Friday, September 6, 2024

All Creatures 9/6/24

 Hello and Good Morning Friends,

It's Friday!!  Even though I'm now retired, I get excited over a weekend.  LOL. Old habits die hard.  

I've been walking quite a bit - this morning the first thing I saw was a bluebird!  What a gorgeous bird.  Today I walked in Oaks along the Perkiomen Trail down to the Schuylkill River.  Lots of folks out early biking, running, walking dogs.  Yesterday I walked along the canal and again there were a lot off folks out and about.  No sightings of blue or green herons...not even a turtle!  Wednesday I walked the River Trail in Valley Forge Park that goes along the Schuylkill River.  Not as many folks around, but lots and lots of birds in the woods.  I'm thankful to have so many beautiful places to walk.

But now to share some things with you.  I would not have believed this if I had not seen it with my own eyes, but Steve the Beav in climbs trees!

Do you see him perched in the apple tree?  He, along with the squirrels and deer, has been foraging for fallen apples.  I guess yesterday he could not find any on the ground.  So up he went.  He sat up there munching on apples for a good half hour!

This morning when I came downstairs at 6:30, this is what I saw looking out our back door:

Three deer resting in the back yard!  When I stepped onto the patio to take the picture they didn't budge.  Then Mabel came walking across the yard and again, they did not move.  They are so used to her and do not see her as a threat.

Happy Weekend Everyone!  Make it a good one.


  1. I had no idea that groundhogs climbed trees! our groundhog looks too large and lumbering to climb but he just might if we had apple trees. Have a good weekend!

  2. Love Steve in a Tree! I love seeing deer hanging out. I worry that the littles get so tired following mom around.

  3. You have a real zoo at your place! I guess they like your apples.

    Have a lovely weekend (you're still allowed to get excited about the weekend even if you are retired)!

  4. I'd love to have seen little Steve climbing up and out of that tree! Our deer are being overly friendly right now too. They aren't going anywhere when we come out. They just keep on munching.

  5. No way!!!! I would doubt you if you didn't have this photo!!!! Your yard looks like a nature reserve!

  6. My goodness, you have the Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom at your house! And Steve the Beav can climb. That's a fact that I did not know. I thought they were called "ground" hogs for a reason!
    You'll get used to the days running together and not knowing what's happening on what day. I have to keep a very detailed calendar or I miss things.
    Have a great Saturday!
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Steve the Beav... Apple Tree Climber! Who knew!! Resting Deer is also quite cute! I walked a bit here as well this week but did not have a river... only row upon row of identical houses. (Although I did see turkey!)

  8. I showed your deer photo to Dale just now and said he'd shit a brick if he woke up and saw 3 deer in our backyard! hahahaha!

  9. What lovely trails you have for walking. Spotting a bluebird is quite special. Every now and again I have seen one when we are out on a trail. It's been a long time though. And Steve, the Beav in the apple tree. Those must be tasty apples.
