Friday, September 13, 2024

TGIF 9/13/24

 Good Morning All,

Hope you are doing well this (finally) Friday morning.  And hey!  It's Friday the 13th!!  I'm waiting for the coffee to be ready.  I was up and out early to have bloodwork done and now am eagerly awaiting that first sip of java.

Yesterday afternoon I was worried about Mabel.  We had not seen her since the morning and usually she comes around several times during the day.  I had seen a fox sauntering by back around our garden, so of course I called and called for Mabel.  No response.  She finally showed up a late afternoon.  We both wondered if she had climbed a tree somewhere and was waiting for it to be safe to come down.  I'm just happy she was not on another "great adventure!"  LOL

And now I'm wondering where she is since she went out at 5:30 and I have not seen her yet since then.  Hopefully she will show up soon for breakfast.

Yesterday was fairly productive.  I got some cleaning done - wiping all the kitchen cabinets with orange oil - which was like giving a mouse a cookie.  I ended up taking stuff off the top of the frig and scrubbing that surface.  Then changed out things on the buffet, etc., etc.  The afternoon was mostly spent prepping and cooking.  

Chicken drumsticks are not my favorite, but Fletch had seen a recipe for coconut ginger drumsticks that he thought sounded good.  Basically you marinate drumsticks in coconut milk with minced ginger and garlic, some lemon juice and a minced chili pepper.  After several hours of marinating, you put it all in a Dutch oven and let it cook for several hours.  Adding some soy sauce and tomato paste.  It all cooks down and the meat begins to fall off the bones.  It was pretty good!

I also made a new-to-us salad of Brussels Sprouts sliced very thin and cooked in EVOO till brown and crispy.  Then tossed with some apple (I used one from our tree!), some bacon, a shallot and pecans.  The dressing was maple syrup, cider vinegar. lemon juice, some balsamic vinegar and dijon mustard.  It was great!

Finally, I made a peach galette for dessert!

The peaches I used came from the Farmer's Market last weekend.  I would definitely make this again.

Later this morning I plan to make a run to Ikea (I dropped and broke yet another wine glass the other day).  It's always fun to wander around that store.  After that I'm hoping for time to knit and/or stitch.

We have no plans for the weekend which is kind of the way I like it.  Hoping for a slow and easy one.  Hope your weekend is a good one too!


  1. You are such an adventurous cook. Neither Rick nor I even felt much like eating yesterday and ended up nibbling at leftovers and cookies for dinner.

    The peach galette looks fantastic. That would have been dinner all by itself for me!

  2. That Mabel had better stop worrying us with her absences; maybe she needs a good talking to! Your dinner sounds delicious, and I can see making that Brussels sprouts dish. I would definitely make (and eat) that peach galette! Coffee tastes especially good after you've fasted for blood work and couldn't have any. I hope you are enjoying it and have a great weekend!

  3. Oh, that Mabel! I've had concerns about Fred & George all week since our house is overrun with various carpenters, plumbers, and electricians, but they have mostly stayed out of the fray. Have a good weekend, Vera!

  4. Oh Mabel!! Why don't you stay home??? Rascal! Those chicken legs sound good, Vera! I made chicken thighs with a coconut (not quite curry) sauce this week and they were amazing (I will make them again!)

    Have a great weekend! I hope the weather is exactly like it has been!

  5. Our inside/outside cat has been insisting on going out when it is still dark. It's my fault because I am up roaming around in the wee hours of the morning these days. I have to go out and walk the perimeter to scare off any of the foxes that are lingering. Then I put one of my Echo Dots in the window that faces the woods and play BBC news rather loudly until the sun comes up to keep them away. Crazy, but it makes me feel better when I know she's out there. These are some of the biggest foxes I've ever seen.

  6. That salad sounds amazing!! Happy No-plans Weekend, Vera!!

  7. Maybe you need to put an AirTag on Mabel for your (and our!) peace of mind!

    Your dinner sounds delicious but also way too adventurous for my family members. That galette, though, looks fancy and delicious. I hope it tasted as good as it looks!

  8. Hoping Mabel (or as I am now going to call her Mábel (do you watch Only Murders In The Building?)) arrives home soon.

  9. That Mabel! Happy she didn’t go on a big adventure this time. I like Sarah’s idea about the air tag!

  10. Glad Mabel came home safe and sound. The peach galette looks delicious . Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I'm going to bet on Mabel coming home [again] at some point yesterday. But, geez, she sounds like a teenager pushing the curfew envelope! Ugh.
    Gorgeous crust on your galette, Vera. And another delicious salad! I love how you share your food posts, b/c one really can just about use them as a recipe straight from your blog.
    Hope you enjoyed your 'IKEA hike,' as my daughter likes to call it. One of her favorite 'trails' in Colorado. :)

  12. Yum! That peach galette looks both beautiful and delicious. Do you have a recipe for that salad? If not I can try to wing it from your post but gosh it sounds good.
