Monday, September 30, 2024

Catching Up 9/30/24

 Good Morning!

The last day of September!  How is that possible?  I enjoyed my little break away from the computer and I sure hope everyone is ok and weathered the storms without incident.

Fletcher's brother Damon and his wife, Peggy, arrived Monday afternoon and we had such a nice time.  We took a short walk along the canal (and did see a blue heron in flight!) and then had lunch out.  

Two brothers

 Tuesday night Colin & Mailing came over for dinner and then a fire in the pit.  Unfortunately Damon & Peggy left early Wednesday after receiving a call that Peggy's grandson had been in a horrible car accident while on his way to work.  They live out in the country, but Carson was taken to Norfolk General where there is a trauma unit and he has been in the trauma ICU ever since.  Peggy has been keeping us updated - Carson is now breathing on his own and the MRIs show no spinal damage at all.  Still, it will be a slow and long recovery period.

The rest of our week was quiet.  We did not get the major rains from Helene, but it has been misty and rainy all week.  Everything feels damp and clammy.  I'm not complaining...we were fortunate not to be hit and we need the rain.  I did manage to do some knitting and stitching and reading.  We also started a different jigsaw puzzle since it was too crappy to be outside.

The border pieces are huge, but the balance of the pieces are mid- to very small in size.  The title of the puzzle is 299 cats and a dog!

Friday's mail brought my October Sock Squad yarn from The Farmer's Daughter.  Love these colors!

The colors are not right in this photo (thank you grey, damp morning) - the large skein is really blue and the smaller one is more like a rust color.  Very pretty together.

So, what have you all been up to?  I trust that everyone is well and gearing up for a wonderful Fall!


  1. What terrible news to have to go home to for your company. I'm glad they enjoyed their time with you before facing all that stress.

    We had a rainy weekend all weekend. Like you, it was hard to fuss about since we desperately needed the rain. I made a big pot of chicken and rice soup to fortify us against it.

    It's hard to believe that October is tomorrow! Honestly, summer is still hanging around here. (And I'm tired of it.)

  2. I'm glad you got to visit with Fletch's brother and wife but very sorry to hear about the awful accident. We have had drizzle, mist, and some rain for several days. Everything feels clammy but we sure need the rain. I love the cat puzzle and your October sock yarn colors!

  3. So sorry about the accident. Hope the healing continues. I am so happy you have been enjoying the sock squad. I am finally getting back to some sock knitting after about 6 months and it is nice to have that small project.

  4. Here's hoping for the best possible outcome for Peggy's grandson!

  5. I'm so sorry your family's visit was cut short but that horrible news and I'm sending all kinds of healing thoughts to Carson as well as support for his family as they help him through this.

  6. Oh, Vera. I hope Carson continues to improve! What a frightening thing to happen. Sending all the best juju.

  7. I'm sorry your visit was cut short for such a scary reason, and I'm relieved to hear that Carson is recovering well! I hope his improvement continues.

    We've been having the same wet, gloomy weather here. No hard rain, just a near-constant light rain for days and days. It makes it hard to want to get out of bed in the morning, but it's good for the new grass we've got going on the front lawn!

  8. Sending good healing vibes to the family! That's so scary!

    Great pictures of the brothers!

  9. Oh my! That is not good news! I, too, hope that Carson continues to improve. I will keep him and his family in my thoughts in the coming days. As Sarah said, we are having similar weather... but my heart is breaking for those who were inundated.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that your visit had such an awful conclusion. I hope the poor guy will be on the mend. What a nightmare for his family.
    We've got two big puzzles going right now after all this rain. One for The MIster and one for me. We can't agree on how they should be worked on so we each have to have our own.
