Monday, September 23, 2024

Weekending 9/23/24


Good Morning!

The garden is still producing!  Now that we are at mid-September and the Autumnal Equinox has occurred, our large tomatoes are beginning to ripen.  Too funny!  Usually at this point there are green ones on the plants (and we do have plenty of them), but they are no longer ripening.  This year, they are ripening like crazy!  Bring on the BLTs and grilled cheese with tomatoes.  Yummy!

How was your weekend? Ours was just so lovely.  Fletch and I have been spotting many migrating birds passing through.  Just the other day we saw four different kinds of warblers (all yellow) and yesterday a female Scarlet Tanager was hanging around.  The light is definitely different these days and our days have been wonderfully warm (not hot) and the evenings have a chill in the air.  Last night I had a shawl wrapped around me while we watched a show on TV.

I did a bunch of cooking and baking.  Almond cookies were made which turned out horribly!  They went into the trash after we tried them.  At Fletch's request I made some chocolate shortbread and some cookies with caramel chips and pecans.  I also made some carrot cake muffins which are just ok.  They are extremely dense and each one seems to weigh a hundred pounds, but they do taste ok.

There are errands to run this morning and I have wash in the machine.  It's kind of overcast, so it will all go in the dryer this time.   And Jim is coming to mow the lawn today (first time in several weeks...we really do need some rain).

I'll be staying away from the blog and the computer for several days.  Tomorrow is Fletcher's birthday and today his brother, Damon, and his wife are driving up from Virginia to spend several days with us.  They have not visited since before the pandemic!  Wishing you all a wonderful week.  I may pop in at the end of the week...or I may just wait until next Monday. 


  1. We did a little garden cleanup over the weekend -- nothing has been happening out there! It looks a lot less messy. ;) Happy Birthday to your fella! Have a fun time visiting.

  2. Have a wonderful visit with friends and tell Fletch a very happy birthday!

  3. I'm so jealous of your tomatoes! Happy birthday to Fletch and have a great visit!

  4. I've got a second harvest of cherry tomatoes coming in, so I understand your bounty well! I hope you have a lovely visit with your brother- and sister-in-law, and happy birthday to Fletch!

  5. I can't say I've ever thrown a batch of cookies in the trash, so they really must have been terrible! The other day I made a raspberry jello salad and it didn't set at all. I had liquid raspberry stuff to mix with my yogurt, but I do wonder about my abilities in the kitchen if I can no longer make jello. happy Birthday to Fletch and I hope you enjoy your visitors!

  6. Happy Birthday to Fletch! Have a great time with your visitors! XO

  7. I love that you saw a Scarlet Tanager! Have a fun birthday visit with your family!

  8. Happy birthday to Fletcher!
    The birds here are crazy. The migration thing is in full swing with hundreds of seagulls everywhere. We get giant ones as they pass through to warmer places and they are BIG. They take over everything and every roof is covered. What a mess they make.

  9. Happy Birthday Fletcher! I hope you both have a lot of fun with his brother and wife. I don't blame you for being away from the computer.
    The tomatoes and baking all look and sound good. It was 33F Saturday night here in the Hills, but when we get home on Wednesday it's supposed to be in the 80's. I would rather the cooler temperatures.
    Have a great weekend.

  10. Happy Birthday wishes to Fletcher! I hope you have a lovely time together with your family. Sending all the best. XO

  11. Happy birthday F! May you have a lovely blog break !
