As mentioned above, I threw all of the chutney in with the shrimp.  We had it over brown rice.  There was plenty left over for lunches.  Delicious!

The back update is that the MRI showed a definite compressed lumbar fracture.  I'm seeing a neuro surgeon next Thursday.  I do not want or expect to have back surgery.  Decades ago I had a herniated disc in my neck and one doctor wanted to operate.  I declined and instead did PT and home traction and it all worked out fine.  So, I will meet with the doctor next week and see what he has to say.  Fingers crossed PT will work.

On to nicer things.  Aren't these tulips gorgeous?

Ignore the messy (as usual) table.  The couple in the picture on the shelf to the left of the tulips are Ray & Linda.  To their left is a picture of my parents at the summit of Hawk Mountain (a favorite place of ours to hike).

And this sweet girl kept me company most of yesterday.

She had been out all night again the previous night and was fairly tired.  She even curled up on the rug by the bathtub while I took a shower!  After so long a period of time where she did not want to be picked up, now she just wants to be close all the time!  

Well, I'm off to a late start thanks to sleeping in a bit.  Time for me to get rolling and do my usual Thursday reports for work.  Wishing you all a wonderful day!


  1. Ooh, those compression fractures are sneaky. Rick has two compression fractures, but they are thoracic. No surgery for him; it's a byproduct of his overall spinal condition(s). You sound like you have a healthy attitude about your situation: no panic, no doomsday scenarios, and no resignation. Good for you.

    Dear Mabel. She got a taste of The Wild and perhaps realized how good she has it at home. Civilization certainly has its perks (even tulips).

  2. That's what I did to my back when I slipped and the snowblower came on top of me a few years ago. They did nothing for me and it finally healed. I did lose 1/2 inch in height!
    Mabel is such a sweetheart. She knows when she has it good. When I took my shower yesterday my nightgown fell off the hook on the door. Zoey curled up on it and slept the entire time I was in the shower. What would we do without our fur babies?

  3. Mabel is such a beautiful cat! It's nice to have kitty-cuddles! I'm sorry about your compression fracture -- but I applaud your attitude and approach. I think you're wise to be open to alternatives to surgery. You, GO! And that recipe sounds great, Vera! XO

  4. Yeah - back surgery is definitely a last resort. Sending good juju that PT does the trick. You're pretty active already, so I suspect it will.

    Mabel is so sweet. Burton has been extra clingy lately. I think it's because the weekend before last I was gone all weekend (he HATES that), and this past weekend, both Dave and I were gone ALL Saturday.

  5. Thanks for the recipe sounds delicious! I'm so glad Mabel has completely settled in, she's beautiful.

  6. I'll keep my fingers crossed that surgery is off the table! At least you know what the issue is now, and I hope there are some good options.

    The shrimp recipe sounds really good and might even be something my family will eat, so thanks for sharing!

  7. I make a similar recipe with some firm tofu that I brown and it is good.

  8. Oh ugh about that compression fracture.... but go you on alternates to surgery. Good luck!

    And sweet Mabel! :)
