Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 9/17/24

Good Morning!

It is rather grey out this morning and looking like it could rain, though rain is not in our forecast for a day or so (we could use it).  Of course, after mentioning not seeing hummingbirds yesterday, one showed up at the patio around 5 p.m. yesterday afternoon.  Fletch and I were sitting out and the hummer flew right up to the hanging basket we have only about 2-3 feet from us.  I'm still not setting up the feeder I already took down.  We do have another hummingbird feeder hanging in the apple tree.

Yesterday I did manage to finish cleaning the living room (mostly - there are still some "piles" that Fletch needs to go through and remove).  That cleaning just about did in my back!  I am not made for housework.  LOL.  I wish I could find a good, reliable cleaning person.

Meanwhile, here we are at TNT, or Tiny Needle Tuesday and it's time for a stitching update.  I managed to get quite a bit stitched this week!

There is still more to the right to be stitched as well as down, but the top of the roof of the house has been started.  I love the red squirrel and the bird on the chimneys.  And quite a few do-dads or motifs have been added across the top.  As a reminder, THIS is what it will look like when I am finished.  It's a fun stitch and the silk threads are so nice to use.

Not much else going on today.  We will do a little grocery shopping and I need/want to do some bedroom cleaning.  Nothing too exciting which is perfect for a grey day.


  1. We need rain terribly here. Much of Ohio is in a drought or nearly. A grey day is forecast here, too, but no rain. Sigh.

    I was just wondering this morning where all the robins went. Hummingbirds are still around, but I haven't seen a robin in a while. I sure hope they don't know something about an early and severe winter.

  2. It is overcast here as well... I am hopeful for some rain, but not holding my breath! Your stitching start is really beautiful,Vera! That will be lovely when it is finished!! My "ugh" task for today is to go through the basement "cold cellar" give it a good clean... and clean out! Sigh.

  3. I just looked up past weather and the last rain we had was a quarter inch on August 17th. I'm wishing for rain for all of us. Your stitching is lovely and fine; I think you must have good eyes!

  4. Isn't that funny that one showed up right after you said they were gone!

    I would kill for a cleaning person for this place... I have so much trouble staying on top of it!

  5. Good Morning Vera! We just left our campground from last night about an hour ago and are heading westward on I-90. The GPS tells us about 4 1/2 hours to our camp for the next seven days.
    Last Amazon Prime day we bought a robot vacuum cleaner for less than half of the original price. We've been so happy with with it. It amazes me how much it gets up every day. And we NEVER wear our shoes in the house. We just have it wander the house in the evening while we're watching TV or reading. It has sure saved my back. When Mandy saw how well it worked, they got one too. It vacuums while she works! That being said, I would still love a cleaning person to do the bathrooms and mop floors! :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. Like Betsy, I love my Roomba! My back does not like vacuuming.

  7. It's also been overcast here and we could also use the rain, though it looks like we might only get a little overnight and into tomorrow. The stitching is looking lovely so far!

  8. Lovely piece you are working on Vera. I do wish we would get rain, last time was in July, but I am happy that it’s starting to cool off a bit.

  9. You did get a lot finished this week! We've got a little rain here off and on but nothing like what we need to get over this dry spell. My yard is full of leaves already but it's not the pretty fall kind. They are brown and shriveled. The trees are in terrible distress.

  10. we are on day 10 of NO rain, sigh. I have to clean my house and I'm still in the thinking stage of that task.
