Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 9/4/24

 Hello Everyone!

My phone tells me it is 45 degrees out!  That is chilly.  I may need a sweatshirt for my walk in a little bit!

Here we are at Wednesday already, and it's time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  One of my favorite days to blog!  There has been progress on both of my knitting projects.  First up, the Semplice Shawl:

A bunch more rows were added (I've still got a boatload to knit).  The first reverse stockinette section is now complete and I will start (hopefully today) the next section.

The second color block sock is now past the heel turn and gusset stitches have been picked up.

A few more rows were knit after I took that picture last night.  I already know that there is not enough of the brown-ish color to make the toe decreases to mimic the first sock.  That color will need to be a little shorter in the toe.  Luckily I'm ok with that...matchy-matchy doesn't really matter to me.

On the reading front, books have been finished and new ones started.  I did finish Agony Hill and enjoyed it - especially the location (Vermont) and the quirkiness of some of the characters.  It was an easy, good read.  Not great literature and I would not necessarily rush to read more by the author, but I did enjoy this one.

Over the weekend I read Sipsworth and what a charming book it is!  It's one of those books that just make you feel good.  I loved it and now might want a pet mouse!!  Except Mabel....

Fletch and I wrapped up reading A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut.  Typical Vonnegut stuff.  This book is a collections of essays - really Vonnegut's rant about what was going on at the time (2005).  We were glad it was a short book!

Fletch and I are back to listening to an audio book now.  This time it is In True Face by Jonna Mendez.  This is a book one of my brothers recommended to me.  It is an interesting story about a woman (the author) who started out as a "contract wife" in the CIA and rose to become Chief of Disguise.

And last night I started my next read:  The Trackers by Charles Frazier (of Cold Mountain fame).  I managed to read roughly 35 pages last night before I got so sleepy I had to go to bed.  So far, so good.  There is at least one book that is ready for me to pick up at the library and possibly 2, so I'd best get reading!

The large "Bullnose Peppers" that Fletch planted are finally turning color!  These are about the size of bell peppers.  We have not tried one yet, but here is the first one Fletch picked yesterday:

Pretty, huh?  And, yes, that's my hand showing the size (also note that a flannel shirt is worn!!).

Finally, I made a new (to us) salad to go with our dinner last night:  cut up cucumber, sliced peaches, thinly sliced shallot, a drizzle of EVOO and a drizzle of honey, the juice and zest of a lime and some mint leaves.  It was so good and so refreshing!

Well, that's it from me.  Be sure to head over to Kat's for inspiration and enjoy your Wednesday!


  1. Your salad has made my water in anticipation of the flavour.

  2. It's chilly here, too -- I love it! I'm anxiously awaiting my turn for Sipsworth (I really don't understand what takes these people so long to listen to short audiobooks).

  3. I am loving these crisp mornings! (although I need socks to sit out on the porch! lol) That salad looks so delicious!! But your pepper!! Wow! I really love the look of that shawl... the simplicity of the patterning is just perfect!

  4. The salad ingredients are unique, but I bet it was delicious. It’s a dreary day with a slight drizzle, but the windows are open to let in the fresh air.

  5. boy does that food look sooo good!! We've been on a big salad kick for dinners and the more creative I get the better the dinners. Love the knitting and I especially love the 45 degrees!!

  6. Your shawl reminds me of a purple stingray! (But it is beautiful.) I also like the sock and how you matched it to your tablecloth. What an interesting salad; I hardly have any of those ingredients on hand, but I might try something similar the next time I do.

  7. I keep trying to love Sipsworth but it isn't taking.

  8. I had my flannel on in the garden on Monday! The cooler weather is so nice! I wish it could stay like this forever! Warm enough to grow things - cool enough to be comfortable!

  9. I pulled out a flannel shirt myself a few chilly mornings ago but it didn't last long. As soon as that sun comes up it gets warm again.
    The shawl is lovely! I am all about purple right now even though I don't have a purple thing in the works.

  10. I've needed my heated seats on while driving to work the past 2 mornings - what a change!

  11. We had low 50's on Tuesday but it's slowly warmed up again. Today will be in the 90's and only down to about 67 here at the campground. No flannel here!
    That pepper is a beauty. I made fajita's last night with red, yellow and green peppers I found at the local produce stand. They were delicious. I make my own fajita seasoning and with added onion and chicken, we had more than enough for lunch today too. Dennis has his "Pit Boss" griddle that we use for camping and he's made everything on it. I've only used the stove once this trip so far to make myself an egg yesterday for breakfast. It makes for easy clean up for sure!
    We've been told that next years book for our Jane Austin book club will be "Persuasion". Mandy goes with me as shes a HUGE Jane Austin fan. She has an older version of it that she bought used with the cover in bad shape. I told her I would get her a new annotated version like the one I have for this years book, "Mansfield Park." It sure has interesting facts and I love having it right in the book, page by page.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday Vera.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. Now that's a nice pepper!! Did not see that variety here, will make a note for next spring which is a looooooong time from now. Yes, I'm freezing too.

  13. I do love the colors of the new sock! I love the taste of the peppers when they redden (and sweeten). No chilly going on here yet! lol

  14. Okay . . . THAT SALAD! I love unexpected combinations for a salad -- and that looks perfect. I loved Sipsworth as well. Such a sweet story!

  15. Oops, I was here yesterday & never said HELLO! I love the colorway of that sock...

  16. Wow, 45 degrees and a flannel shirt. Not here. We have had two 90 degree days again. I don't think socks have to match either. Sometimes that is fun but like you I don't think it's absolutely necessary. The pair in this post is delightful.

  17. That is a gorgeous pepper! And a refreshing salad, sounds like. Always nice to have a savory peach recipe, I think. I love that you and Fletch listen to a book together. I’m curious how often you have similar or different responses/reactions. Troy and I are very different readers (and movie watchers) — but we do overlap in one or two categories….
