Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 9/3/24

 Good Morning!

How are you this fine September morning?  There is a little nip in the air here in Eastern PA and I am loving it.  I put the heat on in the bathroom while I had a shower and it felt delightful!  Now I'm cozy in PJ pants, a sweatshirt and slippers!

I hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend.  Ours was quiet, a bit on the damp side (until Monday) and just very nice.  We had a lovely dinner at Bonnie & Zhongren's Friday night.  The cake I made was a hit and we took some figs to share (they all loved them!) as well as cherry tomatoes and beans for Bonnie & Zhongren to have a little later.  Zhongren usually has a nice garden, but he was traveling and out of the country for most of the summer.  Then we were pretty lazy on Saturday and Sunday.  Yesterday was beautiful - and a great day for hanging things on the line to dry, so I took down the kitchen curtains, washed them, washed the inside of the windows...I guess I'm in Fall cleaning mode.

On Sunday our neighbor Rob brought over home-made sourdough cinnamon buns!  Oh my!!  I have never been a huge fan of sourdough, but he is making me a convert (actually I like Mailing's sourdough bread as well).  There will most likely be more because he is "perfecting" his recipe for the cinnamon buns.  We do enjoy being guinea pigs for his creations!

There was plenty of time over the weekend for stitching, knitting and reading.  A perfect combination.  And, in fact, I have a finish to share on this, the first Tiny Needle Tuesday of September!

The design is "Ann's Sewing Tray" by Blackbird Designs from the book "A Schoolgirl's Work."  So named, because the finish shown in the book is the piece put in a frame and then handles added to the frame.  Cute idea (which I have done in the past), but I won't be doing that to this piece.  Not sure what I will do.  Anyway, I stitched this on 40 count linen using DMC floss (1 thread of floss over two threads of linen).  The finished size is roughly 5.5" wide by 4.25" tall.

I've already picked out my next piece to stitch, but I'll wait to share that next week since I haven't even started it yet.

After many weeks of waiting and watching, we finally have a sunflower!

It's not very big and only 2 feet tall, but it's blooming!  There is another plant as well.  And the hibiscus continues to put on a lovely show:

For those of you still working...I'm hoping your work week is easy (I always found shortened work weeks to be way too busy).  And for everyone - have a marvelous week!


  1. I'm glad you're having a relief from the heat. It's gorgeous here this morning with abundant sunshine and cool temperatures. It's supposed to gradually warm up over the week, but right now, we're in the camper sipping coffee (Dennis) and tea, (me) and enjoying fleece blankets over our laps while we just enjoy the absolute quiet other than the birds and crickets. Just us retirees left in the park with the families leaving yesterday. How I love camping!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. This weather is just delightful! And it sounds like your weekend was as well! I am putting curtains and windows (and those dratted blinds) on my September list... thanks for the motivation and inspiration! XO

  3. The weather is gorgeous! I even turned on the oven to bake some zucchini bacon quiche. Your weekend sounds great ,but I'm not sure I'd call washing the curtains and windows being lazy! Your stitching is really a lovely piece and I'll look forward to seeing the new one. Enjoy those cinnamon rolls!

  4. I'm so glad the garden continues to delight!

  5. Ooh, I love sourdough bread, especially with a crispy crust.

  6. I'm glad to hear the cool weather has made its way to your side of the state -- it's so refreshing! Yesterday was pretty much perfect weather here, and it was so nice to get back from a run not dripping in sweat.

    Your latest piece is very pretty, and I'm excited to see what you've picked for next!

  7. Congrats on the finish! It's very pretty.

  8. The stitching is so pretty! Nice job. The flowers are so rich--just gorgeous to see the colors, isn't it? The sourdough bread sounds delicious!!

  9. Another lovely sampler, Vera! It sounds like you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend -- great company and lots of great food.

  10. what a pretty stitch pattern!! i love the colors and the design. I have never had sourdough cinnamon rolls, I like both so I would like that!!

  11. We have quite a few sunflowers, even though deer (or something) ate off all the tops a couple of months ago -- they persevered! Your hibiscus reminds me to go check @ my sister's, she has a plant there that's put on quite a show the last year or two.

  12. That piece is just lovely. I think it might be my favorite of yours so far. I bet those sourdough cinnamon buns were delish. Pretty flowers and what a nice weekend you had. Isn't it great to be retired and not have to think about facing a long-short work week after a three day weekend?
