Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 9/18/24

 Good Morning!

Is it just me?  Or is September simply flying by?  It's Wednesday and that means time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers.  

This past week saw me doing more stitching than knitting (see my post from yesterday), but I still managed to knit a few rows here and there.  My Semplice shawl had just 4 rows added, but you can tell it's a pattern change again.  I'm still loving this one a lot.  The geometric shapes just draw me in and the knitting is straight forward, no lace work or things to really mess me up.  LOL

And Fall sock #1 in the color way Tapped Maple is now past the halfway mark on the leg.  Fletch likes them, so they will most likely go to him.  He claims to already have enough socks, but really?  I don't think so.

I'm hoping to pick up the pace on these socks, but we shall see.  No rush and it's not a race.  But I do have other things in mind to knit and other things waiting to be picked up again (looking at you Hitch on the Move!).

Reading has been good.  I'm in the midst (about 2/3 of the way through) of Poor Man's Feast by Elissa Altman.  As I mentioned last week this is a memoir with the bonus of recipes!  So, I'll read a chapter and then look at a recipe and suddenly it has me thinking of other things and I'm looking through some of my cookbooks.  An hour or so later I might get back to reading the book.

Cookbooks on a shelf in my kitchen...there are many, many more in the office room.  Like some of you, I love to read cookbooks.

Fletch and I are continuing to listen after dinner (most nights, but not all) to In True Face by Jonna Mendez.  It's interesting, but just not all that compelling.  I keep hoping for it to get REALLY interesting, but that has not yet happened.

OK, time for me to get moving.  I have some stuff I want to do this morning (fortunately not cleaning - ha!).  Hope your Wednesday is a fine one!


  1. Your shawl is really gorgeous and I quite like the Tapped Maple sock! I often like reading about food, so I'm going to check the library for Poor Man's Feast. Happy Wednesday!

  2. Your shawl is really lovely, Vera! But those socks!! I love the yarn and how it is knitting up! Perfection! :)

  3. Fall sock is looking great! September is moving quickly, but not as fast as August did, thankfully!

  4. I am watching a documentary about Julia Alvarez and now I want to go back and read some of her books. Also going to look for the Altman book.

    1. Oops - forgot to sign in for my comment - covid brain fog

  5. Isn't retirement nice? Leisure to do what sort of crafting when you wish to do it? I like the colorway for the socks for Fletcher. I used to have several shelves of cookbooks but I'm down to about 9-10 now. Through the moves I waded through them all and kept my favorites. I do wish I had kept my Pioneer Woman cookbooks though. Oh well. We're at our campsite for the next week in Custer in the Black Hills. Dennis is outside doing some upkeep on the trailer but the winds are blowing 30-40 mph and putting the kabash on some things he wanted to do. It rained overnight and dropped about 30 degrees but we're NOT complaining. It's a very nice change from sweating. :-) We plan to go do some touristy stuff a little later on but just being slow and lazy for our first morning here.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I'm glad the shawl has been such a good project for you. The socks are looking great -- and no one can ever have enough hand-knit socks. They do wear out, you know! Poor Man's Feast sounds like a good read but not something to read while hungry!

  7. The Mister has a drawer full of socks I made him that he never wears but just the same. always thinks I should be making him another pair-which I'm not. Men just don't understand the sock thing, do they?

  8. four rows is four rows! I did no knitting while in boston I was too darn tired to even be alive :)

  9. Just enjoyed a lovely catch up (I miss a few days of blog reading and have four posts waiting for me here) - are you and Dee still meeting up to knit? you two are the ones who always make me want to knit socks. which I haven't actually done in years? I did make my mom a triplet for Mother's Day, but those were DK weight house socks, and I'm sure you'd both agree those don't really count :-) Fletch will sport that new fall pair in style - I love the purple!

  10. Really love that shawl, Vera! (I'm contemplating starting one for myself . . . still.) I loved Poor Man's Feast. And pretty much anything else that Elissa Altman writes. So glad you're enjoying it, too.
