Monday, September 9, 2024

Weekending 9/9/24

 Good Morning!

My goodness - it is just 45 degrees here and it feels so good.  My back was a little touchy all weekend, but maybe I can get a short walk in at some point.  How was your weekend?  Mine was very nice.

Saturday morning I went to the farm (Kimberton CSA) and collected Colin & Mailing's share.  Eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, etc.  A bounty!  By the time I got home Fletch was awake and ready to roll, so we took the produce over to Colin (Mailing is still out of town).  Then the three of us headed to the Lansdale Farmer's Market.  Such a busy place!  We saw Frank (a high school friend of Colin's) who runs the Kimberton CSA.  I managed to get some great looking peaches, a couple of Asian pears and some Fall squash.  Also a delicious loaf of bread.

We hung out at Colin's for a bit and then went out to lunch.  The sky was getting darker and by the time we dropped Colin off at his house and made it home the rain had started.  A nice lazy afternoon with time for a nap!

There was plenty of time for knitting, stitching and reading over the weekend.  And last night we had our first fire of the season in our fire pit.  It felt so nice to sit out and enjoy the fire.  It was extremely quiet in the neighborhood and not even much sound of traffic.  Mabel refused to come near the fire and at one point just wanted to go inside!  We both heard her a little later talking to us - she was sprawled on the windowsill in the bedroom window watching us.

Colin asked us to come over for dinner tomorrow (I think we will just order out Thai food) for my birthday!  Today I will dig out a box of books from my closet - all books that I saved from when Colin was a little guy.  He asked us to bring them over - they are accumulating things for their little girl!

Now it's time to pour a second cup of coffee and check out some blogs.  Hope your week is off to a great start!


  1. What a delightful weekend, Vera! It was the PERFECT weather weekend! We had lovely overnight rains Friday night and not a drop of rain at all during the day! What a great haul from the Farmer's Market! I picked up a squash at the market as well and I am eager to eat it!

  2. Isn't it lovely to start gathering up childhood things for the upcoming grandchild? It makes for such a warm and happy feeling.

    It sounds like you had a pleasant weekend. Ours was brisk and cool as well at the lake, but full of sunshine. I made a haul at the Amish produce stand and can't wait to cook up some fresh veg. Here's to a fine week ahead.

  3. I have loved this whole entire weekend of crisp weather!! how exciting you had your first fire pit, now I know it is FALL!!!

  4. We had a lovely weekend as well. I love the warm/not hot, fall days and crisp nights. Today is supposed to be 90 again so I'm afraid the A/C will be back on.
    I remember giving each of our kids their childhood things when they were expecting. Each grandchild has come home from the hospital in the same outfit their parent did! That's pretty cool. Mandy has even put the little dress in a 3D photo frame with the hospital bracelet too.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend and lovelier yet is the prospect of passing books on to your granddaughter! That is truly exciting news!

  6. I can just picture you and Fletch enjoying the fire and Mabel watching from the window. Fred & George are very good at tracking our outside activity, too!

  7. How fun, that Mabel was talking to you and Fletch. My neighbor has a chatty cat, too. Happy Birthday tomorrow!

  8. BRRR! Enjoy the fall!! I love that Colin wants his little books from his childhood (and you get them out of your house!).

  9. It sounds like you had a pretty perfect fall weekend! It was in the mid-40s here when I got up yesterday, but the sun is still warm so I don't mind that it's a little cooler. And it would feel so good to sit next to a fire!

  10. Happy birthday!
    I'm enjoying these chilly mornings. I need to cut up some wood for another morning fire. The problem I have with the Solo stove is that it only takes wood of a certain size or it will smoke. I'm going to have to dig out my dad's little old chainsaw.

  11. That sounds like a lovely weekend, Vera! Keep some of those old books at home, too!

  12. Happy Birthday. Your cooler temperatures sound lovely and look at that produce. So delicious. How fun to look forward to the new little granddaughter. Have you started knitting for her?
