Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 9/10/24

 Hello and Good Morning!

Happy Birthday to me!  LOL. I'm finding it difficult to believe that I am now 71 years old.  There are days when I still feel and act like a 12 year old.  But, then my knees begin to bother me or my back will ache and I'll say "yup - you ARE that age!"

Meanwhile, back to today.  It is Tuesday and time for a Tiny Needle update.  I've started a new piece.  Here is the design - "The Blessing" by Vilma Becklin of Examplars From the Heart.  I'm sad to say Vilma is no longer designing.  Her pieces are always interesting and fun.  This one looks a bit like Fall, so I thought it would be a good piece to stitch now.

And here is what I have done so far.  I'm using 36 count linen in the color way "Winter Moon" and stitching with hand dyed silk threads from Vikki Clayton.

Both the linen and the threads are so lovely to work with, but my hands are so rough and chapped (despite lots and lots of hand cream), that the threads often catch on my skin and snag.  Still, I'm having a good time with this one.

I did manage to get the box of books out of my closet yesterday.  Geeze...I am no longer able to lift that box.  So I ended up emptying it and putting the books into some (six!!) of our reusable grocery bags.  It was fun to go through the books and see what was there:  Jamberry, Frog & Toad books, Stuart Little, Charlotte's Web, Winnie the Pooh.  There were some books I expected to find (Sheep in a Jeep) that were not there.  I wonder what happened to all of them?  We are taking these to Colin tonight.  And, yes, there will still be books here that we can read to our granddaughter.

Also discovered in the closet was a BIG bag of some of Colin's baby clothes.  Two sweaters I knit him, some clothes I made for him, lots of blankets including a hand loomed gorgeous one.  I have not gone through those things yet, so they will stay here for now (but out of the closet!!).

OK, time to pour another cup of coffee and Mabel is meowing that she wants to go back outside.  Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Vera! This will be a wonderful year for you. May there be many, many more.

    I'm sure you were glad to find all the handknit baby things, and I know C&M will be thrilled to get them. What a well-dressed little one your granddaughter will be.

  2. One of the first things I did when I found out I was going to be a gramma was to start a shelf of books to read with those babies. So excited for you.

  3. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! That closet sounds like a real treasure trove, full of good things! My kids loved Sheep in a Jeep (and all the other sheep books) and the good news is that it's still in print. Have fun going through all the clothes and blankets!

  4. Happy Birthday, Vera!! Wishing you a lovely day (with few aches & pains). ;)

  5. Happy Birthday, Vera! I hope you have a day full of all the things you love!

  6. Happy Birthday Vera Mine is the last day of the month and I will b 70 Enjoy your day No one seems to have heard from Dee lately, hoping she is ok Grace needles54@Optonline.net

  7. Happy Birthday! The baby will love all the books you unearthed.

  8. Happy Birthday! (You and my Heidi share a birthday!) I hope your day is perfection... just like you! XO

  9. Happiest of Happy Birthdays today to you Vera! The next year will be filled with joy and fun--enjoy it all!

  10. Happy birthday! I'll be hitting the big 7 1 this year myself. I've also got a shelf here of books from when my kids were little. The middle one was in the hospital for 10 days with pneumonia when he was 3. I think I read him Hop on Pop a million times during our long, scary stay. That book is going nowhere. I won't even let the Grands hold it...lol.

  11. Happy Birthday. I know - sometimes I wonder how is possible that I am 72?!! and then I look at the age spots and wrinkles and think - oh yes I am. It is fun to look back through children's books.

  12. Happy, Happy Birthday. It's 10:45 pm and I almost missed it! Whew!
    Such a neat new project. I really like it and think it does look like fall.
    I took two of Alex's favorite books from when he was a little guy to them last fall. Baby J can now "read" them from memory and does so frequently on face-time. Alex loved it. His face lit up when he saw them which made it completely worthwhile lugging them all the way to London!
    Blessings and love,

  13. A belated happy birthday to you! Sorry I missed sending my good wishes yesterday. Finding those books and sweaters sounds a bit like going back in time in a way, and I love hearing that books will get used by a new generation.

  14. Happy Birthday to you, Vera! I was out of the blog-loop yesterday, so missed being timely with my greetings . . . but my wishes (late as they are) are heartfelt. I hope you continue celebrating for days and days! XO

  15. Happy birthday to you! I always feel like I'm in my 30's so I'm older in my imagination than yours, lol.
