Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 9-11-24

 Good Morning Everyone!

First of all, thank you for the sweet birthday wishes.  I had a lovely day.  Mailing is still traveling (coming home today), but Colin, Fletch and I went out to dinner at Parc Bistro in Skippack.  It was a beautiful evening and we were able to sit outside for dinner.  The food was SO good...and so was my grapefruit martini!!  Fletch and I got home in time to tune into the debate which was just about exactly as I expected it to be.  Kamala Harris remained calm and well spoken and the opposing side just ranted on and on and didn't even answer the questions posed to him.  Ridiculous!  But we all know that.

Anyway, here we are back at mid-week and it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk all about making and reading.  I am happy to report that my color block socks are finished!!

As I knew would happen, there was not enough yarn left in the mini skein for make the second toe identical to the first...but who cares?  Not me.  Anyway, the toes will be inside shoes.  The yarn was the May selection from the Farmer's Daughter for her Sock Squad.  I will say that all of the yarn I have received has been a delight to play with and knit.

Instead of casting on a new pair of Sock Squad socks, I looked through my stash and pulled out a skein of souvenir yarn to start the next socks.  The yarn is some I picked up on one of Fletcher's and my camping trips when we were in Maine.  It is Pemaquid (80/20) from Maine Yarn & Fiber Supply.  The color way is "Tapped Maple" and I love the way is it knitting up.  Granted, I've only knit the cuff so far, but it is lovely.

It is also very Fall-like.  I'm pretty sure these socks will be plain vanilla and will go to Fletch.

My shawl (Semplice) looks just as it did last week, so I will spare you looking at the same picture.  Hopefully the shawl will get some love in this coming week.

Reading has been good.  I have under a hundred pages left in The Trackers by Charles Frazier.  I'm enjoying it, but it's not the "I can't put this book down" variety.  Still, entertaining.  I also started reading Poor Man's Feast by Elissa Altman and am really enjoying it.  I love books that are memoirs and the bonus with this one is there are recipes!

Fletch and I are continuing to listen to In True Face and after a slow start, it is getting increasingly interesting.  We should be able to get back to listening tonight.

That's a wrap for me.  I need to gulp down more coffee and wake up a bit.  Happy Hump Day!!


  1. Happy Birthday Plus-a-Day, Vera! Oh geez. A grapefruit martini. Why have I never had one of those?
    Love the 'fall vibe' of your colors here (as my 13 yo would say). The cuff of your new sock screams 'grape harvest season' to me, here in WNY where it's that time! Tractors pulling crates have started pulling up at the traffic light in front of our house. My favorite time of year.

  2. Mmm, a grapefruit martini sounds delicious! I hope you enjoyed every drop!

    The finished socks look great, and they do match, even if they're not identical, so that's something. I really like the colors in the new sock, too!

  3. Now I would like a grapefruit martini! I may have to make sure I have one before the VP debate in October. That one might be entertaining! Your color block socks are beautiful as are the new ones. Wishing you a happy Wednesday!

  4. I absolutely love your socks Vera!

  5. Pretty yarn for both pair of socks. I watched the debate, but wasn’t surprised at the result. How I managed to stay sane in the last eight years is a mystery to me. It’s like the movie Groundhog Day.

  6. Wonderful sock finish - I love the colours!

  7. I love those socks! And so glad you have a wonderful dinner!

  8. I'm glad you had a nice birthday and dinner out with your guys. I think a grapefruit martini sounds delicious. Your new socks are terrific and I think the yarn for the ones you just cast on is decidedly fall-ish.

  9. happy birthday!! love the socks immensely, I think I love stripes.

  10. I enjoy your blog & something caught my eye in today’s post. Your yarn called Pemaquid. I grew up & live in Pemaquid!!!

  11. finally catching up! Happy (belated) birthday! and what fun to see all the stuff you're up to. May this next trip around the sun be full of all the things you love!

  12. A grapefruit martini sounds elegant and refreshing. I'm glad you had a lovely birthday. Nice finish on your socks.

  13. Those socks!! Oh gosh, Vera! They are gorgeous! I love them!! And that new yarn does look interesting! I, too, like how it is starting out!

    I loved Madam VP's latest "ad" ... she has pinned the debate video in its entirety on her Twitter page... so DonOLD in all his insane raging nonsense is there for everyone to see! Very demure, very mindful! LOL

  14. I really love the color block socks! They turned out so beautifully, Vera. I loved Poor Man's Feast! I really enjoy Elissa Altman's writing, and am looking forward to a new book from her (I think) being published this fall.

  15. Congrats on the sock finish! A grapefruit martini sounds amazing. I spent yesterday laughing at all the dog and cat memes coming out of the debate but I see today it really wasn't funny. Maligning vulnerable populations to score points is despicable. What a vile creature he is.

  16. I love the way you color-blocked those socks. That small brown/tan stripe on the leg is very smart. The yarn for the new socks looks like a scrumptious fall colorway. Happy knitting.
