Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tiny Needle Tuesday 10/1/24

 Good Morning My Friends,

How are you?  I'm a bit stiff - I woke up chilly and that always makes me stiff.  It will ease up as the coffee warms me.

The first Tuesday of October and it's time for a TNT update.  The Blessing by Vilma Becklin is continuing to expand!  More of the roof was stitched (still more roof to come), a lot of the tree on the left and most (not all) of the leaves.  Plus the addition of the first cat!

This is such an addictive stitch for me.  One, I really like the design and two, the silk threads are a joy to use.  Fortunately multiple applications of hand cream has helped stop the thread from snagging on my rough hands!

Yesterday we were having spaghetti with clam sauce for dinner.  I went out to the garden to get some parsley...got that plus one fig and then saw the tomatoes.  I went back with the gathering basket:

More large tomatoes are ripening each day.  I need to make some sauce or some ratatouille or something!

Fingers crossed we may be away from the drizzle we've had for days on end.  The sun came out yesterday afternoon and this morning looks a bit brighter!

What are you up to today?


  1. We've got a nice, dry cold front coming through tonight. Thank goodness! I am so sick of all this humidity and cloudiness. My AC has been on forever.

    Your garden just keeps showing up for you! I pulled my celery and basil yesterday; both were completely done. My jalapenos are weighed down and bright red.

    It's always nice when a cat shows up on your needlework, isn't it?

  2. Your stitching is coming along very nicely, Vera! And what a nice last day of September haul from your garden! It is still raining here, but I am not complaining!!

  3. I do like that cat and also the crown at the top, but I would be wary of that squirrel on the roof. She may be planning to raise babies in the attic!

  4. I was just thinking about getting back to more tiny needle work around here. The first of the month always feels like so many possibilities ahead. Your tomato harvest look yummy

  5. Your silk threads issue reminds me of the time I thought it would be a good idea to spin those silk hankies that were all the rage. I never realized how rough and ragged my hands were. I had to give up on them. It was maddening.

  6. The stitching is looking lovely. I'm sure it's a real treat to work with those silk thread. We've also got a bunch of ripe tomatoes, but I haven't been able to get to them because it's been so wet the past several days and I didn't want to tromp through the mud on the lawn to get to the planter.

  7. Im still picking tomatoes and cucamelons every day. I've got three cucumber that will probably be ready by the end of the week

  8. The stitching is really shaping up pretty quickly! The veggies look great!

  9. Gorgeous tomatoes! and I like the stitching too!

  10. every day it's drippy outside, i am not complaining but my hair is all over the place and I don't know how to dress, lol. Love the tree of the stitching.
